There is very little exposed glass in the building, There's a lot in the city. All of it snaps and bursts, sequentially, south to north. This is one of the safest buildings to be in, but in the places the warnings haven't reached yet shards of glass fly in essentially random directions. The sound hits immediately after, sounding more like a solid impact than a crash. Then it's followed by a city's worth of glass falling.
Any immediately visible injured if Promise sticks her head out the gap where a window used to be?
While Promise's head is out the window, another sound spreads across the city. A high-pitched whining noise, stretched out, painful to listen to. A siren.
Meet the other defenders at the rendezvous point—north and east, follow the capes—I need to direct the evacuation."
Once Promise lands, a cape in a red striped costume appears next to her. "I'm Velocity. The machine you need is set up, it's in one of the shelters out of the line of fire."
"Okay. I need to be somewhere I'll be able to see him as soon as he's seeable. High up, probably. And as fast as you can get me. I don't have to be able to do anything but see and think but I need to be fast."
She zaps a lightning bolt at them, and everyone else slows down. "It's temporary, so I'll be on the roof with you two. At least until you get a shot; if it doesn't work I'm helping with search and rescue."
Velocity hands each of them an armband, frowns, and switches who has which. He presses a button on his own, and a voice presumably belonging to an important cape comes through.
"...that this could be one of the good days. But you should know your chances going in. Given the statistics from our previous encounters with this beast, a ‘good day’ still means that one in four of the people in this room will probably be dead before this day is done.”
Promise slides her armband on. She is a determined and bedraggled fairy, squinting very very fast into the rainy distance.
The cape giving the exposition continues. Smarter than he looks, don't underestimate him, dangers of macro-scale hydrokinesis plus water creation, et cetera and so forth, and also "far faster than any speedster we have on record."
He goes into strategy: the goal is to hurt him enough that he leaves. Capes are to hit him hard and hit him fast; time is on Leviathan's side before the tidal waves destroy the city or worse.
Promise, presumably, is to drop him into a black hole. Was the exposition cape not briefed of this? "...Everyone knows not to go into the gates, when there are gates, right?"
"We'll warn everyone when there are some. Dangerous powers fired off near an Endbringer aren't unusual enough for special mention from Legend."
"Fair." Gates have potential to be unusually effective but they are not actually unusually fatal.
While armbands like theirs get distributed to the capes downstairs, someone wearing mouse ears and a sword comes up to the roof. "I was told you had a way to slay the monster?" She reaches out and taps Promise's shoulder. "You are now under the protection of Mouse Protector, Hero of Justice!" And she disappears.
"It would have been nice if she told me what her protection was particularly good for. It doesn't seem to serve as an umbrella."
He grabs Promise and speeds her up, and Allegro renews her effect on both of them. The wave comes toward them in slow motion. Differently colored force fields appear around the building, shielding them.
Why can't this water be transparent like any self-respecting water ought to be, where is the fucker -
As they move and shout, Promise can catch a glimpse of the monster's silhouette. A tall figure, with disproportionately long limbs making it appear longer, surrounded by water pouring from nowhere. And, of course, the water pouring from the clouds. He wades closer, his merely human speed appearing all but stopped to Promise.
She outlines the gates in fairy lights, then adds grids across them; there are edges past the cage for the monster, a safety hazard necessitated to get the speed up.
Velocity, another of the few to be able to see what's happening at this speed, uses the armband to shout that Leviathan is surrounded by gates to nowhere and about to go through one.
Come on come on somebody hit him hard enough to get just the tip of his tail pointed down at the hole -