[You want to leave the no-magic-done-to-you bit on?] Bella asks curiously. [Really, or is that just what you're telling her?]
[...Yes?] he says. [I can always allow exceptions. But if I leave it on and cut these people out of the permissions, they can't do this to me again. That is definitely something I want.]
[I guess if I wanna give you more magic I can just give you coins directly,] Bella allows.
"Okay," she says, and spends a square to unlock a hex, which she hands over. A pentagon puts Lazarus on the list of people who are allowed to do magic to Lazarus, and removes the travel restriction at the same time.
"Done. Do I get a teleport home, or do I have to take the bus?"
She makes the wish.
[Home sweet home,] Lazarus announces. [How's that cake? Some cake would be great right now.]
[Does your antimagic ward protect you from further spot-checking of the kind that let them determine my location last time?] Bella inquires. [I should probably not show up in your apartment again, because as your enchanted watch shows there are ways around it - they could just look in the window - but we could meet in places they don't know to expect you to appear, if they can't look at you anymore. Also, you may want to call Kolya back from wherever he's escaping to.]
[I did. Speaking of Kolya, I would like you to send me some coins so I can put some security wishes on him when he gets back. I'll think about the spot-checking thing after cake.]
[Let's talk wish design and figure out how many coins you need. Alice, send the man some cake, will you please?]
The logical place to put it is on Kolya's kitchen counter, so that is what he does: a plate with a generous slice of cake, complete with fork.
[You had a look at my powers. Did they look suitable to you?] Bella asks. [You could also continue using the watch for mental defensive purposes. Libby didn't seem to notice it. But we're not short enough on hexes that you have to if you'd rather not depend on an accessory.]
[So you've got antimagic, Bridget-style anti-injury, and need a mental defense, and Kolya has antimagic from earlier but needs mental and either anti-injury or regen, whichever he prefers,] Bella says. [That adds up to three. Am I neglecting anything?]
Then he contacts Kolya again.
After a minute, he reports, [All used up.]
[Good. Has Libby actually convinced you it would be a bad idea for me to know how to safely use my heap of stars? Because that would be disappointing.]
[I totally agree with her that blowing up the world would be bad!] he says. [I just don't agree with her that you're going to.]
[I'm not going to blow up the world. I live here, and my parents live here, and cute fuzzy animals live here, and so on,] Bella agrees.