An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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Your sister seems less likely to cope with grief by lighting fleets of ships belonging to innocent strangers on fire. 


I don't think Mother is likely to make the same magnitude of mistakes, even in the worst case.


I am glad to hear it and hope she avoids even the same direction.


You, me, and Professor Berinni.


The man who attempted this? I thought you expected he'd be executed?


I think that if he is executed he will die faster and less painfully than he will if Mother decides to take care of it personally.


He raises an eyebrow. I don't suppose there's a way for your sister to return without any time having passed? So no one need fear for you?


How would that even work?


I don't really understand what the limits on your magic are, or if there even are any in principle.


If time has passed there already then ensuring that we got back as soon as we left would involve time travel, which may not be impossible but would be ethically sketchy as hell.


Reasonable. I don't know what it means to say time already passed but you can get there before it did so.


It may be that we can. I don't actually know how time works between worlds. But it may be that there's no more difference between the time that passes here and the time that passes there than there is between the time that passes here and the time that passes--in Valionor, or something.


Time passes ten times more slowly in Valinor.


...What, literally?


Indeed. We take ten times as long to grow up. The hours are all there, somehow, they just don't quite touch you when they float by.


...That sounds really weird.


This world took some getting used to. Everything happens so fast. 


As a human, I still think you're going awfully slow.


Technically I suppose several thousand years passed in Valinor. We ...really did not do much with them.


What a waste.


They were happy, and spent joyously. At the time it didn't seem like much else was urgent.


Well, they do say time you enjoy wasting isn't really wasted, so.


It sometimes seems wasted. I spent two thousand years working up the nerve to do something I wanted, and then had almost no time at all to actually do it before everything fell apart. If I'd known I didn't have forever I'd have cared more for the years.


Sometimes philosophers back home argue that death is a good thing, and one of their chiefest arguments is that knowing we have a limited time in the world makes us value the years we have more highly. I--don't agree that death is a good thing, on net, obviously. But.


A little bit of urgency might be.

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