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Promise goes dark. She got a look at the human she was talking to; she can heal that one in flat harmonics even in the dark.


Fighting blind, the numbers advantage means less than it could, but at least no teleporting is going on. The attacker is still better at close combat than they are, and he starts taking the defenders out of commission one after the other. Simultaneously, explosions start coming from inside Lung's cell.

Promise is not actually good at operating in the dark; dark is easy, not useful.

Well, it's a little useful. It means she doesn't have to think about light sources if she wants to -

Now there is a column of intense heat, just barely not touching the floor or ceiling; she softens the spell so it won't go through if anyone's already there. And now that column is un-dark. Obvious bait, but will he take it?
Not at first, but then someone manages to hit back hard enough that he teleports out for a reprieve. A reprieve that comes in the form of white-hot searing pain.

He yells and rolls away. The clone, before disintegrating into ash, lobs another explosive. Reckless to do it in the dark, but it's away from all the visible people and he's hoping it might catch the unexpected cape.
That's her darkness lost in the distraction. And a chunk of her arm.

She's still invisible. The trail of blood now dribbling onto the floor isn't. And she lets out a little yelp before biting her tongue.

With the darkness gone, the teleporter deserves that title again. He doesn't see the blood right away, but one of him is immediately charging through the area where the yelp came from while another follows up on the impact with a knife.

It's not a particularly well-aimed knife.

And she's had worse. Her arm is already fixed. The knife in her hip needs to come out before she can fix that too. Is he sticking around to hold it in place or moving on?

Now that he knows where she is, he's going to continue stabbing until he's confident she's dead. A stream of containment foam comes from a still-active PRT agent, but he's facing away. Even if all of it hit him he could teleport out. And killing the cape takes priority.

Well, this is... flashbacky.

She heals herself and heals herself and heals herself and heals herself -

Her attacker doesn't know. He stops after enough wounds to kill most Brutes. Then he teleports repeatedly, gives each agent a stab to make sure they are and stay down, and three of him resume throwing explosives toward Lung.

Then he stops.

A tall, muscular man exits the cell, breaking through anything he needs to on his way out. While still recognizably human, he has metallic scales protruding through some parts of his skin. Fire swirls around his hands.

He stops, and stares straight at where Promise is still invisible. "I know you're alive. Stay that way. Do nothing. You lost against Oni Lee, you can do nothing to me."

Snap. Not the whole name, but part of it, because apparently they don't vet their cape names very carefully.

"Stop. Tell me his name," she commands Oni Lee hoarsely.
Her vassal doesn't show any surprise. He's not allowed to.

But he answers. The name snaps into place as soon as he says "Kenta—"

"Stop," Promise adds, now to include her new vassal.


They are thoroughly and truly stopped.


"You may, without in any way inconveniencing me, breathe," she adds magnanimously, and then she goes from PRT agent to PRT agent, leaving bloody footprints, and heals.

Only one is dead.

Lung is gradually powering down. The fire dims, the scales stop spreading, and he is slightly less superhumanly tall.
Then that must be some involuntary feature of him, she supposes.

She turns visible.

"You may, exclusively with the complete and helpfully stated truth as you can to the best of your ability recall it, and without taking extraneous actions of any kind, answer questions put to you." That's for both of them. For Oni Lee: "How many people in this building who are not present in this room did you hurt?" She remembers how many she healed and how many she found dead.

He doesn't actually have to answer, with it phrased that way. She is curious if he will choose to.

He does. "Wasn't counting. More than five, less than fifty. A few dozen maybe."

Making them follow her while she looks to see if anyone else is still alive is probably going to be awkward.

She turns to the nearest PRT person. "Will your people please make sure that any late arrivals to the scene understand that things are under control and these two are neutralized? I don't want to frighten anyone while I go see if anyone else still can benefit from healing."

The agent nods. Then she speaks into a gadget, "Healer on-site. I'm giving her my radio, direct her to your location if someone is injured," and hands it to Promise.


"Thank you." Promise takes the radio. She follows its directions.

It leads her to the surviving injured.
By the time she is done, the PRT knows that Oni Lee and Lung are both captured and that it was Promise who did it. And there are fewer deaths than there could have been.
When she has healed all the injured she goes back to her new vassals. She returns the radio.

"Now I suppose I have to figure out what to do with you," she remarks to the villains.
They say nothing, because it wasn't a question posed to them.

(They have since been locked up, and Oni Lee blindfolded. It's not that everyone doesn't trust an untested power to hold two of the city's most dangerous villains, it just seemed like the thing to do. And they don't trust an untested power to hold two of the city's most dangerous villains.)
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