[Lots of reasons,] she says. [Dull cumulative personal history reasons. Tired-of-being-pestered-about-it reasons.] She hums for a moment, then adds, [I'd really like it if you wouldn't go talking about it with other people who might in turn pester me.]
[What about people who don't have your contact info?] Bella asks. [Are you a secret or just easily annoyed?]
[Both,] says Mary. [But being a secret will be less important when I'm your banker, as long as random strangers can't contact me with annoying questions.]
[I can't imagine a situation where I'd disclose your address or your email or your phone number. I doubt there's even a good reason to give out your name. We can get you a secretary to filter feedback from the citizenry and only pass on work-related components.]
[Alrighty.] Bella informs Libby, [Mary will require a secretary to shield her from the world's curiosity. Also, should I be paying you for being my personnel person?]
[Thanks,] she says. [The future of your currency is very uncertain... this is going to be fun.]
Mary sounds unduly cheerful about this.
[You have fun with that. We want to aim at it becoming extremely valuable,] Bella says. [Because then I can print more if I want without it being a disaster. Barring a scenario like that I'm going to stop at half a trillion.]
[Can't tell you much more than that at the moment,] she says distractedly. [Give me time, though. And I'd like to move to Mars... oh, sometime next month.]
[Can do. I'll notify Harriet you're to be allowed without hassle; if you find it inconvenient to go through the door let me know and I can fetch you up.]
[Okay. Can I have more than the fact that your first name is Mary, so Harriet can distinguish you?]
[Harriet, a Mary Brandon is to be permitted immigration at some point in the next month. If that's a common name, try brainphoning; there's only one of those on the network. Don't otherwise bother her.]