Halliwell Manor has been empty for several years. The layer of dust that has accumulated on the furniture is unpleasantly thick. There are cobwebs in every corner, waiting to spring themselves on an unsuspecting visitor. The rooms smell musty, like a waterlogged library. Though the garden shows signs of maintenance, the interior is oppressively lifeless. Without people to fill it, the house has become a shadow of its former self. Underneath all of that, the place is the same as the sisters remember. Halliwell Manor looks like home.
"This is bullshit. This should be working, we've covered everything. You have to run out of emotions eventually!"
"Yeah, guess not."
He leans back.
"I think I need to sort out a couple of things in my head, and I've tried everything that seems obvious to me. Can we just...sit quietly, for a while?"
Lan: is hugged.
"We didn't catch any killers today. I think we needed the full triplet power."
"Don't need us." Upstairs? Upstairs! Beatrix's room is not completely moved in, but has a very important feature: a soft bed.
Well, he'll make himself at home, then.
He leans back, arms folded behind his head. He gives her his most "come hither" look.
"Someone has murdered Wiccan practitioners. I don't suppose you know anything about that?"
"We should compare notes then, and one of them means that not all of them? Do you have any of what is the... population density of demonic creatures?"
"Most of them live in Hell. The few that are actively up here wouldn't cooperate with a census. There's at least hundreds of thousands of individual demons, but anything beyond that is hard to guess. Only some kinds breed."