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"To meet you, of course, and your vassals, the likes of which we don't have in Fairyland."

Yes, obviously this ends with her issuing commands at some point - but she wants his voluntary help with those Endbringer things and there's no reason not to be sweet as pie leading up to that question. If she's very lucky - and he does seem pretty excited that she's a fairy - she might not have to give him any orders he even notices at all.
"Of course, of course. Nor will you; they are quite inimitable, every one original.

Come, sit. Would you care for a meal? The chef can regurgitate it in any form you desire."

"I only eat fairy food, but the offer is very kind."

"As you like it." The four-hundred-pound goblin shrugs, which does not literally cause the floor to shake but looks like it ought to.

"What news do you bring of Fairyland? Is its queen still well?"
...How does he even...?

"As ever. I don't belong to her immediate court, myself."

"Good, good. A king ought to have his equals. Or at least his near inferiors. In my domain, everything is part of my court."


"Your vassals certainly seem very loyal. Do they have names?"


"Of course. Polka here is my favorite of my subjects." The creature to his left has a narrow, reptilian face and humanlike skin. Four fangs, a long tail, and a color scheme more typical of fairies than humans.

Click. Okay, that's useful to know: the things count as people, or at least they can.

"When I told some of my acquaintances that I would be visiting you they wanted me to ask you a question. Specifically, there are some very badly behaved large creatures that occasionally appear where they are not welcome and destroy things. Do you suppose you and Polka and the others might be willing to help fight them?"

Nilbog frowns. "You speak of the monsters. But they are outside my walls. Here I am a content god, why should I risk my subjects?"


"Well, if the answer is no, that is certainly your prerogative. Of course you will not be compelled. If you have no use for the gratitude of others and do not fear that the monsters will eventually visit your borders I can see why you would not wish to engage."


"My so-called neighbors have never tried to treat with me. They attacked my realm once, unprovoked, long ago, and I turned their bodies into material for my subjects. I have earned these years of peace."


"They did ask me to relay the question. Does this not constitute treating with you, now, even if they were very delayed about it?"

"You come from THEM?" Spoken by someone else, it could have been thunderous and intimidating. From someone who hasn't heard another human voice in years, it only sounds warped. The floor shaking might help make up for it, but that part isn't Nilbog. It's just that some of his creations are very large, and they are now forming a ring around Promise. There is still an opening behind her, toward the door.

"My only enemies, and they come not with an apology but with a request.
Tell me, messenger, why should I not have you executed?"

"Forgive me, I don't understand how mortals work very well, and don't know if the mortals who sent me are the same ones who offended you. I only suspect that they are neighbors in a sense."


"Don't you? Did they speak of an attempt on my life and my throne, or did they send you as an uninformed underling?"


"I would not cooperate with any attempt to kill you, nor do I suspect them of wishing to rule your vassals."


"You might not cooperate. But you are a mere errand-runner, not even from the court of your own queen. If my neighbors wished my people to die in battle, in a futile hope that I will be weak for another attack, some snake might think it wise to deceive the messenger."

"I don't think that is the plan, but perhaps I cannot convince you that I have that information. I will not ask for any commitment right now; it seems likely that I know less than you would like from a diplomat. I could convey a message to your neighbors, if you wish."

Or she could shut him down right now, but Polka's name worked. She has no idea what compromise she'll be able to work out with the Protectorate people about that.

"Then tell them I will hear their apology. And they are to send a gift worthy of my attention, whatever their merchants or wizards devise."


"I understand. I don't know how long it will be before they can put together such a gift, but when one is concocted they will likely send me with it." She bows again. "By your leave, your majesty."


He nods to her. "You may go."


She turns and departs out the provided path and then flies to where she is supposed to go.


Her PRT and Protectorate backup is relieved they weren't needed, but surprised that anything so successful ended with Promise leaving the city alone.


"Some of those creatures are people. I need to know what's to become of them."

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