Halliwell Manor has been empty for several years. The layer of dust that has accumulated on the furniture is unpleasantly thick. There are cobwebs in every corner, waiting to spring themselves on an unsuspecting visitor. The rooms smell musty, like a waterlogged library. Though the garden shows signs of maintenance, the interior is oppressively lifeless. Without people to fill it, the house has become a shadow of its former self. Underneath all of that, the place is the same as the sisters remember. Halliwell Manor looks like home.
"Does this means that I'm responsible for us unlocking our magical destiny? I bet I am."
"If you read the book, yeah. I'm going to try to keep this short so that one," he points at Fernanda, "doesn't kill me. You're all witches, which means you have a few basic powers that all witches have, and at least one unique power. Telekinesis, in her case," he says, nodding at Beatrix.
"I'm not the mysterious mentor figure the Elders are going to send to talk to you. That's your whitelighter, who's supposed to protect you and guide you. You're witches because your mother was, and the line goes back a few centuries. Oh, and you're supposed to fight to protect the magical world and uninitiated innocents. I think that's all the major points."
"And you say Elders, you mean something different from old people and ideally something different from Elder Gods from beyond reality, right?"
"Elders are just more powerful, more annoying whitelighters. Whitelighters think of themselves as angels, which makes sense, I guess, since they're fighting demons, but it's pretty arrogant if you ask me. Not that anyone did. Your whitelighter should show up in the next couple of weeks, pretending to be human until it's 'time'. I'll be sticking around until I'm sure whoever you get doesn't screw everything up."
"I see. Wow, I have so many questions. But one important one. Who are you and why are doing this?"
"I'm failing to see the connection between you explaining yourself and our defense capabilities."
He sighs.
"Fine, no point arguing about priorities. Simple explanation: I'm a Halliwell from an alternate universe that doesn't exist anymore. I'm pretty sure you had different grandparents, so at most we have a common ancestor way back. Moving on. Your active powers will be triggered by emotions. Looks like anger for the telekinetic. And only one of us actually gave a name here."
"Fernanda, Felicia and Beatrix." Fernanda points at the relevant people. "And alternate universe? Why I get the feeling that every single bit of information you gives us is going to triple the number of questions?"
"There was another timeline. I stopped some bad things from happening, and did that by erasing my own birth. My mom was supposed to be one of the Charmed Ones, but instead you are. I'm working with what I've got. If you guys have the powers I'm used to, it'll be molecular immobilization and premonition. First one you can think of as freezing time, I don't think it makes physical sense. Second one is just visions of the future, especially demonic and warlock attacks."
"Powers are usually triggered by emotions. It looks like Beatrix got the telekinesis standby, anger. The immobilization went with fear, especially a surprised sort of panic, and the premonition was mostly tied to wanting to help innocents. 'Innocents' is what we call the mortals who don't know about the magical world and are threatened by it."
"Would a sudden scare count? How about wanting to win the lottery to donate the money to refugees is less likely to produce premonitions?"
"You can improve over time. Prue and Piper - that's telekinesis and immobilization- learned to use them on demons pretty early on. It's easy to direct your anger and fear at the things trying to kill you and hurt everyone. Phoebe had more trouble getting her premonition to work. If you want to practice your powers we can do that, but first thing is figuring out which of your friends secretly wants to kill you."
"Cool. Are we going to find out our apparently-evil potions teacher was in love with our mother?"