Alice is dismissed. Lucinda calls up Theo. Swearing in and the like happens.
Lucinda stalks up to Theo like she's a tiger. "So," she says. "I understand you have been in the employ of the Hammonds for some time, is that right?"
"...yes," says Theo, after turning the question over in his mind for a moment to see where the scary parts are.
"And do you remember driving Laney to the hospital in November of last year?" Lucinda continues.
"And where did you drive him from?" Lucinda asks. "I remind you that you are under oath."
"Have you ever heard or seen evidence that your employer was mistreating his son?" Lucinda continues, pacing a little.
"Nothing I was sure of," he says, eyes darting from side to side like a hunted creature.
"You didn't think he was doing anything like that," Lucinda repeats, spacing out each word. "Why did you think Laney needed transportation to the hospital in November?" she asks, all innocent curiosity.
"I have a police report," Lucinda says, pulling it out of her files and waving it around slightly. "It says Officer Kerensky found the incident suspicious and asked several people - including you - where Laney had gotten hurt. And that you said..." She peers at the report, like she's never read this part before. "'Dunno'."
"Well, I didn't," says Theo, gaining mroe confidence as he repeats the old, well-worn justification. "I only knew where I was told to pick him up. He could've hurt himself anywhere."
"So," Lucinda says, "your explanation for events is that Laney broke his own ribs... somewhere... and was transported home, by someone other than you, even though you are the family's driver and were working that day... and even though an ambulance would have taken him directly to the hospital... and that none of these things struck you as potentially worth informing the police, so even when Officer Kerenksy sought you out specifically you only told him... 'dunno'. Is that right?"
"That's very interesting," Lucinda says, narrowing her eyes. "I have an architectural plan here. It shows that the Hammond family's current residence was remodeled extensively before they moved in, and that among the renovations made was extensive soundproofing. In every room. This advertisement for the sale of their former residence in New York advertises similar amenities. Did you ever hear any very... very... quiet sounds - that could have been associated with violence occurring in the house, given that information?"
But if that doesn't shake anything loose, she moves on. "Assuming you were being entirely candid, would you describe Mr. Hammond, Sr., as having a temper?"
"Have you ever heard him say, or imply, or suggest by way of demeanor, that he intended to strike his son or had done so in the past?" This is intentionally overbroad.
"Really," Lucinda says. "So you don't think that would have seemed remarkable to you, if your employer had announced that he was going to commit a violent crime? It could have slipped your mind?"