"Does your projection have to be this shape and size?"
And she remakes the gate and goes into the tree where her other vassals are waiting.
"Currently," she announces to these, "I am motivated to arrange that your treatment be humane by my own standards, which probably means holding you myself until and unless I work something out with the mortal authorities. I strongly recommend cooperating with me within the scope of the freedom I allow you, because I don't expect to keep that motivation long if you play little games with my orders and make nuisances of yourself, considering who I'm dealing with here. That having been said: you may drink the water, you may if left unattended for longer than two days eat the berries that look like so," she displays a haw, "and the candied dewdrops," she produces an example, "if left long enough for deleterious effects from hunger to set in you may eat the other food in my kitchen, you may talk excepting any utterances primarily intended to make my life inconvenient, and you may move about the interior of this tree in ways that don't injure each other, it, or my non-comestible possessions. Do any of you have any requests or inquiries?"
They parse that for a bit, and then Bonesaw asks "what counts as injuring each other? I can probably make food even less important for those of us that still eat, but I'd have to cut us open to do it."
"You and I are going to need to have a much longer conversation and order set about your powers before I start planning on letting you use them in any systematic fashion, that's if I don't wind up turning you over at all, and I don't plan to leave you here that long. That said, if I leave you unattended for four weeks you may perform interventions on yourself and Shatterbird to increase your shelf life with no side effects I might have wanted to forbid, where the fact that the interventions are surgical does not count as such. Anything else?"
Promise goes back to the mortal world and shuts the gate.
"I need to put you somewhere where you will not inconvenience or frighten too many people if you stay there for potentially days, and be within range of yourself. Any ideas?"
"I may need to demonstrate that I have you, am not sure I care to disclose the nature of your power, and can't show you walking through a gate."
"If nothing else, walking through a gate can be faked. I can dismiss this body and recreate it if I know where."
"Depending on who you want to demonstrate it to, that might not be an impediment. The heroes know this body can teleport now that I did in when saving Bonesaw."
"Yeah, I guess I can just suggest that you can teleport through gates as long as I never have to demonstrate your existence in Fairyland without transporting your other body there first. Given what I've said of my desiderata, any requests?"
"Your other body may non-conspicuously eat your food supply. And non-conspicuously drink drinkable things on hand. Anything else?"
"Okay. Is writing all right? Do you object to being deployed under orders, would you rather I let you be?"
"Depends on the deployment. I'd have objected to killing Jack or capturing Bonesaw, but most missions would compare favorably to not doing anything."
"Following me around invisibly, bodyguarding? I mean, I can also fetch you some books and let you read."
"Okay. ...Can you bodyguard me and trail after me flying without having to directly touch me? With a string or something?"
And when she has delivered mission-appropriate orders including a contingency for appearing presentably if Promise decides to cough up the S9 to some sort of authority or other witness, she departs the hideout, lest vans descend upon her.
Someone will probably call her up sooner or later, but in the meantime: she has an email to her lawyer to write.
I have four members of the Slaughterhouse Nine. They have not been formally arrested and I am not at all sure that I wish to allow them to be. What are my constraints?
But the state objects. Hiding known murderers, with the purpose of keeping them out of the hands of ordinary law enforcement, is a felony.
This does require the purpose of keeping them away from law enforcement. If you have some other reasons, then anyone who wanted to prosecute would have to prove why you were doing it. Since it certainly isn't out of a desire to assist them, you should be safe. You aren't committing any crimes they have much chance at proving so far.
If the authorities ask you where the Slaughterhouse Nine are, you do not have to tell them. This will only buy time, since they will come back with a warrant or a subpoena, and then you are required to comply. If you try to keep the prisoners yourself, you will run up against the law eventually.
How do I identify warrants and subpoenas, and to what extent is not being present to receive them a defense?