Bella attends her classes with faultless punctuality, every time. She sits in the second or third row on an aisle in the middle section of seats, in the classes that take place in big auditorium lecture halls like the main section of Bio; she's willing to put herself closer to the professors in smaller classes like OS and of course her flute chair (third; she hasn't been quite ridiculously showoffy enough to climb beyond yet) is assigned. But right now, she is in Bio, learning tidbits about auxin and tropisms that the textbook didn't cover fully. She's running at about one and a half speed, just enough that she can trivially listen to and process the lecture against her memory of the text while also permitting some mind-wandering. She liiiiiikes her cognitive speedup power.
"I haven't declared a major yet," muses Bella. Their stuff is all cleaned up; she packs her bag and heads for the door.
"I'm probably going to wind up with a double. Comp sci and bio perhaps, maybe a minor in a social science of some kind."
"Sure," she says, shrugging. "But there's a lot of possible pairings in that range, and not all of them are common."
"So it would seem. Or at least I'm leaning towards becoming interesting. What combinations are common - as double majors go?"
"Math and computer science—although not as common as it should be, if you listen to some of the computer scientist mathematicians I've known. Math and physics. In general, any two fields that are either closely related or directly useful to each other. If I could go back and do my education in a sensible order, I'd do math and physics instead of physics and biochemistry as my undergraduate majors. But then, if I'd done that in the first place, I wouldn't be here trying to find out if I really want the rest of that medical degree, because I would never have started it."
"When you said you had an entire degree in physics, you didn't specify what kinda entire degree. Masters? Doctorate?"
"I needn't, but I felt like it," says Bella cheerfully. "I doubt I'll go to graduate school, really, unless I do decide to be a doctor. I don't like academia that much and there are so many other things to do."