Bella hops into the driver's seat of her nice warm car. Well, nice dry car. She turns it on to cause warmth.
"You know what's great? How you're so consistently informative and helpful and I spend almost no time in your company uncomfortably curious," says Bella.
"Oh." He glances at her and smiles. "Sorry. ...This one's kind of a long story, though."
She shrugs. "If Theo appears and interrupts you, I won't blame you for not having finished your long story, I'll just expect you to pick it up the next time we talk."
Next: a hand landing on his shoulder. Just the hand, and a bit of arm, and the shoulder and a bit of neck.
Next: he pushes the hand away. No one's face is visible, only his shoulders and the two hands.
Next: he shoves the other person away, both hands on their chest; it's a man wearing an open jacket that might be denim or leather.
Next: Alice's shoulder/neck area again, this time with the other man's arm wrapped around him from behind, holding a knife to his throat. (No one in this sequential art seems to have a face. The image ends at the line of Alice's jaw.)
The placement of the knife aligns precisely with the scar under Alice's jaw, which does not exist in the picture.
Last: Alice's hands, flattened against asphalt, decorated with drips of what is presumably blood.
This sequence has taken him to the bottom of the original page, all the way down the other side, and halfway down the next one. He draws a sharp slashing line across this page, under the final image, and hands Bella her book back.
"Someone hurt you," she says. "And you didn't want him to."
She flips back a page, forward again. "When was this?" she murmurs.
"Back in New York," he says. "Remember when I said 'got caught hooking' was making a really long story really short? Yeah." He gestures to the notebook. "There's the rest."
Bella's holding the notebook kind of tightly. "You sure you want this drawn? I told you people've stolen my notebooks, before."
"I don't have a scanner. So I can't really put it in the computer." She's still looking at the drawings. "What got you thinking about this just now?"
Looks out the window.
Says, very quietly: "I get off on getting hurt."
"I didn't mean - this isn't what I was talking about. This isn't pushing Dave into a locker."