An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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I'd object to raising animals for slaughter, but Elves largely don't do that. 


Iiiit happens sometimes. Not. Really high on my list of things to fix, given the givens, but it can go on there.


After the war I'll just tell everyone 'so you know, I can talk to animals, this is what their heads are like', see if that changes anyone's minds.


I expect you're going to get a lot of people who don't believe you, if only because believing and caring would cost them their livelihoods.


I mean. I also don't think I have any kind of moral authority, and I don't really believe in it as a concept. If people know and don't care, that's their lookout.


Fair enough.

Good luck with everything.




It's a quiet night, after that.

In the morning Odette shares the information that "magically hidden by not Morgoth" is an option with Lady Hareth, because if anyone deserves to know it's her.




She starts crying. Just a little.

"Okay. Well. That's good to know. I suppose the Elves might take them in, they're only children and Elves are funny about children..."


"Yeah." It would not be appropriate to hug this woman, Odette, you barely know her, it doesn't matter how much she looks like she desperately needs a shoulder to cry on...


"I'd tell my husband, but. Died in the fighting."


"I'm sorry to hear that."


"It is an honor to die in the service of our King."


There isn't really anything helpful to say to that, is there.


Lady Hareth is staring at her a bit challengingly, and now her eyes have stopped watering. "Anyway, thank you."


She isn't really sure what kind of challenge it is!

"You're welcome.

You look like you want me to say something and there are a lot of things I'm not saying because I don't know what would do more harm than good and I don't know which of them, if any, you're looking for."


"You're the second-most-powerful person on the continent and your sister is - with your backing as the only force behind the title, as I understand it, though she currently has the indulgence of the King - a city and I am curious about you, but not particularly curious about what comments I can prompt you into."


"I don't know if I believe in the kind of honor you get for dying for kings."


A faint smile. "Safe travels to the city, and good luck with it, both of you."


"Good luck to you too," she says, and then she goes looking for Fingon because Celegorm really did have a point about the whole Gondolin thing.


"Hey. About ready to head out?"


"Pretty much. So, um--Gondolin is a really hidden city, right, that's the point, and you put it on the diplomacy list--are they likely to react badly if I do manage to find them?"


"Ask for an audience with the King, they'll grant you that, and tell him right away before anything else that you can bring back his wife. And our sister, but firstly his wife. And that you're planning to do this, and how your magic works, etcetera etcetera, and don't mention you're friendly with any Feanorians, and you won't have any problems."


"Is he likely to ask if I'm friendly with any Feanorians, and if he does, should I lie."


"Might try to feel you out by saying mean things about them. They'll be true mean things, you shouldn't have to have too much of a troubled conscience over agreeing that burning the boats was a terrible, malicious, spiteful and pointless evil which he's owed an apology for?"

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