Better not linger in her starting place too much longer. Yellow's faster than her and may have already come home to a wreck. Thorn might have a habit of checking up on the place, even, just in case. She's invisible, inaudible, unsmellable - that won't help if he sends someone thorough. Or comes in person.
She sets out.
She's been flying for about thirty minutes after her shopping trip when she falls through a tear and squeaks inaudibly and lands in the middle of -
And when they reach Nilbog, Promise bows deeply. "Your majesty, I have brought a gift of fairy berries for you and your court to share."
"We shall all partake of the gift, in honor of my onetime enemies paying tribute!"
He pauses, and frowns, looking as close to thoughtful as he has so far. "Except those who subsist on the flesh of others."
"Of course you would know better than I if they'd enjoy the berries, although they will not taste of anything to be found in this world no matter what they look like."
"Let today be a celebration of our victory. On such a day all should see their king in his glory. You four, take the fairy's ingredients to the chef, have her prepare it as a banquet. And you, call all to my presence." A reptilian, a giant invertebrate, and two mostly mammals carry the basket elsewhere. They don't return. The same creature that gave the inaudible trumpet blast before repeats the performance, and creatures of all colors, shapes, sizes, and degrees of threateningness materialize.
Hooray. Promise is already in the king's presence, and accordingly does not go anywhere.
There are far too many creatures to fit in the throne room. They open up holes in the walls to allow some of the larger ones to see the king, such as what looks like a giant fire-breathing horse carrying smaller monsters. Through the gaps, more monsters are visible. Farther back, some are fighting for a closer position, and usually giving way if they look likely to lose. A few do fall, and get eaten or trampled.
As more creations are arriving, some bring in heaping platters of something. It looks like vomit, if vomit were ever that unholy shade of purple. And chunky enough that the largest hunks of meat could be arranged in mockery of the stereotypical spitted boar with an apple in its mouth. The boars' parts are played by some of the creations that carried the basket off, already looking half-digested. Whether Promise recognizes this will depend on if she makes the mistake of looking too closely.
The berries should still work even after having been processed. Probably. The claim is very strong and direct and should be able to tolerate one degree of remove.
As the food gets consumed, Nilbog addresses her again. "Emissary Promise, will you and your vassal join the feast?"
"Your majesty, it would have been poor manners for me to invite myself to partake of something I brought as a gift to you. I made sure to arrive well-fed so I would not be tempted. My vassal has likewise no intention of trespassing upon your present."
He nods, and Alexandria looks suitably humble. In a surprisingly short time, the initial platters have been emptied and more are produced. Every creature within view has tasted at least some.
(It hasn't occurred to him in over a decade that people might ever not want to do everything he wants them to. Volunteering others for public speaking is exceptional only in the part about speaking.)
"Subjects of his majesty, you hardly need me to tell you that your king's city is a triumph of clear political structure and a garden of uncompromised and unique aesthetic wonder. What you may not have guessed is that all of my overtures are leading up to a solicitation that your king make a prolonged diplomatic visit to your neighbors. I know it will be difficult for you all to stay inside the borders of your home alone, being sure you do not let slip any of your fellow creatures who might be mistaken in their intentions and thereby sabotage his sovereign responses to our invitation; but regardless I implore his majesty to accept."
There are some orders, folded in there, but orders don't feel like anything by themselves.
"Diplomacy?" Nilbog considers it. "I suppose, if my neighbors deigned to send a messenger, I can show my magnanimity and return the favor with my own presence. Subjects of Ellisburg! In my absence, hold the city in a condition that any king would be proud to call capital."
Sneak, sneak.
"Safe and stable? There is one thing. Behold, and see if any can match my power."
He holds out his left hand, and a blob swells. As it does, the figure on the throne starts to shrink as its fat stores are repurposed into whatever he's making. He gestures toward one of the creatures. He, she, or it steps forward and is absorbed into the blob. Nilbog repeats this order, and the blob gets larger. Eventually it bursts, showering the entire throne room with slime. The creature from inside the bubble starts burrowing downward, appearing less to move earth out of the way than annihilate it on contact. It stops digging, and the creatures nearest the hole haul out a six-foot sphere. Nilbog absorbs it into another blob, which pops. The inside reveals grotesque copies of flower petals. The whole process took a matter of seconds.
"This was, or could have been, the greatest danger faced by any of my enemies, making them strike one another down even were I myself defeated. Now, of course, my enemies have sued for peace, and I have no need of such defenses." The burrowing creature digs up some smaller spheres, and Nilbog destroys those as well.
"Your majesty, I am so delighted to have met with such beneficence. Please don't hesitate to delay us as long as you need to make all needful preparations to leave the city safe and self-contained, but we will be ready to leave at your earliest availability."
"I've completed the preparations already, of course. It is only fitting that I should be able to remove some of the most potent threats in mere moments. There is only one thing remaining. My other form."
The giant mole-thing swims downward again, and returns carrying an unconscious human body. A cord runs to the Nilbog on the throne, which disconnects it and slumps over. Rinke stands up, shakily at first, and then shouts out in a reedy voice that hasn't been used in years "Behold, your creator!"
Promise turns to the slimeified Alexandria. "I assume there is transport fit for a king standing by?"
"Of course, my lady." The character she's playing has no status to address Nilbog directly. "If you'll ask His Majesty to come out the gate, the chariot is prepared."
This is the risky one.
"Of course, of course. Tradition is an important part of comity, after all. I shall expect that when conducting matters of state my counterparts to do likewise, naturally."
And with that he is all sewn up to the compromise standards of the Protectorate. Promise bows again. To the gate.
"This can return you to your city, Lady Promise, before continuing on to bring His Majesty to our leaders. Suitable accommodations" as in appearances "can be maintained indefinitely."