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It's depressingly easy to do, in the end. Usmaan isn't really there any more, behind those staring eyes. 

He's sprawled on the couch now, his hand lazily tangled in Raina's hair, talking shit. "Yeah, man, he needs to take it easy for a while. Working himself too hard. I'll keep an eye on him, keep everything running smoothly, not a problem." He gestures expansively with his whisky. 


He waits until the party has dispersed.

His, er, date is very discreetly putting together her own report on what the hell is going on here. He'd be a fool to trust her or Khan completely, but it's all about defence-in-depth, they probably won't both betray him in the same way at the same time. 

"So," he says thoughtfully, eyes on Agan.

From what he can tell, the boy is... troubled. He feels uncertain around Khan but is trying very hard to hide it. And... it's hard to be this specific, but he gets the feeling there's something else bothering him, not just whatever it is that has Khan so rattled. "This is sudden."

His eyes drift to Agent Khan. 



Oh, Shoaib has her number, alright. It's a subtle reprimand and a tease all at the same time, and she loves and hates how he can do that all with a few words. She still has so much to learn from him.

She looks up at Carter and shrugs. Their plan is fucking crazy but she feels like it will work. 

"No better way to follow this than from the inside. We saw an opportunity and we took it." 


"Sir. I acknowledge the unconventional nature of the operation here, but this whole mission has been all about unexpected developments - there's something going on here, the Soviets are tied up in it, we gotta act."


A tiny, tiny ghost of a smile at Khan. 

...The boy hasn't actually taken his hand out of her hair. People very often do have trouble completely coming out of character but-

-no, not her, surely. Agent Khan doesn't have such weaknesses - does she?

...The thing is, he isn't wholly sure it would be a bad thing if she did. In espionage there are many more claims of expertise, than expertise in truth; he at least knows enough to know how much he does not know. He really cannot say if Khan being more whole again as a person would be bad or good for her ability to do her job. 

As long as she doesn't lose sight of what is important.

"Well. I have no corrections to offer you then, Agent Khan, Agent Agan. But I will expect a full debrief. At the earliest opportunity."


Raina nods curtly. "Understood, sir," she says, her eyes blinking slowly. They feel heavy with sleep, and she's too tired and shaken to stop Carter from what he's doing. 

And it feels nice.

They lounge for a few more moments after Shoaib says his goodbye (with a very knowing look at Raina that she's unable to decipher) until she finally hails herself off the chaise, adjusting the fabric of her dress around her. She stumbles, unsteady, adrenaline leaving her in a rush and leaving behind bone-tiredness. 

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