The Amies touch one another and the Victorias. The irregularities the clones were created with smooth over, and something approximating clothes extrudes through their skin and consolidates into separate objects. (Color coded for telling them apart, naturally.)
If there are any other changes, they aren't immediately visible.
"Yeah, but not before she can kill as many people as will make whatever her point is, chief," says Blue. "Why don't you drop her in a gate?"
"If I were a silicakinetic fighting someone who did gates I'd have a bit of glass flying directly ahead of me at all times to make sure it didn't vanish unexpectedly, and that's if I weren't on a team with the Apparently Levitating Siberian. The priority is saving Vista, anyway, and Shatterbird doesn't have her and may or may not be going to wherever she is. Red, White," she names Amies, "can you do tracking-by-smell modifications from a cold start or would you have needed to smell the targets ahead of time?"
Red answers, White still seems to prefer to let her do the talking. "Unless we get really lucky with how distinctive they smell, wouldn't work. How about if we do something to Shatterbird? Don't need to find her, and we can have her thinking she needs to get to Bonesaw right away."
It's sort of like a harmonic map. Promise knows the range of her flattener; she tries to make a light overhead, farther than that, and it fails, so the big one for the Leviathan fight is turned off or broken; and that means that if anywhere outside of her portable's radius light appears where she wants it -
"Specialized? It wouldn't be, but she wouldn't need to find out we attacked her until too late. We find a bird, give it an instinct to hang around near flying shiny things, and make it spread something nasty. It's not like there's anyone else up there to infect."
"I do not want anyone having the slightest bit of trouble containing your nastiness-spreading bird later on. And the priority is still Vista, who we still have to find."
Before Promise can veto that idea, the glass figure above them turns to face them and dives.
Blue whoops and rockets up to meet Shatterbird fists first.
Her target shatters like glass. Exactly like glass, in fact. When nothing is left of it but fragments, the real Shatterbird rises to meet them from behind.
Blue charges Shatterbird.
Mannequin breaks off from the fight. He's carrying Vista in one of the far too long limbs he has attached to his body by chains. He walks away, apparently unworried about the increased pressure on his teammates, and beckons to Promise to follow him.
His name snaps correctly when she looks at him, he's not a decoy - does he know? He didn't hear her yell but maybe he doesn't know -
"Cooperate with Alexandria," Promise tells the clones, "catch up with me or rendezvous at the hospital after -"
And then she chases Mannequin.
He's not exactly running. Each stroke of a limb looks more like a flop than anything else. But on balance he ends up making good time, if not as good as Promise can. Once satisfied none of the clones are following, he turns a corner and heads straight down a particular alley.
Well, if he's not going to run, she can try landing on him and trying to pull Vista away, just in case the obvious thing works for once.
After a brief interval of no harm on either side, he opens a door.
"Let her go," mutters Promise, not with much hope, and she heals Vista, because she's seen Vista enough before to do that. How is he even seeing? Is he seeing? If she knew where to put a fairylight order -
He lets his hostage down, and leaves through another exit to rejoin the fight. Vista is awake and standing under her own power, but doesn't try to leave.
Space is rippling; Promise won't be able to make a gate stay.
"Do? Bonesaw did mess with my power so it'd keep doing this on its own, but I can forgive her for that."
"- I'll try not to take too much offense at that. Anyway, your test presented me with a bit of a problem. Because you see there's nobody you really like. It tops out at the sort of distant concern for your fellow living things that, say, Vista over there gets. You'll chase supervillains into dark alleys for her, but you'd do that for most anyone. And this means that you just - don't - have - any - friends."
"I want you to have friends. In fact, I want it so much that I'm not even going to make you do anything for this test. It's basically a free pass and you aren't even my candidate - although we do have room for more than we did back when we were nominating, so it's not necessarily so zero-sum. You'll have more friends eventually, but you're going to start with me."