Better not linger in her starting place too much longer. Yellow's faster than her and may have already come home to a wreck. Thorn might have a habit of checking up on the place, even, just in case. She's invisible, inaudible, unsmellable - that won't help if he sends someone thorough. Or comes in person.
She sets out.
She's been flying for about thirty minutes after her shopping trip when she falls through a tear and squeaks inaudibly and lands in the middle of -
do you think you could take off the order about letting me sing? I can make sure never to make the same mistake again..."
This is possibly unconvincing, given that she did it twice and Promise was there for the second one.
"If you're not sure and can find someone who wants it tested on them I'll allow the test, and if you don't work through recordings you can make recordings with appropriate precautions. Otherwise... the only person you can sing to without affecting them is me. Which I don't object to as long as no one else is around... and I'd let you sing when you're alone... but you'd need to be sure there was no one else there, so we'd need to come up with a wording for how you'd have to go about making sure. I suppose I could relax it a little if you can only compel potentially regrettable behavior by... phrasing things as imperatives? What's the actual dividing line?"
And, everyone knows I'm a parahuman. They even know what my power is. And my shows sell out anyway, or they did, because the same power also makes me an even better singer. I don't think everyone objects the way you do."
"Someone objected, or we would probably never have met. If you can find somebody who's willing to be a test subject, we can figure out the details of what has to happen to have unpleasant consequences, and then you should come up with a way to make really, really sure that absolutely everyone in earshot of a show wants to be there, and then I can revise the orders. But I'm sure you realize that there would be ramifications if people thought I didn't have a clear and absolute guarantee of safety for anyone I'm taking responsibility for."
"Oh, you don't have to take responsibility for me now. They acquitted me, it's not like I committed a crime and they're using orders instead of a prison."
"I have a spotty understanding of the mortal justice system and don't think you currently qualify as a disinterested explainer. Also, I have non-legal reasons to want to be careful."
"I didn't pick it to be difficult. I don't mind you holding concerts as long as everyone is fine with the background-level effect of the power and there's a way to be sure there won't be any more accidents."
And, I do owe you for saving me from the Birdcage. If there's ever anything I can do, let me know."
"I can actually think of several things you could do, but I'm not sure how much free time you have or of your risk tolerance."
"I have time, I'd be waiting a bit for the headlines to drop off even if you had removed the order right away. If it's dangerous...what did you have in mind?"
"Fairyland stuff. Even going to Fairyland is risky for a mortal. But for here - I can't really go shopping without exposing random people to risks they are perfectly reasonable not to want to take, and if I order things on the internet I need an address. I can't go shopping for an address either. I sort of loiter around the local PRT building, but I don't actually work for them and trying to receive mail there is not my first choice. I have money and I think I know how to authorize you to use it."
The Fairyland one, if it's dangerous it might depend on what it is. I'm a parahuman, but I'm not a cape."
"I'd like to be able to access it from a roof or window without having to fuss with going near random mortal passersby. A short flight from the PRT building. Able to receive mail - I think that comes standard? I don't really care how much it costs because my source of money is 'if I run out, the Protectorate has to top me off or I close one of their gatepairs', but I also don't have a use for anything ostentatious or huge; I'm not planning to live there." She pauses, then says: "I don't want my Fairyland projects to be generally known. I can tell you more about the risks involved if you're willing to be ordered to secrecy."
"Yes. Well, to helping, not to the secrecy thing, there your options are 'don't be told' or 'don't tell'."
Phrasing, phrasing.
"Except when at least as sure as you are now that no one other than me is recording or paying attention to you, behave as you would if you did not know of the existence of the facts and project to be described. ...If you aren't currently pretty sure no one other than me is around say so."
"Thought so. Worth checking. So, I'm not a parahuman. I am sort of a cape, but fairies are generically very different from humans. The orders thing is not a power I have. It is a trait fairies have. And fairies can be vassals, too."