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...there is the Force, guiding Jedi Master Maya Belōs, and the Sith Darth Chataris (Ophelia Vaudelle), to a very specific fate.
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That rather supposes that she needs to do more than shift her weight and let the cortosis grapple cord play out across her, crossing the arc of Maya's strike at precisely the right time, to defend against the attack she sees coming.  That said, she believes in defense in depth; she turns her slight lean backwards into the start of a backflip right over Lady Belōs' gravity tricks, covering for the move with another pulse of lightning from her saber hand.


It's nice when someone can actually fight. Maya dodges the lightning, evading Chataris' predictable follow-up as well. At the same time, she telekinetically flings a large piece of debris at Chataris' back, with a precise gravitational warp primed to help redirect it far sharper than it normally could when the Sith inevitably dodges it.


Inevitably dodges it?  Hmm, no.  She will be turning into it and cutting it in two with her 'saber, diving through the attack with a telekinetic wedge and leaving Maya to deal with the pieces she's, by simple geometry, thrown at herself.


Even better. Maya cracks a rare smile, and the two chunks whip past her on either side and orbit behind her before curving back at Chataris.


My, my.  A clever technique.  But can she make it work while also defending against, you guessed it, more lightning?


She can. If simple absurd quantities of lightning were enough to catch her, she would have died several Sith ago. The lightning deflects off her 'saber somehow, rather than merely being caught by it as most Jedi manage.


Clever girl.

Unfortunately, the force of that deflected lightning, spun by Chataris, knocks one of the rocks off-trajectory enough that she is able to dodge between them in a way she shouldn't have been able to otherwise, as she lunges forward saber-first!


Maya steps to the side, parrying Chataris' lunge and waving a hand to pull the Sith off course, further away from her. The rubble curves tightly around behind her and sweeps toward her back.


"Really, now," she says as she spins into the landing, riding Maya's Force technique, keeping her blade between herself and the Jedi at all times - and shatters the incoming rubble apart upon a telekinetic spike, grabbing a few pieces and whipping them at the Jedi at speed - "the same trick used thrice will hardly help more than the trick used twice did, Lady Belōs!"

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