An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"My cousins are pretty tough. I - I think we'd have put up a good fight, if we were in this alone."


"Doesn't surprise me. Odette was really impressed by Maedhros' general competence at getting things done."


"He is very capable."


She looks like she's about to say something and stops.


"He never really recovered from Angband but it doesn't hold him back much," he says, watching her rather intently.


"I got that impression. It's sad, though." So for the record when you brought up the rumors I totally assumed they were, in fact, just rumors, and then, um, stuff, and Lady Hareth totally knows, and I got her to stop talking about it out loud and checked that no one was watching before writing about it at all, and I'm really sorry for any insensitive things I said because I didn't know why they were insensitive, and, um, if you need an alibi at any time I would appreciate advance notice so I don't end up in a situation where I can't plausibly vouch that you were somewhere but. Um.


His expression is very very impassive. Lady Hareth has an interesting perspective on how she should conduct herself. I remain unconcerned with the customs in your world. Thank you for not spreading rumors.


I continue to not intend to do so. I am aware that it is none of my business, whatever you may or may not be doing in your spare time. And. Like I said. I'm sorry.


War demands a lot of sacrifices. It isn't very nice when blazing righteousness is one of them, but sometimes it is.


Yeah. "Anyway we do have magic and it's probably not very productive fretting over might-have-beens."


"Or assuming that now things will be easy."


"'I underestimated my enemy' is a fool's epitaph," she agrees.


"And Fëanor's!"


"No comment," she says, faux innocently. Who's suggesting that might be redundant? Not her, surely.


He beams at her. "Is Lady Hareth still around? I should talk with her."


"Not sure. Last I recall seeing her was a week or so ago."


"Thank you. Do you need anything else?"


"I think I can work on city planning by myself for a while."


"Best of fortune."


"Thanks." She's not going to wish him good luck in return, that seems almost cruel considering the Doom.


He leaves her to the library. He considers going to find Lady Hareth and is not sure what he'd say. 'yes I'm in love with my cousin but you are very seriously underestimating what Angband did to him'? Not his information to share...


At least Illia's explained why spreading rumors is undesirable. Sigh. City planning. And possibly light angst, because Morgoth exists and that's terrible.


And the time passes uneventfully. He periodically reminds her to ask Odette about diplomacy when next Odette checks in.


And Odette checks in!

Hey, Illia, how goes?


Fairly well. Two biggest things: I totally decided to do the Queen thing, I'm founding a city, I want you to build it, and Fingon wants you to diplomacy at people.

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