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No Price is Too High

The Chaotic Evil God(s) of Freedom is/are reincarnated in the bodies of desperate slaves looking for any release, no matter the cost. You wake up in a cell, your body a wretched shadow of it's former glory, the deck heaving below you.

Gaining followers will grow your power, but how does one retain followers for ultimate freedom? Last time, all of them threw themselves off a cliff one way or another ... Cause your domain is all whimsy and focus on the self. And there are o so many delicious cliffs to run off if one doesn't pause to think...

Is there any way for your domain to grow when it is so unstable or are you doomed to fade out again and again?

(This is inspired on a DnD 5e homebrew but mechanics and lore will deviate quickly. There is an added mechanic where follower tiers unlock additional powers. The slaver ship is full of goodies and secrets. Good luck escaping!).

Do What Thou Wilt
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Blessed Are The Disillusioned
Hiatused Piercing the Veil [1 2] 26 by Dark