"If it is ever an overwhelming strategic necessity, I figured out her name, so to the extent she can be powered by the already-dead she's available; I retain my objection to slave labor in lesser emergencies."
"At her current power level she is unlikely to be what makes the difference, but that is potentially useful information."
It would be unutterably hilarious if after all this it turns out that Scion's real body isn't a gateable location at all.
And the doomsday device falls straight down, its timer counting down from barely above zero.
The weapon fires. With everyone watching him, Scion disappears.
The entity's avatar vanishes, returning to its world. It sees the planet broken, seas evaporated, and severe damage to many of its shards. It clasps its avatar's hands in front of it, a sphere spreading out and stilling everything in its path. Earthquakes stop, rocks settle back into their assigned places, and many of the shard clusters are undamaged. The entity looks at the device that caused this destruction. It is familiar, technology copied from a host species cycles ago. A shard did do this. The entity recalibrates its precognitive ability. Not only protecting against those powers that can strike at it through its golden avatar, it will provide a method of eliminating anything that enters his earth. The next such attack will be over before it can begin. The entity manifests its avatar again, taking care to look exactly as before. It quickly finds the world the device came from. No recognition; that world is empty. It returns to the primary destination, where most of its shards' hosts are, to look for who caused this attack.
To the eyes of the world, Scion reappears. And he's angry.
This is really the wrong time to try talking, but all Promise's sorcerous tasks can be handled by others, she wrote down Moord Nag's name with all the others for emergencies, and she knows where she'll respawn and has stuff prepped there if necessary, and other sorcerers are manning the artillery gates, and the Kept and fairies all have their orders stable for now -
"Door to Scion -"
He raises a hand to threaten her. He wants her dead, exactly, killing her is just the obvious thing to do after someone manages to hurt him.
"Why us, then, why not -" The scope of things suddenly widens in her head; there are two and two is not a real number and there must be more. "- the others like you, instead?"
Tangle. The entity speaks, describing what fighting each other means to its kind, but how much the strange organism's ability can translate is a different question.
She gets... some of that.
"You could change roles. The mortals used to think of you as a defender, a hero -"
The feared endpoint is the same as the tangle they came from, but in every space in all accessible universes, with no other way to expand except against one another.
The concept that comes across as "endpoint" is in no way related to the fact that a golden beam lanced from his hand to eradicate both Promise and the United Kingdom.
Promise wakes up in her tree stark naked with Yellow shaking her, which is really unpleasant for about four seconds until she remembers what's going on. She lets him prattle through her standard safety order renewal/rescindment and puts in a backup self-destruct and pulls on a replacement dress.
Time to do something else.
How is the fight going?
The good news, if it counts as good, is that he's not always doing this on Bet. He switches between realities, usually opening with larger scale destruction and then fighting the capes that follow him. He hasn't gone to any worlds Cauldron's portal network can't follow yet, and capes are still willing to join the fight. Of course this does mean that if they lose there are more worlds than Bet on the line.
The good news is, it's not all dependent on that fight. The Fairyland contingent is launching powers or weaponry into the world where Scion keeps his real body as quickly as the sorcerers can make gates. There's no way to tell if it's doing any meaningful damage, but every time such an attack is launched Scion disappears from the current battlefield to block the attack and retaliate through the gate or simply destroy it. He has yet to come fully through a gate, but the Fairyland side of the fight suspects that he would make it in time long before they manage to finish him.
From the entity's point of view, each such attack forces the use of precognition, one of the most expensive abilities. It burns time off the entity's life span, of which only approximately three thousand years remain without completing the cycle. It can only do this millions of times, but the attackers don't need to know there even is a limit.
"Door to Panacea," she says next.
Promise will find Panacea near one of the battlefields Scion is cycling between, enabling capes who can't take a hit from Scion and get back up to get back up.
Promise waits until she's between healings. A lot of the hits Scion deals are fatal, so it's not as many patients as it might be. She sees one she recognizes and heals him herself.
Scion flickers away—presumably to defend himself against a barrage from Fairyland, judging by the lack of direction to a different battlefield. A few patients later, Panacea is free.