[Yeah! Why am I standing here rambling, I can ramble while I go look for Kolya,] he says, turning and heading for the stairs. [Anyways. Your power. You know what it does, don't you?]
[The thing that failed for redundancy was a mental defense against spying and tampering,] Bella says. [That's the only way I know it exists at all; it doesn't make itself otherwise known to me, so I don't have much detail.]
[Well, it's very pretty,] says Lazarus. [Almost floral. And it's not inward or outward; I'd call it, hmm, exact. A defined boundary between your mind and the rest of the world. The farther away from that door I get, the weirder it is to look through it.]
[It's just an amusing description.] Bella waits patiently to be told if the place is clear of unobtrusive folks.
Then he says, [Nope, not here.]
Bella steps invisibly through the door, looks around, and says, [What's the apartment number? Or are you going to come all the way back and escort me?]
[I am! That's just about the first thing I did once I had a good hex supply,] laughs Bella, landing on the fifth landing. [Here I am at your door. Can I come in?]
"I suppose at the point where I'm letting an invisible person into my apartment I can stop trying not to act weird," he adds out loud. "Hello."
The apartment is small and moderately cluttered, mainly with loose books. Some of them are on furniture; others are being used as furniture. The couch has two free cushions and one pile of mixed fiction and non-. There is a bookshelf, but it is over capacity and then some.
Bella de-invisibles as she skims his book titles. "You," she diagnoses, "are a reader. Or Kolya is. But given this quantity I'm going to guess both."
"Correct!" he says, perching on the arm of the couch in a clearly familiar posture. "That stack of powers you have there is fascinating. It's hard to look away. What did you say your coins were? Red and glowy? Can I see one?"
Bella nips the edge of her lip and appears the triangle in her hand instead of on her bandolier; she throws it to him. She could square some off the chain but that seems excessive when he didn't even specify a size. "Behold."
Then: "You don't happen to be wearing a few hundred more, do you? That aren't yours?"
"My boyfriend makes most of 'em," Bella nods. "And there are a few that I just found."
"Well, I can definitely see them," he says. "If I look just the right way, the variance in number of sides is as clear as day."
"Interesting. Can you just tell that they're there or could you tell me exactly how I've got them arranged and everything?"
"At this range? I can see them as clearly as I see someone with a power standing behind me," he says. "Location and shape. So yes, I can tell how you have them arranged."
Bella grins and helps herself to a chair. "So, here's a cooperative mint. Anything else you'd like to see done?"