An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"How would she know to make the place inhibitive of teleporting before Odette had already done it?"


"I'd expect the area to already be very strongly ....defined against magical uses of movement. Also, your sister is mortal and has mortal reaction times and Melian is a Maia. I'm not trying to frighten you, my cousins hold more territory and it's statistically likelier she's there. But Doriath is protected by powerful magic."


"Yeah, likely are these guys to ask for their dad back and how likely is it to be a problem, because we both really love our parents and if Odette finds out that resurrecting Elves may be possible and someone says 'I really miss my father can you try to bring him back' she's not going to inquire after the political situation before saying yes."


"It would be a disaster and they are nearly certain to ask."


"...I need to find her. I have been waiting because not seeing her for a few weeks while messengers run around is less unpleasant than pulling off the kind of magic I'd need to find her, but she would not hesitate."


"All right. What do you need to do?"


"I should be lying down--preferably on something soft--there's no way I wouldn't fall over if I wasn't. Hot water bottles."


He stands, nods to someone who goes scurrying off. "Your room? I can bring blankets and hot water bottles here but it might be less comfortable."


"My room seems likeliest to work best."


He starts walking. "I'm sorry. I became aware last night that this had destabilizing potential but it did not occur to me that your sister would be able to do a resurrection in a day. They don't have his body, either."


"I don't know if she would succeed that quickly but she's much less likely to stop once she's started trying."


"I see. Do you know what you're going to say to her?"


"General idea. 'Don't resurrect--what was this guy's name?--Elves have afterlife on this plane--really complicated politics--seriously do not rez this guy without looking into the political situation--I'm with Fingon.'"




"Ressurecting Elves may or may not be possible. Don't ressurect Fëanor without talking to me first, seriously, it's a bad idea, there are unstable politics going on, Elves have forever so it can wait."


"Thank you. I appreciate it tremendously."


"Thank me after I've done it and recovered from the pain, I'll appreciate it more then."


Someone has already brought hot water bottles to the room. "Do you want anyone here? The door guarded?"


"If someone could stay to make sure I don't fall out of bed and crack my head on the floor that would be great."


"What do I do if that happens?"


"Catch me before I hit the floor if it looks like I'm going to fall."


"All right."


So she grabs the hot water bottles and she lays down and she closes her eyes and composes her message and then--


--she spasms, fuck it hurts, and she does almost fall off the bed but does not quite require catching.


He observes but is not sure if hed be interrupting.


After a minute of breathing heavily she sits up. "Assuming she hasn't already done something we're all going to regret she almost certainly won't now."

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