Morty knows he shouldn't be screwing around with multidimensional shit. It's dangerous, it's impractical, it's blah blah blah. But it's a potential key to unlimited energy, how does nobody see that? He's built a dimensional siphon (it kind of looks like a cardboard box with a funnel and a TI-84 taped to it, but it damn well works), keyed in the dimensional coordinates to a random plane, and by God he's going to use it.
He flips the switch and waits for the energy bar to fill up.
It does! It fills up very rapidly. Then it explodes, along with the box. There's rather more smoke than there should be, and once the smoke clears someone is standing there.
"Oh dear," Morty says faintly.
"Alli's asking, but at a guess Renée will want to come and teach kindergarten in a major city with warm weather and Charlie will stay home. I feel like I should ask, though - my participation is not actually logistically required for you to arbitrage with my world. While I do in fact feel sort of proprietary about the entire thing, it is surprising that someone else would also think that it is mine. What gives?"
Phase smiles. "Astute. Mostly, it's that you make an excellent point of first contact, and your voluntary participation makes things much, much easier, both magically and legally. There are laws, if poorly written and defined, about dimensional poaching; your involvement means that you can sign forms about your world not being a tropical paradise full of oil that I'm exploiting, or something. Also, you're affiliated with your local super-being organization, which is useful in the eventuality that I contact them with regards to Yellowstone. And I do plan to do something about Yellowstone. Primarily because I'm a basically decent human being, but also..." They shrug. "Can you imagine the brownie points?"
"Hella brownie points," agrees Bella. "Hang on - mmhm? Yeah, that's about what I thought. Does she want Phoenix or would Phoenix make her sad? Mm-hm. Under the circumstances, maybe. Yeah, I wondered that too, apparently I'm a convenient representative for paperwork and talking to the Junebugs and stuff. Well, enough that it's worth paying for the convenience and the goodwill, I guess? I don't have an exact figure. I assume the results will net positive over shortish timescales regardless though."
"They say a hundred fifty million. No, just one, I just can't tell. It seems to happen a lot around here. Alli, they're standing right next to me, okay?"
"He says, 'call me he if you like, my gender is pretty permissive', end quote. You're asking me? Yeah, I know. Yes, I know you're tired. Do we have firm enough answers to be getting on with? Okay. Yeah, go ahead."
Bella giggles. "My guess was right, and if there is for some insane reason an English language kindergarten in a pleasant Mediterranean coastal town you can make Renée's dreams come true, but she will also settle for a kindergarten in Dallas or a kindergarten-free Mediterranean coastal town."
"I think by Mediterranean she intended to imply Greece and neighboring islands but I bet you she'd take Nice in a heartbeat anyway."
"Thanks! I don't have cards, but I have a phone -" She writes down her phone number. "Do you need my schedule, or does Mrs. Carson need my permission to give you my schedule, or...?"
Phase rolls her eyes. "Elizabeth. I do not use my international spy network to acquire student information."
Ms. Carson gives her a patient look.
"...when I could also just get it by asking."
"Phase may be informed of my class schedule. In fact, anyone non-evil who credibly wants to make me a lot of money with the information may be told my class schedule, but Phase got here first."
"Just fine, as well you know. Do bring Vanessa along, I haven't seen her in ages."
"I'll try."
In one fluid movement he stands from his chair, crouches, and leaps, passing through the ceiling without a trace.
Ms. Carson sighs. "Always did need to make an exit."
"Passing through solid objects is not the most obviously capitalism-friendly power I've ever heard of," remarks Bella.
"Ah-huh. Anyway, do you want my phone number so you don't have to send that guy with messages if you need me again?"