An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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Illia scribbles them all down. She can sort through which ones are actually good ideas later.


They can talk all evening; she's very cheered by the subject.


Illia is so in favor of receiving advice of this variety from a new source.


Illia is taking on quite the task.


Well. So is Odette. It wouldn't do to lag behind too much.


"Is that what this is about? Your sister is going to fight a god so you are going to be a queen?"


"No, it's just--a point of comparison? She's my twin, therefore we're equals, therefore if she's going to kill a god I shouldn't complain about the relatively easier task of running a city."


She grins. "I don't know about relatively easier, but - alright. As I said I think you'll do it well."


"Well, a lot of people seem to be managing to run cities, and no one's pulled off killing the evil god yet, so I can only assume the former is easier."


"Elves are good at running Elven cities and terrible at running ours. We manage with ours, but not perfectly, and not to the standards you care about."




"Will there be communications? I'll be interested in hearing how it goes."


"I'm plotting a magic-based mail system and in the meantime I plan to periodically send my sister out with letters."


"In that case can I send someone as a diplomat, which is really to say to write us letters and look out for things of interest to me or you?"


"That sounds like a great idea."


"Lovely. I'll have to think about who but I will let you know as soon as I decide."


"If it takes you longer than I stay here I'll send my sister in a bit."


"When's the coronation?"


"...I knew I was forgetting something."


She laughs. "That's an important something; it sets a lot of precedents, and the Elves will probably attend if invited..."


"Ugh, and I haven't thought about it at all--I think I do want to put a lot of thought into it if it's going to be setting serious precedent--"


"Yes, I think you do. You can make the serious decision to downplay it, but don't make a casual decision to have a casual one. And there might be a lot to gain from playing it up, doing it with a  ton of dramatic magic..."


"I am much more okay with dramatic magic than--gratuitous pageantry, I suppose. It's--the point of Beth Miqlat is to keep people safe and provided for--and magic is a big part of that--not to boost my ego."


"I think your people would value hearing and seeing their Queen assuming a role among equals on Beleriand's stage. It's - you have to wield your pride for your people, yes, but you want to have some. People want to believe in it. And being humble works better when everyone around you doesn't already think of you as lesser.


You're Beleriand's first female ruler in addition to the first human one."


"Makes sense. I do think I can pull of 'proud' without 'gratuitous pageantry,' however."

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