"It's the Slaughterhouse Nine. We're all squishy. You can leave the floor-wiping to someone who doesn't have a team of serial killers aiming for them."
"I have a thing to test versus the Endbringers, or I might be. And I am immortal. You want to know what Jack's idea of a test is? It's 'murder this child or I'll kill somewhat more people next time I'm killing people'. I don't imagine the others are more fun."
"If you stay, you're looking at being specifically targeted. Other capes can fight approximately as well and will be in less danger."
"I need to launch the Endbringer into space. After that, or if that doesn't work, I can go hang out in Fairyland for a while."
"And they have demonstrated the ability to track individuals easily, which leads to our other problem. We have almost no information on where the Nine are, tying our hands even if we had an infallible plan. After the meeting with the local villains we'll at least know more nominees, which will give some additional, if general, information. Or with luck something more solid."
"...into space?" asks Aura.
"Into a black hole, specifically."
"Is that safe?"
"Well, the ends that lead to the black hole from Fairyland didn't suck me and Aegis through them or anything, so if I wasn't sure before I am now. As long as nobody but Leviathan goes into the gates. Anyway. If the order circumvention isn't continuous I could have Mannequin and Burnscar fighting the others, which might be easier to find than all of them just waiting."
Director Piggot nods. "Aegis, you'll need to accompany Promise on one of her errands to Fairyland. Miss Militia, Armsmaster, you have your assignments. I'll find a cape to pair with Velocity, and break the last-minute news about Jack Slash showing up against the Endbringer."
Glory Girl is very grumpy about the prospect of hiding in a tree for several days but her mother made her pack food and homework and books anyway and she isn't actively flying away. When Promise shows up to bring them home with her, she looks at her sister.
"The problem is you can't simultaneously do that and look after everybody they'll put in harm's way to watch you jump," Promise says. "You can fly carrying Panacea, so we can use the gate in this building to get to my tree. This way."
When they reach the tree, Panacea feels its bark. "This is...a lot more like you than most humans are. I still half expected we'd be at least the same kind of thing."
"I started in a tree just like this one. Far away." Promise opens a door in the bark, lets them in, covers her bookshelf with a layer of wood to prevent unauthorized snooping, makes a spare bed and arranges some extra pillows on it. "I'm not going to lock up the food, but do at least think before dipping into it." She isn't looking right at either of them. "Vassalization by food doesn't strictly make anything worse, but it means that there's no hope that I'll ever forget your name - I mean, I might, but you'd still be my vassal. Also, some of the food - not the berries that looks like this," she reaches into her cupboard and picks up a haw, "and not the candied dewdrops," she holds up one of those, "but everything else I have, has a low but genuine risk of having a claim on it from a fairy who is not me. I could blot that out if I were hand-feeding you but I'm not going to do that when I could just bring you mortal groceries, so if you do decide to raid my kitchen, berries and dewdrops first, and probably just don't raid the kitchen. The water is safe though." She raises the ceiling to accommodate their heights more comfortably, gets rid of the fairylights overhead and replaces them with lights in more easily covered places so they'll be able to sleep in the dark. "And don't go outside. I freely admit that nine times of ten you'd be fine, but the tenth time one of my neighbors will be flying by and will have some unknown kind magic and some unknown skill at sorcery and will probably think you look like very shiny toys. They can't get in my tree. Do not go outside. I'm going upstairs to put in a gate to ground level three miles outside of a small town in Australia which I can't name for you because apparently it has a person's name in it. It'll settle within a few days, just walk straight towards the footboard of the bed if you want to go there and don't otherwise. Questions?"
Promise goes up and makes a gate to just outside of the unnamed town of Alice Springs, and then goes down again, remembers to put in a ladder set into the wall so that Panacea can go up and down, and departs, leaving seamless wood behind her.
Back to Brockton Bay she goes.
The only other confirmed nominee is Hookwolf, a leader of what's left of the Empire Eighty-Eight. Miss Militia and the Director offer Promise Hookwolf's name, since he was on the same list as Krieg and Kaiser.
"In case he joins the Nine, partly because of his...current employment, and also because nominees for the Nine often end up fighting one another. It would be a truce violation to arrest him now, but you and the other targets would be safer if you read it."