Halliwell Manor has been empty for several years. The layer of dust that has accumulated on the furniture is unpleasantly thick. There are cobwebs in every corner, waiting to spring themselves on an unsuspecting visitor. The rooms smell musty, like a waterlogged library. Though the garden shows signs of maintenance, the interior is oppressively lifeless. Without people to fill it, the house has become a shadow of its former self. Underneath all of that, the place is the same as the sisters remember. Halliwell Manor looks like home.
It is. Closed, but the image on the front of it has changed. Where once the three ellipses were separated, alone, they now intersect.
Beatrix offers it to him. "As long it isn't going to burn you like holy water or something."
"What do you mean with back? And how do you know there is an afterlife? How does reincarnation works?"
"So whitelighters are a lot like the popular image of angels, and the elders are their leading council. Sometimes, the elders will send dead people back for a while. While they're dead, they can do things like help you with the book. Reincarnation works like most religions that have it say it does. You're reborn, but you forget your past life. They can turn out pretty different."
"What do you mean with back? Are they ghosts? Is there anything that survives reincarnation? Are you saying that everyone that has ever died is going to reincarnate? Are there ways to recover past memories?"
"She wants to know if figuring out immortality through magic is less of a priority. Also, does this means Christianity is wrong? And what is up with that Jesus dude?"
"Is this really what you want to do before learning basic skills? Only witches reincarnate, some witches are Christian but a lot who grow up in it pick up Wicca, they come back as long as the Elders want them to which means I've never seen it happen because I'm not as popular with them as my parents were. Back to the book, please?"
Felicia comes across a demon vanquishing potion! It vanquishes "upper-level demons", and requires their blood.