Halliwell Manor has been empty for several years. The layer of dust that has accumulated on the furniture is unpleasantly thick. There are cobwebs in every corner, waiting to spring themselves on an unsuspecting visitor. The rooms smell musty, like a waterlogged library. Though the garden shows signs of maintenance, the interior is oppressively lifeless. Without people to fill it, the house has become a shadow of its former self. Underneath all of that, the place is the same as the sisters remember. Halliwell Manor looks like home.
"I have some contacts we might be able to use. It could get touchy now that I'm not Evil, but I can think of one or two who I'd trust not to rat me out or kill me."
"Uh... how much being evil influences their ability to understand incentives and the benefits of trust and the like?"
"They're not stupid enough to burn bridges until they know exactly how far gone I am. If they realize I'm going to oppose almost everything they do, they might."
"Depends on the demon. I don't think there's anything you could have offered to convince me."
They nod. Felicia hugs Theo. "Who is most likely to find out and how do we prepare against them?"
"I have- what you could call employers. They expect reports whenever I go back. They'll notice immediately, and they might not make it obvious if they think they can use me against you. I have some friends who would notice, and I can't be sure if I could turn them."
"How about if we make a list that includes their names, demon types, personality and dispositions?"
Theo lists them.
Ravo, the Grimlock, who enjoys killing good witches a bit too much to stop, but he might be convinced not to turn on Theo if he doesn't interfere with his hobby.
Bartok, the Noxon demon, is brave but stupid, and his temper is famous even among Noxon. He would turn to Good for love, but he'll turn Theo in otherwise.
Dawad, the Executioner demon, hunts anyone his masters tell him to. As long as he has someone to kill (or "vanquish"), he'll play nice. They could use him.
"There are other demons, but they won't notice anything my masters don't."