He spends a moment examining the watch.
[That's... interestingly specified,] he observes.
[I am not handing them, whoever they are, a magic watch that will work if they remove it from your person.]
[Understandable. I'm not planning to do anything as rash as this, but what would happen if I wished for your box to be defined in relation to - say - the sun, instead of the earth?]
Feeling like a bit of an anticlimax, Bella sets herself at x2 and goes to check her email, turning over what she'd do if she wanted to keep someone in a box and how she could thwart herself.
Someone using Lazarus's email account has replied to the tail end of their conversation. That someone is probably not Lazarus, because the email was sent two minutes ago, while Lazarus was wandering around an empty warehouse.
The message reads as follows:
[Wouldn't surprise me,] says Lazarus. [Why do I get the feeling this is not a hypothetical question?]
[Well, it looks like two minutes ago "you" emailed me "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HIM???", so, that was my guess. Any advice on how to handle this?] Bella inquires, clicking to reply.
[...I would appreciate it very much if you'd yoink-proof him, and whatever other wards you can spare, just in case,] says Lazarus. [As for how to reply, well, I think that's up to you. I've never been kidnapped before, so I don't have a good idea of how he reacts to it.]
She writes back, carefully. The email exchange contained no evidence of Bella herself having magic - but it's probably still the most suspicious thing in Lazarus's inbox.
You must be Kolya. I didn't do anything with Lazarus. What makes you think I did?
Kolya's reply comes a few minutes later:
SOMEONE did something with him. if not you then who? where is he i want him back help.
I don't know who might have done that.It's not helpful, but keeping Kolya focused on replying to emails instead of making an obvious - visible - fuss seems like a good plan.
Kolya does not reply.
[No specific thing you can't tell him if it seems like he ought to know, at this point - he already knows something's going on and thinks I'm involved - but I'd rather be present in the conversation if you want to tell him everything instead of just calming him down.]