Morty knows he shouldn't be screwing around with multidimensional shit. It's dangerous, it's impractical, it's blah blah blah. But it's a potential key to unlimited energy, how does nobody see that? He's built a dimensional siphon (it kind of looks like a cardboard box with a funnel and a TI-84 taped to it, but it damn well works), keyed in the dimensional coordinates to a random plane, and by God he's going to use it.
He flips the switch and waits for the energy bar to fill up.
It does! It fills up very rapidly. Then it explodes, along with the box. There's rather more smoke than there should be, and once the smoke clears someone is standing there.
"Oh dear," Morty says faintly.
"Wanna hang out and supervise my magic practice in case I accidentally summon a small malicious entity?"
"Always check. I mean, you could still miss somebody, they might have turned invisible for canoodling purposes, but then it's their own damn fault."
"I am now having rather awkward visions of somebody invisibly canoodling and then having to hold very still and quiet until we leave."
"Nah, you can always tell when you're right there. And it's an awkward moment for the people who give a shit, namely you and the happy couple, and we shoo."
"There is no really good invisibility? There are gemini who turn invisible good and proper."
"Nah, there is. It's just, y'know, sex radiates heat, you can't stop breathing heavily on a moment's notice, your discarded clothes may not be so invisible, and if nothing else, it smells like sex. It's possible to cover all those, but people who can A, don't usually bother, and B, will usually just leave invisibly if interrupted."
"Probably true. Though not by all that much, I know a lot of baselines who've mentioned walking in on an 'empty' classroom and having to excuse themselves."
"Where do you meet school-age baselines in quantity when you go here?" asks Bella, putting them over their last secluded grove, finding it empty, and putting them down in it.
Ariel sits on a stump.
Magic practice time! Bella is going to get the fireworks variant down if it... depletes her Essence reserves to any number above six and no farther. Yep.
At what may be a pretty pivotal moment in the casting, there's the sound of an explosion from some not-far-enough-away distance. Ariel flinches.
a basketball-sized mass of fluff appears in her hands. It looks up at her with its adorable round eyes and yawns, revealing a mouth packed to bursting with needle-sharp teeth.
"That's actually sort of cute," says Bella, although this doesn't stop her from teleporting several feet away without it accompanying her to avoid getting bit.
The fluffball emanates feet and walks over towards Ariel. It industriously begins gnawing on her leg.
"Yeah, my point." She reaches into the fluff; her hand flashes through it and it dissolves.
"Aww, the poor floof. Nobody keeps 'em as pets? With muzzles on, presumably. ...Also by talking do you mean, like, intelligibly, because that worries me."
"Hobgoblins are unstable; they decay after a few hours anyway, if nobody takes care of them first. Principle states that attempts to maintain them would just get more and more power-intensive until they blew up. And talking hobgoblins, as far as anyone can tell, are pretty much just the caster's subconscious saying what it thinks a hobgoblin would say if it were trying to simultaneously defend her and cause as much trouble as possible."
"Oh, yeah. That's why Circe said they could be useful; especially for a beginner mage, intentionally unleashing a swarm of hobgoblins can be a much more effective defense than trying to remember how to throw a fireball. Heavy on the collateral damage, but better than getting your ass kicked because some clever dick bum-rushed the squishy wizard."
"Do they do that in absentia? If I'm in some location where I don't care about property damage could I drop hobs and then teleport away and expect them to continue to successfully identify things that were threatening me?"
"Less reliable, but you can definitely count on them to try to fuck up everything in sight, and if you cast them with intent they'll usually go for your target before getting distracted by the shiny electrical wiring. Oh, and they don't usually try to hurt people, just cause damage. Pretty sure that one only went for me because you expected it couldn't get through my field."