Flicker at Whateley
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"Eh, it's cool. My hitting on people is adaptive. And... thank you. Do you want to kiss or something? We are in a very nice secluded clearing."


"I might require dates before kissing. I haven't given it much thought because I have not historically dated. Or kissed."


"Oh, sure, dates are fine! I love dates. Plus you can teleport and stuff, so we're not limited to the bounties of Dunwich. Do you want to go on a date sometime?"

"Great! That's good."

Ariel is pretty much always smiling, but she's smiling even more now. A date! With Bella! Excellent!

"Do you have a time and/or place in mind?"


"Uh... some convenient time? And... some nice place?"


"I have a favorite Italian café, but it may not exist here and if it does the owner will probably not give me free desserts for my evac credentials, so you may need to help me a little with picking where to go. I suppose we could go hiking in the Adirondacks or something if nothing else."


"Oh, there's some good places in Chicago I know. That'll work out alright."


"Cool. I've never actually been to any Chicagos. And: timing?"


"Uh... no idea. I mean, maybe in place of lunch tomorrow? Or something?"


"Lunch tomorrow works."


"Then... that works, then."


"You find the address of a lunch place between now and then and I'll pick you up at noon?"




"Should I find you in your classroom building or your room?"


"Classroom probably works best. That's in 513 Kirby, for the Familiars course. Which looks like it's going to be fun, even if Grimes is teaching."


"Okay. I'll collect you then." Bella writes this down. "Where do you want to be right now?"


"I'm probably just gonna fly around the forest for a while, actually. There hasn't been a green flag day in a while, I feel like being conspicuously superpowered while I'm allowed."


"Green flag?"


"Nobody explained the flags? There's some days where there's people around who need to not know that Whateley's not just a snooty prep school, delivery folks and stuff, so those are red flag days, no visible power use outside at all. Then there's amber flag days, where it's less absolutely vital but you should still be careful what you're doing. Green is 'nobody's around, fuck it'. It's been amber and red for almost a week, they've been putting on a real show of normal for somebody or other. So I couldn't fly. And now I want to fly."


"...Nobody explained the flags. Where is the flag? Do I need to look out for this off-campus? Why is Whateley's nature secret?"


"Flag's in the Quad. Looking out for it off-campus isn't really an issue, it isn't usually that much of a problem if you're just a mutant out and about. Our problem is mostly that... we wouldn't want some anti-mutant creeps nuking us or something? Because that'd be bad?"


"How do you acquire students who aren't inadvertent interdimensional summonees, then, if the school's nature isn't public? I got the impression mutations happen basically at random."


"Most mutants will go to a local superhero when they manifest. All of the supers know about Whateley. If the kids keep it to themselves or are trapped in some kind of situation, then there are various magical ways to find new mutants and give them the pitch. To most of the rest of the world, we're just a kind of shitty prep school."

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