An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Ulmo's the one who built the hidden city where the people who used to live in Nevrast are, right?"


"My brother built the city but he did so on Ulmo's advice and Ulmo is using his magic to protect it."


"I'm not sure Odette will be able to find it to diplomacise at it. She couldn't reach through Morgoth's metaphysical gunk to find the Silmarils when it was suggested she try that."


"It is not obvious to me that would have been a good idea."


"She wanted to see if they would make her need less sleep. Moot point anyway."


"If your sister could fetch them at will it might not be a disaster. But if she only sometimes could, or if the fetching were very destructive - if anyone steals those it's a disaster, right now they're in the hands of the Enemy and that's honestly safest."


"I mean she can very well bask in their light to see if it helps while she's hanging out in your cousins' general vicinity anyway, she wasn't going to withhold them or anything, she is aware that the Oath exists."


"I wasn't worried she'd steal them and force my cousins to try to hurt her, I was worried that once they were ought of Angband they'd be easier for some other fool to steal."


"I think most people would be easier to retrieve things from than Morgoth."


"Yes, exactly. So I'd honestly rather the damned things stay in Morgoth's hands so that my cousins' reckless oath only bind them to kill him."


"I meant that if Odette could get the Silmarils back from Morgoth and someone did steal one she could probably get it back from them before your cousins had a chance to do anything regrettable."


"We've just agreed she might not be able to find Gondolin, or do anything about Doriath."


"Well, not right now, no, but I take your point."


"I trust Odette's decision making but I'll sleep easier if the Silmarils sit in Angband until the war's over and we can immediately hand them to my cousins."


"Noted. I'll tell her that. ...If for some reason you were going to tell me anything you don't want her to know you should not do that, we don't really keep secrets from each other."


"I figured. My cousins are like that. Don't worry about it."


"Okay, good. We can be mutually discreet, she isn't just going to tell your cousins things you don't want her too, but between the two of us--well, I thought I should make sure you knew."


"I try in general not to put people in a  position of keeping secrets for me. If there's something my cousins shouldn't know and you should I'll at least explain why."


"There are also things where if we observe that one of you doesn't know then there's likely a reason, we're not going to go around spilling literally everything you don't tell us not to, but if you don't want us to use our judgement and possibly get it wrong it would be best to explain, yes."


"I am not sure Maedhros tells his brothers everything but there's nothing of even potential strategic relevance which I withhold from him."


"Is it going to sound patronizing if I say I'm glad he has a friend like you? Because I don't mean it that way."


"Hmm? No. He is a person who would burn through himself very quickly if not surrounded by people who care more for him than he does for himself."


"Well there is that."


"That's not what you meant?"


"I think everyone should have a friend like that."

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