Flicker at Whateley
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He makes his way towards yet another chamber. "It's great fun. Plus nothing ties the community together like making fun of Elyzia Grimes. Do you know, that woman has gone to the staff Halloween party as Morticia Addams every year for the past decade?"


"Sounds like she has things on her mind that aren't costume shopping."


"What to hex the neighbors' cattle with this week, maybe."


"She gave me a ward against casual mental spying, which I appreciate, so."


"Kind of her. I'm assuming this was on direct orders from the headmistress?"


"I was not privy to the exact power dynamics behind it."


"That'd be a yes, then. But I suppose I'll stick to preaching to the choir, since you apparently like her."


"I'm favorably disposed, anyway, I don't know her overwhelmingly well - I'm just not a huge fan of mocking her behind her back."


"Fair enough. Though I should clarify that she does it too; that's half the fun."

They arrive, eventually, in yet another white chamber. This one, however, contains thirteen progressively more complex circles of runes written in fine black ash. It also contains Elyzia Grimes.

"Ah, Lizzie. Speak of the devil."

She spares him a withering glance. "Snodgrass. Well met, profane."

He grins.

"Hello again," says Bella.


She smiles, to some degree. "Well met, Bella. I am sure you have been told the purpose of this test?"


"Seeing if I can teleport through wards. Presented in some order to ensure that if I get a headache it's a little one."

"Indeed. The first is the least potent, as I believe should be obvious from its design. It would keep out very little that truly wished to get in; it is more to ward off those spirits that drift through the ether without any goal or aim. See if you can get through."

(Martin makes very quiet nyeh, nyeh, nyeh sounds. Elyzia declines to notice.)

Bella tries it. Pop?


Elyzia smiles. "Excellent. This rules out the hypothesis that you would be entirely hedged out by any amount of magic at all, which would be unfortunate."

"It would indeed. Next?"


"If you please."


Bella continues trying wards.

The next similarly presents no obstacle. Elyzia peers at it as Bella goes through, but says nothing.

Pop, pop, pop, pop, up to the ninth ward, which- is not a space that she can pop to. It does not appear to exist.

"I don't think I mentioned this to anyone here yet, but I do have a sensory component to my power, sort of, and the interiors of those circles past this one fail to exist according to that sense. All the way to the ceiling, or I'd suggest that I could teleport to just above the failing-to-exist part and see if I fall in."


Elyzia nods. "Much as I suspected. So it takes a fairly significant effort to keep you out, but it is certainly possible. The difference past that point is the amount of intent worked into the casting; there is an amount of 'adaptive' magic telling the ward what it should keep out, instead of a predetermined set of parameters. So even though you are not from this world, it still 'recognizes' what you are doing. Good, good."


"Well, that's inconvenient for me and my budding love affair with the magic library, but probably useful in the long run if it means my magic stuff will interact normally with gemini at home."


"I believe that you now know five people who can open the door for you already, or six if you count Headmistress Carson. If you find that insufficient, I can make you a magically unique nametag which you can use to solicit entry from magical passers-by. And I should note that the wards on the department proper are below that level, so you can teleport just outside the door and wait."

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