Velocity, another of the few to be able to see what's happening at this speed, uses the armband to shout that Leviathan is surrounded by gates to nowhere and about to go through one.
Come on come on somebody hit him hard enough to get just the tip of his tail pointed down at the hole -
The water pouring off Leviathan increases. Instead of filling whatever space he vacates, it fountains off him in all directions, up, out, and down, before being splashing into the water everyone is already wading in. Leviathan maintains that output and keeps his prison full. Having created his own waterfall, he swims up it and stays in the center of the tetrahedron.
The defenders with ranged attacks start launching everything they have, to force Leviathan into one of the back walls. Even some of the front-line combatants join in, the ones with weapons long enough that they can stay safely on this side of the gates. Promise can see the lasers strike instantly, followed by energy beams and physical attacks and whatever else this world has to offer.
Promise is at the ready keeping track of as much as she can, ready to shut gates as soon as more than half of him is through any one. Somebody hit him harder -
Armbands start listing off casualties.
Impel down, CD-5. Pelter deceased, CD-5. Herald down, CD-5. Miss Militia deceased, CD-5. Allegro deceased, CD-5. Velocity deceased, CD-5.
Promise deceased, CD-5.
His decreased ability to dodge means the outer layers of his hide are being hurt faster than he regenerates, but the same could be said of his opponents. Sometimes it seems like there are injured and dead capes being listed more often than not.
He tears through toward the nearest defenders, only to stop after ten feet of his tail are severed by a stroke from a black and white striped woman.
Siberian excepted, none of the Nine can deal any serious direct damage. But some of them are very well suited for being obviously present and helping against Leviathan. Jack waves his knife like a conductor's baton, watching the battle and occasionally slashing uselessly but emphatically at the Endbringer.
The defending side, in numbers at least, is getting more and more dominated by Nilbog's creations. One of the local villains has the completely convenient power to conjure flesh out of thin air. This is quickly repurposed into monsters more expendable than capes.
Leviathan has already sustained more injuries than it normally takes to drive him off, but he's still fighting. Alexandria flies up to where Eidolon is freezing the incoming tidal waves into glaciers. They exchange words. Both fly down. Alexandria resumes close combat, while Eidolon rushes to find one of the capes who isn't directly fighting.
In his absence, more water has gathered than he can freeze. At least they had warning there was going to be a wave he couldn't stop. Hopefully that would be enough.
This gate is above a sea of liquid salt, high enough to be low on air. And once she's through, most of her markers are invisible.
But another one has reappeared.
This might be a job for more yelling (easier now that Eidolon's shrinking effect has worn off), or she might be better off looking for an entrance to the inside of the tree where the tag is. Better try both. She does.
This is no time for that. You've got to get back to the Leviathan fight."
"I, uh, oh. What - what happened?" She rubs her eyes, looks around. Grabs something, puts on one of her trademark dresses made of leaves. "Do you have a, um, I can't instant settle a gate if it's not flat..."
"One of these?" She holds up a device. Could be anything, but Eidolon said it was important.
"Nowhere, but where you were last time will probably have line of sight to trap him again. Hopefully."
"Again. Some attack or other broke a gate. What matters is we need to get you back there now."
"Okay, okay." Promise steps out of the tree and it closes behind her. "If I gate high can you teleport down okay?"
"Yes." Unless Leviathan has killed everyone she has tagged at the moment, but how likely can that be.