Hailey and Iron are starting Pokémon Journeys
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Their fingers slip back, clapping against the base of their hand. 

Concordance floats back a little, harsh light condensing down into a revolving sphere of circles. The wind billows around the barrier, a large chunk of the power diffusing and dissipating but still bleeding through - then the faded wind is met with a cannon of steel type energy, working to shove through the gust of ghostly power.


Neo darts sideways in a desperate lunge, flickering intangibly into a shadow on the ground. A few lingering wisps of shadow-smoke burn away under the cannon blast. She flickers away in an evasive pattern across the ground, then stretches her shadow sharply at Concordance again in a lightning-quick lash.


Concordance shudders back a bit, their skin tarnishing as the ghostly energy dances against them for a moment before it washes away. 

Their hand flares out and up. Immediately, a faint corona of electricity flares around Concordance, accelerating slowly at first but jerking up swiftly after a moment. A moment later, they emit a diffuse wave of loosely formatted psychic power in Neo's direction, corsuscating dull pink waves of energy flowing out of their eyes and claws.


Neo bursts forward and a bit to the side, letting herself get clipped by the edge of the psychic blast to lash out with her shadow again. She staggers from the glancing hit, but strikes out solidly.


Iron shakes their head and pushes both their hands forward, and Concordance's arms glow with the grey of their metal-power, bracing against the shadowy assualt before lunging forward themselves, the firm bracing power shifting forward to the tips of their claws as the bullets form once more. 


Hailey frowns, twisting her hand sharply and snapping her fingers once, then gives another sharp whistle.


Neo dives into the shadows once again, ducking away from the steely projectiles, poking just enough of her head out to summon another fel wind.


Concordance doesn't need much instruction to throw up a wall of Protect's energies. 

"Do you make a habit of stalling out your opponent's? I suppose there is something to be said for the endurance to fight on even beyond the grave." 

Their tongue clicks, and there's a new source of shadows right near her as the earth trembles and spits forth a tide of telekinetically controlled stones. 


"No, we prefer to hit our opponents stealthy, fast, and hard, but Neo's acting like some of Concordance's attacks hurt more than I'd expect them to, given the types, so we're falling back on caution."

While she says that, she holds her left hand high and her right low, and snaps first with her left, then her right, quickly.


Neo dips entirely into the shadows, and uses her concealment to emerge suddenly behind Concordance, lashing out with her shadow once more.


Concordance reels forward, the surface of steel cracking and fissuring, listing forward a little before they refocus and shoot out a wave of mingled telekinetic and telepathic force to try to stagger her in turn more on instinct then instruction.


Neo pushes through that, staggering slightly, lashing out hard with her shadow one more time.

She's leaking more-substantial wisps of shadow from her form, mostly from the bullets that clipped her in the earlier attacks.


Their hand claps into itself, and little motes of grey-glistening energy form once more, shooting forth in a broad singular beam to challenge the rush of shadow now that Concordance has regained their bearings. 


The steely beam doesn't do a lot to disrupt the ghost-type attack, but it does quite a bit to discourage the ghost. Neo dives sharply to avoid the blast, grimacing as she's clipped by the edge, her form wavering around the edges as yet more wisps begin to leak.


But at another pair of snaps from Hailey, she strikes out with her shadow a final time, diving into the shadows as she does so.


Concordance lurches back at the blow, audibly creaking and groaning and then in a moment there's a brilliant flash of light, scouring away the shadows with pure radiant brightness - 


Neo falls out of the vanishing darkness, still looking thoroughly battered. She readies herself to lash out again—


But Hailey whistles once, high to low, and pats her thigh softly.

"We concede," she says aloud, a concerned frown on her face.

She steps down into the crater and gathers her little ghost into her arms.


They bow their head politely, and tap their finger against a ball, the soft red beam of the recall system spilling out and collecting their own pokemon post-haste. 

They blink a little, eyes flicking down to their feet before stepping slowly forward towards them. 

"Is there something wrong?" 


"I don't know why, but those steel moves were hitting her like a type advantage. I wasn't sure at first, but the psychic strike toward the end made it clear. She'd be eager to fight 'til she drops, and normally I'd let her, but this is odd."

She feeds Neo a sitrus berry.


Some of the leaking wisps around her form close up, and then she vanishes into the shadow of Hailey's coat.


"That is unusual... I've heard of regional variations of pokemon that go down to the substance of their typings and abilities, but something that subtle is... odd, certainly." 


"I presume your pokedex doesn't return anything odd for her? It might be wise to check again if it gives you anything - which it might, if it's something progressive."


"I'd expect that you'll need a specialist to find out anything useful, I don't think it'd hurt to check with what we have here." 

They stroke their chin softly. 


She coaxes Neo back out with a mago berry, and then scans her.

"No," she shakes her head, "it doesn't turn up anything abnormal. As far as it can tell, she's just like any other injured Misdreavus."


They tap their lip. 

"I suppose one thing that might narrow it down is if Neo can use Babiri berries? I'm not entirely sure how - narrow the mechanism of those are, but it might give some insight into her condition. Beyond that..." 

They shrug a little. 

"Your guess is if anything likely better then mine." 

They glance over their shoulder. 

"Would you like to go to the pokemon center together, then? I suppose it's not impossible that it's something on Concordance's side, and Nurse Joys' services should hopefully at least give a referral to where we could look for further answers." 

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