Better not linger in her starting place too much longer. Yellow's faster than her and may have already come home to a wreck. Thorn might have a habit of checking up on the place, even, just in case. She's invisible, inaudible, unsmellable - that won't help if he sends someone thorough. Or comes in person.
She sets out.
She's been flying for about thirty minutes after her shopping trip when she falls through a tear and squeaks inaudibly and lands in the middle of -
"I can't vouch for whether any of these things start with P without effort I am not remotely in the mood for, but the first suggestion means someone who punches things and the latter means winning in such a way as to not be worthwhile," says Promise.
"Heh, Promise starts with P, too," says Blue. "I'll be Pugilist."
"I guess I'm Pyrrhic then," says the remaining Victoria.
"If the remaining Slaughterhouse Nine cannot be chased down at this time I need to go find the sparrow, see if changing her back is an instant disaster or not somewhere safe, and figure out something that will hold you five while I take a nap. I don't like operating on inadequate sleep."
Before you try any of that, can you have one of your Panacea clones fix what Bonesaw did to Vista? I'd send her to the real one, but she can't do brains."
"And they can?" Vista asks.
"They can. Pestilence, Plague, are you going to volunteer to help here? Please note that if you demonstrate the ability to distinguish good and not-good courses of action and pick the former when you can't really do anything else instead, I can safely leave more judgment up to you in your long-term order sets, even if I won't let you unleash your namesakes."
As tempting as that offer might be, I think I'd rather let her go to Panacea. Make her look a kid in the eye and explain why she's choosing not to help."
Promise sighs. "Vista, do you know exactly what Bonesaw did? I might be able to do something about it myself if I had more detail."
"I am too fucking tired to - ugh. Let's go back to the hospital and see if they can find out. Come along, starts-with-P brigade. Vista, do you want to chance soliciting a ride from an evil clone who just named herself "Pugilist" or would you rather walk?"
She follows with Promise and her vassals, only slightly more clumsily than normal.
Eventually, they are at the hospital. Promise goes in to look for someone suitable to dump her weird problems on.
In the meantime, a sparrow flies up to Promise. It's slightly larger than Noelle was when Promise left.
"...Hi. I need to find a safe place with nobody around to try turning you back. I'll... borrow a hospital gown. You seem to have... grown... but as long as the rate is pretty controlled I should be able to reset you periodically. Sound good?"
"I'm afraid most of the deserted locations in the city have a lot of broken glass on them, so it might take some looking. Do you have the hang of flying? There might be a suitable roof."
How are the roofs around here doing on the "broken glass" and "unoccupied" and "could hold full-sized Sparrowgirl if called upon to do so"?
Plenty unoccupied. Many without glass, roofs usually being above windows. The last requirement rules out a fair few. But they end up above a suitable roof eventually.
Promise doesn't land, but: "Go ahead and touch down. I'll stay up here." Well out of reach of any protruding bits of Needs A Giant Shoe Version.
The bits in question are very good at protruding, but hopefully it won't come up. The sparrow lands and looks up at Promise.
Compared to a sparrow. She's standing, on her own legs, on the roof. "It worked! I'm, I'm me again!" She's barely concerned with being only half dressed, under the circumstances.
Promise tosses her the hospital gown. "Still don't touch me." That's enforced. "And I don't know how to get rid of your power altogether. You should probably get a force field generator like mine, and I'll need to sparrow you and back to reset you on some regular basis."
"I wouldn't turn one of those down. Where did you get it? And yes, I'd rather avoid being like that again."
"Paid for it with a gatepair. If they have any sense they'll give you one as a public safety measure. If they don't, I'll get you one, but I'd just as soon ration the gates so I can get other tinkertech as needed; I don't know how many gates they'll find that motivating."
Promise turns her into a bird. When they are on the ground she turns her back into a human.