"I really don't understand. And if you can solve this problem without fairy orders you probably should. If I make a mistake in the phrasing, you will do what I said, not what I would have meant if I had done it right. I have only ever made small mistakes, but I have made mistakes. Why don't you just stop? Sorcery can be taught. I'll probably find some mortals I want to teach to heal eventually. It doesn't sound like you're getting anything out of it at all. I'd call it admirable if I had any idea what quality I was admiring."
And there are...personal reasons."
"I'm not going to claim that other people aren't important, but - I don't know how old you are, I'm terrible at guessing mortal ages, but you don't look like you need de-aging any time soon. Assuming your power is not going to disappear in, what, fifty years, a hundred, however long you have, and assuming that people as a class don't suddenly drop in moral value during that time, the most important thing you can do is to pick a pace you can hold steady. I will not employ you as slave labor and whatever you're doing doesn't look sustainable, even if you fail to sustain it in some less tragic way than killing somebody."
"I'm not asking you to make me keep doing anything, just to make sure I don't end up hurting people. Negative commands are enough. I could be incredibly dangerous if I ended up a villain, and I've caught myself plotting murder in the last week."
"...Look, I'm not completely unwilling to give you some negative orders, since you want them and I do have an idea of what the opposite of healing looks like, but I really think this should be combined with a solution that acknowledges that your long-term comfort with showing up to help is also very important."
But if you're willing to order me not to hurt anyone, my name is Amy."
"I mean, I can call you that, if you want, but it is not, for fairy orders purposes, your real name. Maybe whoever named you changed their mind early on?"
My adoptive parents might have just never mentioned it. As long as they were faking the documents anyway...
I could speculate, tell you some things my name might be short for, but that'd risk giving you more human names than necessary?"
"I mean, yes. So if you can find it out without guessing five times, that would be useful. I do know that neither syllable in 'Amy' - construing both to contain the consonant; a vowel alone won't do it - is present, intact, in anything that constitutes your fairy-purposes name, so that might narrow it down."
"I suppose I'll have to ask why they thought they had to keep me from finding out my name. Since they definitely weren't expecting me to find out this way."
What's it like for fairies, not having one?"
"Some fairies do have families - but not my kind and I've never interacted closely with any who did. I just started one day in my tree and I could already talk and write and fly and I knew most common knowledge. I went out and explored and got something to eat and went from there."
"Anyway, if you can't track down your original name I can give you a fairy berry to eat and that works just the same except there's no possibility that I'll forget the name - though that would take decades even if I never thought about you after hearing the name - and also no possibility that I can hand you over to another fairy - not that this is likely to come up as remotely desirable. I don't have any with me, though."
"That's fine, I'll just ask. My, parents, have to know. If they don't tell me I'll take you up on that berry."
A white-and-gold figure is visible crossing the sky.
"That's my ride. Glory Girl probably remembered to turn the aura down, if you want to meet her properly?"
Promise flies away.
Promise, as promised, contemplates wordings for Panacea. And has another rooftop healing/de-aging session.