Nilbog creates more beasts. They take the leaves in their jaws or talons and rush off to join the fight.
Most of the beasts get swatted. Many get up again. Of course, Leviathan is being swarmed by other creatures, as well as capes. He continues fighting his way downtown, getting hit occasionally, and eventually one of the leaves gets deposited in a wound just as it closes.
Does he even have ears? He must have some senses to have noticed the gates when water ignores them - "STOP," she yells regardless.
Leviathan turns to look at her. The nearest flying cape to her left explodes in a shower of gore. And the one in front of her. Then the Endbringer submerges, slithers out of view, and resumes fighting whoever is closest.
The water's dark and filthy but the harmonics are flat. She could write in fairy lights. But to make it sufficiently clear that it was her that she would need to at least partly trace the words as they appeared and she can't get ahead of him anyway - has he built up enough momentum that she can hope to catch him with a gate -?
A golden man drops from the sky. Golden skin, hair a differently colored gold, dressed in a white suit that makes his color scheme oddly indistinguishable from blue and black.
He raises a hand, and a flash of golden light briefly blinds everyone watching. When it fades, Leviathan is attacking him. Ineffectually.
...Maybe she can just ask.
099128 blasts the Endbringer again, and after subsequent hits Leviathan turns to flee. The golden man strikes him down, and hits him with another ball of light. When Leviathan calls in waves, his opponent sends out ripples that make everything fall still. The monster is entirely outclassed, and gets gradually driven off.
His expression is hard to read. Blank, mostly. He doesn't react to Promise's approach, just keeps pummeling Leviathan.
But he answers, in the same language. The creature speaking to him is not from this world's species, but has a mind on an approximately similar scale. She will not be able to fit his reply in her brain, even though her ability to make herself understood goes in both directions.
But she can hear some of it. Some general impressions made mostly of abstract nouns.
Okay, that's really interesting.
Perplexing, but - if he can -
"Well - if you can kill the Endbringers, at least without doing more damage than they do themselves, do it."
A human had said once that doing good might make him less miserable. It didn't work. Would this? Maybe not. But it's a role to play, if more short-lived than his current one.
He raises his hand and a continuous beam tracks Leviathan, holding it in place and burning it away. The monster struggles, tries to run, turns its water echo into a flood, and even tries to burrow down. Everything it does is immediately counteracted, and whatever it tries with the existing flood gets stilled.
Scion strips off Leviathan's outer garment, then the inner layers of its flesh, and starts burning away at its core. Very soon after, there is no Leviathan.
With that done, he flies away.
Everyone else, though, very much does respond. Most are cheering the death of their enemy. Others are looking at the wreck of the city or trying to help the injured and drowning. Alexandria flies up to Promise and asks, "Explain."
"...Right now? I think probably what is supposed to happen after I'm sufficiently obliterated that I have to respawn in my tree is that I am supposed to sleep for days. I'm glad Mouse Protector woke me, considering, but I'm so tired."
"I told him that he ought to." Promise starts flying towards the PRT building. Even if it has, say, totally collapsed in the destruction, the gate is probably still intact. Unless Vista's warping is also a casualty in which case maybe not but it's closer than the likely wreckage of her address, anyway. "It might have helped that I'm doing plain speaking? I don't speak his language any more than I speak yours but he's certainly - talking differently. I would notice if he started speaking Greek."
"He has responded to speech all of once before, that we know of, and that was just to say what to call him. We'll have to assume it was your plain speaking that made the difference."
"He's depressed about something but he didn't stay for me to ask what it was." They fly over the gates to the black hole. Promise closes them.
"He does fly around the world to the sites of disasters twenty-four hours a day. With what he sees, it's not as if he doesn't have reason to be."
"...That could be all, but he also clearly hasn't been doing everything in his power to halt the disasters..." Yawn. She falters for a moment in flight, then catches herself.
"Do you know how many days you'll need to sleep for? You are involved in an ongoing situation, and your absence could have an unpredictable effect on the Slaughterhouse Nine."