Halliwell Manor has been empty for several years. The layer of dust that has accumulated on the furniture is unpleasantly thick. There are cobwebs in every corner, waiting to spring themselves on an unsuspecting visitor. The rooms smell musty, like a waterlogged library. Though the garden shows signs of maintenance, the interior is oppressively lifeless. Without people to fill it, the house has become a shadow of its former self. Underneath all of that, the place is the same as the sisters remember. Halliwell Manor looks like home.
"Yeah, we've met. Did I not give you my new number? I guess that's what I get for you moving away and abandoning me. Speaking of, who was the guy at your door? Not that I was watching from next door. That would be weird. Hi."
"Lan! Gosh, it has been so long! How are you? That guy was just a friend of the family. Anyway, I missed you, tendency to spy and all."
"Things are great over here. Life is so exciting. Loads of stuff is happening. We should hang out, the three of us."
"Is she less, you know, Fernanda? I can stop by whenever you guys want, I'm pretty free."
"But you should come over anyway. Uh, we are kind of busy... you know, having to organize all the stuff in the house and everything."
Spells! Spells that vanquish this demon, that demon, this warlock, that demon...there are entries on specific enemies they might face, specific witches that might be ally or adversary, on whitelighters, on previous members of the family...the book does not cooperate with simple turning of pages, but rather opens to pages based on a mysterious wind.
"I wonder how hard it would be turn this thing digital." Fernanda muses out loud. "I don't suppose there is anything about the basis of magic invention?"
"Fine. I will figure out how unleash a golden age of magic and prosperity myself if that is what it takes."
She can't. It passes moment to moment like a series of photographs, the movement only an illusion of the technology.
She sees a familiar face crossing the street.
He looks at the house, spotting someone in the window. He doesn't spot the car that comes at him from the side.