Better not linger in her starting place too much longer. Yellow's faster than her and may have already come home to a wreck. Thorn might have a habit of checking up on the place, even, just in case. She's invisible, inaudible, unsmellable - that won't help if he sends someone thorough. Or comes in person.
She sets out.
She's been flying for about thirty minutes after her shopping trip when she falls through a tear and squeaks inaudibly and lands in the middle of -
Everyone else, though, very much does respond. Most are cheering the death of their enemy. Others are looking at the wreck of the city or trying to help the injured and drowning. Alexandria flies up to Promise and asks, "Explain."
"...Right now? I think probably what is supposed to happen after I'm sufficiently obliterated that I have to respawn in my tree is that I am supposed to sleep for days. I'm glad Mouse Protector woke me, considering, but I'm so tired."
"I told him that he ought to." Promise starts flying towards the PRT building. Even if it has, say, totally collapsed in the destruction, the gate is probably still intact. Unless Vista's warping is also a casualty in which case maybe not but it's closer than the likely wreckage of her address, anyway. "It might have helped that I'm doing plain speaking? I don't speak his language any more than I speak yours but he's certainly - talking differently. I would notice if he started speaking Greek."
"He has responded to speech all of once before, that we know of, and that was just to say what to call him. We'll have to assume it was your plain speaking that made the difference."
"He's depressed about something but he didn't stay for me to ask what it was." They fly over the gates to the black hole. Promise closes them.
"He does fly around the world to the sites of disasters twenty-four hours a day. With what he sees, it's not as if he doesn't have reason to be."
"...That could be all, but he also clearly hasn't been doing everything in his power to halt the disasters..." Yawn. She falters for a moment in flight, then catches herself.
"Do you know how many days you'll need to sleep for? You are involved in an ongoing situation, and your absence could have an unpredictable effect on the Slaughterhouse Nine."
"I have no idea. I have been very badly injured but never so much that I didn't recover in the same location where I was before. Haven't read," she rubs her eyes, "accounts from other leaflets either. I feel like I could sleep for days. Maybe it'll only," yawn, "be eight hours. Should I," yaaaaaawn, "oh you know what there's an open gate in my tree anyway to near that town in Australia, if you really need me you can throw, um, rocks or something until one clonks me?"
"We'll try to avoid that. With any luck the situation will be resolved by the time you return."
How is the building with her original gate?
That one is mostly in one piece. Promise's gate is in one of the areas less open to the public, but the doors open for Alexandria.
Through to Fairyland, close gate, half-fall to tree level, let self in, make sure mortal houseguests have found the number of airholes she left sufficient and aren't parked by the Australia gate sticking their heads through for fresh air -
"Promise? What happened?"
And then she faceplants onto her bed and her wings roll up against her back and she snores.
"She did say she had a plan. If she managed to send Leviathan into a black hole, maybe that counts as as good as dead?"
"Maybe wait a bit for word to get around and then go. If she just got back from the fight no one in Australia will be able to tell us anything yet."
"I don't know. We can wait for it, Leviathan won't get more dead while we're gone. Or less. Probably."