If they don't get corrected, then all credit goes to the girl with the crossbow. Couldn't have done it without her. Completely impossible.
The remaining people more curious. A group that might be the leadership spots Promise, and a cape in white splits off to talk to her. "Exalt. Houston Protectorate, if there still is such a thing. Did you do that?"
She has the luxury to give the complete story now! "Cauldron vial got me a Tinker power that dovetailed well with sorcery twice over. He noticed when I tried to toast him from his own world, but he kept his avatar adjacent to himself, so I had Teacher give me an eidetic memory so I could do it without looking and cast through him. Hit him with a few things at once."
"Oh, I didn't take the side effects, that would have been literally impossible because he can't harm me as my vassal, I warded them off with mental sorcery. I'm going to have to write so many books."
What you're planning on doing next is writing books?" There are worse things for a supervillain to do.
"Among other things. I have done multiple unprecedented sorcerous things today. And the Cauldron vial turned me into a tree but I didn't mention that because it was pretty easy to fix."
"If I hadn't been able to fix it someone would have disintegrated me and I more likely than not would have respawned as normal. I've done that more times than I really like to recently, I'm looking forward to not."
"I think we're all looking forward to less disintegration."
Now that she is out of her spacesuit, she can fly. She heads for one of the doors.
The first one leads to a completely different-looking battlefield. Instead of everything being scoured away, it's more as if large quantities of destructive firepower has been set off. She can even triangulate from where the lines of collapsed buildings are to see where Scion probably was at the time. Panacea is still there, having been one world behind Scion for a while now. None of the people she's treating look familiar.
Well, maybe she can heal them if she covers them in little lights first.
She's still not as fast as Panacea but she's not far off anymore. Lights, study, tinker, heal.
Amy notices the difference, both the increased speed and the apparently-irrelevant messing with the machine, but doesn't make the connection. "Any luck with whatever it was you were trying?"
She's surprised enough that she stops healing, between patients.
"He did? Shit. ...Well, he couldn't kill me, because I'm immortal, so I'm not sure that's the right comparison to draw anyway. I had to acquire two different parafairy abilities, make multiple unprecedented sorcerous breakthroughs, spend hours building useful gadgets, figure out how to cast through his avatar, and turn into a tree. I'm not actually sure what killed him, I hit him with a few things at once in case he could survive one and wreck my stuff. And me, but I'm more replaceable."
"I'm pretty sure but I could go check. I should probably go check," Promise acknowledges. "...There's no reason he ought to be able to survive being sucked into a black hole from several directions at once, right?"