"Of course, they can't both win - but we don't have a no pets rule, if one wins and wants to bring the other. Wouldn't that be cute?"
"And we can make the pet one even cuter! Like a pool of flesh with three heads and shiny hair, I bet my new sister would love a pet like that."
"Well, that sounds like an interesting project but I'm not sure it's exactly a pet. We'll have to wait and see. I think they're home alone now, want to go meet them?"
She finds someone starting to open a car parked by the side of the road. She taps him on the shoulder. "Sir, excuse me, that's my car."
He's so embarrassed! And now that he looks at the various possessions in the car, he has no sense of recognition to speak of. That must be someone else's daughter's cake with "Happy Birthday Juliana" written on it, in the backseat. "Oh, I'm so sorry, ma'am. I don't know how that happened -"
"It's all right, no harm done. You must have just picked up my keys and spaced out." She has them out of his hand in a moment. "Don't worry about it."
Cherish slides into the driver's seat and unlocks the other doors for Bonesaw.
She shuts the door. "Vicky!"
Meanwhile, the door reopens and the visitors invite themselves in. "Don't be rude."
Which doesn't affect the visitors in the least, although it does cause Cherish to smile slightly and glance between the sisters.
"We haven't done anything to you to deserve this sort of hostile reception," Cherish says. "We just want to chat. If you run away we might have to do things other than chat in order to get our conversation, and that just sounds so unfriendly."
"We want to offer you a job. There's only the one job, so don't get your hopes up too much. Bonesaw here admires Amy ever so much and I think Victoria would be a real asset. We thought we'd combine the recruitment pitches, since you were easy to find in the same place."
"Aw, but you have to! You're the only other person who works with meat, we'd make a great team."
"Incentives," spits Glory Girl. "We're not like you, we don't think it sounds like fun -"
"No, no, that's not what I mean. Although you might learn to like it. I just mean that not trying to pass the tests might result in failing the tests, and that... would be dangerous."
"Because of all the people we could have around in our little circle of friends indefinitely, we all got a chance to pick a nominee, and I want Glory Girl and Bonesaw wants you. You could choose to be flattered. I'd help, but I don't want to make the game unfair."
"You stay the fuck away from Dad -!"
"I think Bonesaw's expressed her opinion on swearing," sings Cherish. "Well, maybe that would get you to play and maybe it wouldn't, and if you want him to live you won't encourage me to find out. But, hm, just a hunch, I don't think you're as careful about looking after the people around you as you think you are. Take it from me, emotions... even if you only have two settings... run... deep."
She glances at Panacea.
"Oh, come on. I know you're not happy with your job right now, if you join us we could do anything. I can bring back the dead, imagine if we were working together!"
"Don't call me Vicky."
"Victoria, if you like. But it doesn't seem like you're giving any thought to what I'd like. It's very inconsiderate."
Victoria's response is a snarl.
Amy stares in disbelief. Apparently this would not be fun.
"What are you getting at, you cryptic sadistic bitch?" snaps Victoria.
"I'll tell you if you win," Cherish says, glancing at Panacea. "I might even tell you if you don't. It'll depend. But don't swear, please."
"Ooh, you can make your sister stronger or tougher! That'll give her a better chance. I can't help, though. Fair's fair."