It has been six weeks since Bella sent out her applications and it is now the end of March. She has been on the soccer team since that time, winning the one game they've had against the team from the Quileute reservation, and has introduced Charlie to her flute (he's nonplussed but proud), and has been keeping straight A's in everything.
She has received four rejections (Harvard, Yale, MIT, and Princeton). The other schools are still quiet on the subject of applicant Bella Swan. Except Stanford.
Stanford thinks she is interesting, and would like to interview her in person, when would be convenient for her?
[Hey Alice. If anybody asks you, would you mind telling them you bought me a motorcycle?]
She can drive herself to the airport.
Alice continues to beam! He is thinking about Bella on her motorcycle. They are pleasant thoughts.
"Wanna see the bike, Dad?" Bella asks when the food has all been tucked away into various tummies.
"Sure," Charlie says.
So she takes him out to see the bike.
"Damn," he says.
"Sure," Charlie says.
So she takes him out to see the bike.
"Damn," he says.
Here Ends This Thread