"I think we're all looking forward to less disintegration."
Now that she is out of her spacesuit, she can fly. She heads for one of the doors.
The first one leads to a completely different-looking battlefield. Instead of everything being scoured away, it's more as if large quantities of destructive firepower has been set off. She can even triangulate from where the lines of collapsed buildings are to see where Scion probably was at the time. Panacea is still there, having been one world behind Scion for a while now. None of the people she's treating look familiar.
Well, maybe she can heal them if she covers them in little lights first.
She's still not as fast as Panacea but she's not far off anymore. Lights, study, tinker, heal.
Amy notices the difference, both the increased speed and the apparently-irrelevant messing with the machine, but doesn't make the connection. "Any luck with whatever it was you were trying?"
She's surprised enough that she stops healing, between patients.
"He did? Shit. ...Well, he couldn't kill me, because I'm immortal, so I'm not sure that's the right comparison to draw anyway. I had to acquire two different parafairy abilities, make multiple unprecedented sorcerous breakthroughs, spend hours building useful gadgets, figure out how to cast through his avatar, and turn into a tree. I'm not actually sure what killed him, I hit him with a few things at once in case he could survive one and wreck my stuff. And me, but I'm more replaceable."
"I'm pretty sure but I could go check. I should probably go check," Promise acknowledges. "...There's no reason he ought to be able to survive being sucked into a black hole from several directions at once, right?"
If you had asked me three days ago, I would have said that of course he could survive that. But it hasn't been tried very often."
"I also melted the planet and unhealed him. But those seem less likely to have helped." Promise puts her space suit back on and makes a tear to a spot above the ex-planet.
Noticeably smaller than before, as anything further from the center than any of the black hole gates is now in Cygnus. What's left is glowing with heat, and will take approximately the next forever by human standards to cool off. There's no sign that an entity ever landed there.
"If he's alive, he has at least gone elsewhere," she concludes. "In a way that has led to him not attacking anything anymore. I think he's just dead."
Contessa comes through a door. "It worked, congratulations. We're spreading the word that it's over."
There are quite a few people afraid of you now. Understandably, under the circumstances. Killing Scion and doing it by destroying a planet inevitably raises some eyebrows."
Promise scans the list, detects no emergencies, pockets it, and resumes healing. When she and Panacea are done with this batch there is presumably another to be had.
She's going more slowly than she might, but also having a lot more fun. She was already allowed to alter people in ways they agree to, and asking a crowd of people whether anyone wants their life saved and their jaw rotated does get some yeses. People will agree to almost anything she feels like asking!