[I'll bet,] he says. [But you're the one who made it in the first place, aren't you? So you're not likely to have to be reminded it exists.]
[That's true. I don't have to be reminded of things generally, anymore. Well, for the most part - perfect recall's not the same as maximally convenient memory prompts.]
[Yeah,] he says, nodding. [I can see that one, but it doesn't stand out as much as some of the others. Flight is noisy.]
He makes an 'oh, dear' sort of face.
[That one. The this-must-be-what-you-meant-by-helping-
[I call it "cognitive speedup". And the other one the "agony beam". The others are quieter? I'd expect the regen power to be on par with the agony beam just via wild intuitive guess.]
[Huh, weird. Any idea why? What about my various defensive powers, how loud're they? Especially the double-layered one?]
[I'm a wee bit paranoid,] Bella says. [I don't think I wanna give you more hints until we find out what you see on your own.]
[The one you call 'double-layered' doesn't really look double-layered to me,] he says. [I can tell two coins went into it, but only if I look very closely.]
[It did take the second hex, so there must have been something left to do,] Bella says.
[There aren't pieces of it that were added by the second hex. But there's more of it than one hex could account for, and it has a,] he makes more vague hand motions, [an extra-ness.]
[You are so spectacularly eloquent. I don't suppose you want me to be able to read your mind too? Shan't do it without permission but then I could just look at what you're looking at.]
[...You're welcome to read my power, if you think it would help,] he says. [I'd rather you stayed out of my actual thoughts.]
[I am shiny,] Bella remarks. [That's about all I could make heads or tails of.]
[Okay, so that's not going to get anywhere unless I figure out a clever magical translation mechanism. Maybe I should just wish up a facsimile of your power, but it's clearly very complicated and you've got relevant experience and nativ-itude with it - for example, you can see my anti-magical-spying power apparently - so I think I'd rather just retain your services directly.]
[Works for me,] says Lazarus. [As long as you don't mind that I can usually explain my conclusions but not how I got to them.]
[I'll probably ask you anyway. Maybe we can figure out the right questions if we try,] Bella says optimistically.