Setting: Milliways
Characters Tagged: Milliways
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
AJ AJ Arson seven-devils permutations
Bar Settings cups-of-dreams ilzolende
Blastralion Blastralion doomofhorrors Genarment
Milliways Places al-termine miniBill
Milliways Bar endoftheuniverse Alicorn
Milliways end-of-the-universe Zane
Milliways World the bar at the end of the universe Lotus
Milliways World The End Diagrapher
Milliways grounded took-me-in perinoveau
Milliways Σ Settings transitional-space Sage/Nemesis
Milliways þeremin (Sgian)
Ramona Sterling Ramona prudence-discarded gretta
The Misplaced Patron [REDACTED] i've-been-everywhere TheBiggerFish
The Wanderer Jamie Wild what's-stopping-you Elle Fanning, Niels Schneider Sage/Nemesis
Vanyel Ashkevron Vanyel Ashkevron no-laid-course Cillian Murphy Swimmer963
Zero Zero Zero horrid-to-the-core Cazion Fhey permutations