Morty knows he shouldn't be screwing around with multidimensional shit. It's dangerous, it's impractical, it's blah blah blah. But it's a potential key to unlimited energy, how does nobody see that? He's built a dimensional siphon (it kind of looks like a cardboard box with a funnel and a TI-84 taped to it, but it damn well works), keyed in the dimensional coordinates to a random plane, and by God he's going to use it.
He flips the switch and waits for the energy bar to fill up.
It does! It fills up very rapidly. Then it explodes, along with the box. There's rather more smoke than there should be, and once the smoke clears someone is standing there.
"Oh dear," Morty says faintly.
"Twins? Huh. That is a super weird system. But cool! Can you talk to your twin from here? Jeez, I hope you can, it'd- can you do that from here?"
"Yeah, I can, I checked. She can hear me just fine and vice-versa and when I have settled in I'm going to be relaying a summary of the whole business through her to our parents."
"That's good! So, d'you want that tour now? Dickinson's really nice, I used to live in Hawthorne but it's way better here."
The ostensible jerks look somewhat bemused. A few wave.
"Jerks is a general term for any large group of people. Most of them are pretty cool. A couple of them are kind of assholes, but they don't do all that much, they're just Regina George impersonators." She floats up the stairs. "First floor is freshmen, second sophomores, etcetera etcetera. I'm a soph, so I'm on floor 2; you probably get your pick." Her voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper. "We've got the cool kids, though. Join us."
"I'm in tenth grade, back home, although school isn't back in session yet because -" Pause. "Uh, what year is it here?"
Ariel checks her bare wrist. "It is currently the Year of Our Lord two thousand and fifteen. January sixth. We just got back from break."
"Okay. It's 2004 back home and Yellowstone recently exploded. Did Yellowstone explode here?"
"...Fuck. No, it didn't- I mean, there's been a ton of supervillains who plotted to blow it up or something, but they've all been thwarted. Shit, that sucks."
"It did it all by itself, as far as anybody knows, no supervillains were involved. There was a little warning; I did evac work with the Junebugs. Anyway, school's going to be out for a while longer and I will be going to a different one because Phoenix is buried under ash."
She brightens up. "So, how about I introduce you to the folks on the cool kids' floor?"
"Hey jerks! Come meet the newbie! If you want!"
Some doors open and people trickle out of them. Ariel makes with introductions. Everyone who's trickled out seems to be on good terms with her. This may be a statistical aberration.
Good for Ariel getting along so well with her neighbors. Bella introduces herself with name and codename and explanation of what she's doing here.
"Wish I could introduce you to my roommate, but she's at the Workshop making some kind of enchanted sword or something. Bit of a workaholic, but I think that might be built into her brain, so I can't really blame her."
"Where am I going to be staying and where do I see about things like sheets and food and shampoo?"
"There's a couple of spare rooms on any given floor for mid-year arrivals. You obviously count, so you'll get one of those. You won't have a roommate unless somebody shows up while you're here and you volunteer to get paired with her. You can get toiletries and furnishings and all that at the campus store. Other things you can get at the C-store include... weird shit. If you really need an arc welder at 3:00 AM, you're in luck. And you can get food at the cafeteria or in town, since you can teleport. The cafeteria food's actually really fucking good, it has no business being cafeteria food. Highly recommended."
"I did not get madly scienced here with any cash on me except for three euro fifty in change from when I last got lunch in Italy."
"You'll have to talk to administration about that, but fish out of water regulations say they have to give you a massive stipend and a debit card hooked up to it. And before you ask, I know this because after the second time I got sentenced to sewer maintenance detention, I read the Whateley handbook cover-to-cover. It's handy."
"Okay, cool, massive stipend. Where do I go to collect my debit card? Actually, is there somewhere I can just get a map of the campus?"
"There's a basket of 'em in the common room, I can fly down and get one for you. You can get the card in the Admin annex of Schuester Hall. Just ask for Miss Hartford. Don't look her directly in the eye, she might take it as a challenge and start barking at you."
"She's a bitch. Known to hold completely inexplicable grudges against people and do everything in her power to ruin their lives. I once had to physically threaten her to stop her from screwing with Sally's schedule. At which point Carson appeared to rein her back in and give me three weeks' worth of detention. I'm still asking around for someone willing to make a model for the woman in the combat sims so I can drop a house on her."