witch awakening experiment
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"You're full of witch potential, yes. I'm just here to help you awaken it smoothly in a way that works well for you."


“So there’s other ways? Would I have been a.. ‘witch’ otherwise?” Is this orc lady dropping magic powers and worldview shattering revelations on her because she’d just wake up magic one day anyway? Or they just like being the one to hand out superpowers to normies.


"You likely would have, but natural awakenings tend to be traumatic, and don't let you pick which aspects of your heritage to express or how you'll improve your strength going forward."


“So I get to pick what… Heritage? Magic? I get?” Choice is good. She approves of choice.


"Not everyone has access to all the same options, but yes."


“Oh good, how do I know wich ones I have?”


"You'll just have to start the awakening process."


“Oh… should I do that now then?…” This is all so surreal Andrea’s brain is just going along with it like its a dream right now.


"Yes, I think so." She offers her hands to Andrea.


She reaches out to take the orc lady’s hands, guessing thats part of it.


The next step consists of looking into Imrijka's eyes. This may be particularly easy because they're glowing now.


Okay time to stare into glowing eyes. They can manage at least this much eye contact.


Andrea's not in her body anymore. She's in something that could be analogized to a starfield, if one felt poetic, or a points-in-space-focused data rendering, if one didn't.

Andrea is close to a group of three nodes, one of which is especially close to her. Imrijka is clearly present, but not with a location in the space.

There's also 10 of something, in a compartment large enough for 150 units.


Eep? Uhhh, this is trippy. Things just keep getting more unreal. “Uhhh help? What do I do?”


"Right now you're perceiving your current and potential power points – you'll spend those on magic – and the three 'classes' of witch. Reach for one, you'll get more information about it. Nothing is final at this stage."


She grabs for the close one then? 


This is the Academic class. Classes are mutually exclusive. If Andrea picks this class, she'll gain power points through study, at square-root rates. Furthermore, the class has a distinctive 'feel' to it, and adding this to a build will discount other nodes with the same feel. The nodes that come in tiers that feel academic will be twice as efficient, and she'll be able to use study time alone (without power points) to develop in two of the tiers that feel academic.


Dnd wizard vibes? Free magic without power points? Whatever those are. She likes studying. Well, when she can focus she does.

She reaches for the next one since orc lady hasn’t spoken up.


The next one is the Sorceress class. Sorceresses gain power points through practice (and require much less practice per day than academics require study), again at square-root rates. They can take ranks in as many elementalisms as they want regardless of affinity, and can empower their elementalisms with the color of their auras. (Andrea's would be a pastel blue, if she went this route.) And again, sorceress-ish nodes will be discounted.


So… dnd sorcerer vibes… Does hasbro know about witches? Elementalism seems kinda cool but she will wait to see what other magics she can get.

She pokes the next one.


Warlock! Warlocks gain power points by doing quests for specific patrons, at a linear rate. Warlock patrons offer warlocks choices of soulbound relics. Additionally, they can mark relics they own and cooperative creatures, and get a sense of location and integrity for the marked entities, as well as the ability to affect them at any distance. (And, again, a generic discount.)

This node has some internal nodes, if Andrea's interested.


Seriously! Who at dnd knows about witches! The only thing missing is witch bards and witch witches. Warlocks with patrons is right out of the source book! Warlocks are sometimes dealt a bad deal in dnd… what with having patrons that could be rather nasty. ”Is it… safe? To poke at warlock? I don’t want to accidentally sell my soul to cthulu or something.”


"It's safe to look, all you're going to see is offers. You couldn't finalize your build now if you tried, you don't even have a race selected. Patrons don't typically own warlocks' souls or even our magic, they just can refuse to offer acceptable opportunities to develop in power. Patrons also tend to prefer warlocks who share interests with them, so it's likely that at least some offers will be from entities you find tolerable."


“Oh uhmm, okay then.”

Poke at warlock node?


Aithaloeis is the god of a volcanic arc in Alfheimr. His quests are going to mostly be located at that volcanic arc. Relics he offers include a cauldron for brewing storms, a talisman of Firecalling, robes of discounted Earthmoving, and a shard of light that will burn Andrea's enemies.

🝢 and her friends are planning to dissolve the barriers keeping the multiverse as it is intact, and she's offering Andrea the chance to be on what she thinks will be the winning team. She can't describe what kind of quests she'll be offering in this context, but she expects they'll be straighforward as long as Andrea isn't squeamish. Relics she offers include a talisman that will prevent her from dying if worn and allow Andrea to grow extra eyes and put them places, a key that will allow Andrea to create doors in any wall, and a weapon whose blade consists of an unshielded portal and is accordingly very good at cutting.

Hestia is a goddess of the hearth. Her quests are going to be related not just to domesticity but to the actual hearth, so if Andrea wants to never make burnt offerings or participate in rocket stove distribution, their relationship will not be very productive. Relics she offers include a system for animating a house, a gem that enhances healing, a set of servitor dolls, and a cauldron for more efficient potion brewing.

Mephistopheles actually does want to own Andrea's soul, but only will take ownership if it permanently departs Andrea's body. He estimates that his tasks are significantly easier than tasks offered by the median warlock patron. Relics he offers include a tool for binding summoned demons into physical bodies for indefinite summon duration, a really nice motorcycle, a trident with an extremely painful head, a key that allows access to the Index of Everything, and a crown that lets the wearer curse others to obey simple commands.

The other patron offers follow similar lines. There isn't one more in line with Andrea's interests than Hestia or one with easier quests than Mephistopheles.

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