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nightshade hogwarts time travel collision
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Monday, September 1st, 1975.

There's a thunderstorm in the Great Hall sky today.

It's unseasonably sunny outside.


McGonagall has to elbow Dumbledore three times, increasingly sharply, before he stands up to give his usual pre-feast welcome speech. He says several words that may or may not be English and sits back down, still staring at the ceiling.

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Okay, so the good news is it worked.

The bad news is what the fuck is wrong with the ceiling.

(She does not say this out loud because she is not stupid.)


"What the fuck is wrong with the ceiling?"


A nearby sixth-year says, somewhat smugly, "if you were taking NEWT Herbology you'd know that if it's not regularly resurfaced -"


"Yes, yes, it throws tantrums, I know. It's every decade and they did it last year, Runcorn, you were there and so was I."


No they didn't.






Peggy leeeeaaaans into Runcorn's personal space. "Ooh, can you tell me about it? I missed it, you know, Quidditch practice."


Quidditch practice.

... he'd skipped Defense class for it. A class that she was in.

He's known Margaret "Peggy" Carter Jr. for five years and her unsettlingly identical mother for forty and neither of them is, generally, given to obviously detectable lies.


Cool, cool, Gadlen definitely knows something's up. This is fine and not at all a giant problem.

(Runcorn has not detected that anything is up and is cheerfully telling her about how very important and critical he was to the ceiling resurfacing project last year.)

She needs to talk to Lupin, and fast.


(and over at the Gryffindor table...)


It's hugging time? Why is it hugging time?

"I love you too Sirius but what about Dumbledore saying gibberish specifically -"


Do not cry do not cry do not cry do not -


Why is Sirius having a meltdown.


"Nothing. Nothing. Everything's fine," says Sirius, wrapped around James like a very distressed octopus.


"......... huh," says Lily Evans.

She contemplates the tableau of her classmates.

Then she digs through her pockets and hands Remus five Galleons.

Then she leans around Sirius, patting him fondly on the temple in passing, and kisses James.





???? !!!! ?????


"Thought you ought to know."


"Not to, uh, interrupt - "


"I think you know why, Remus," chirps Lily, and then she gets up from the table and walks away.


Does Sirius have to let go now. He doesn't really want to.


James is not actually going to take actions that require Sirius to unhug, he's going to sit here with his brain full of exclamation points for a bit. 


yaaaaay :( :( :( :(


What in all fuck is going on over there.

Peggy does not try to communicate with Remus with her eyebrows. They are not good enough friends and it would not work. She just shoots him a deeply baffled frown and goes back to trying to quietly listen for butterfly effects in Runcorn's ramble before she says something else stupid in front of Rob bloody Gadlen.


Why is Carter making that face at Lupin.

Why is Carter making that face at him.

This would be so, so much less worrying if the stupid country wasn't at stupid war again. He doesn't usually miss this badly at his timing but that's what he gets, isn't it, for making idiot choices in 1960.


Ah, fuck, when you do that there's just two of us in here because that's where the multiverse link is anchored. Okay, he probably should have predicted this. Sorry Morpheus, you live here now. 

I don't want to. Put me down.

Can't. Need you to tell me how to do my job. Hopefully you can sleep most of the time I'm doing it. Before that though do you wanna talk to our-- 

He is not ours he is mine.

Well you know arguably he's Death's really--

D̵̠͚̟͕͖̄̾́O̶͚̟̽͌N̴̨̲̯͊̋̎̓́'̵̮̠͕̔T̴͕͓̙̎̀͛͠ ̸̱̦̝̭͒T̷̖͙̑Ȩ̵̛̳̂͛Ṣ̵͍͉́͜ͅT̴̫̋͂ ̵̧̺̘͇͆̓͋M̶̮̟̥̜̃̀͌Ȩ̵̟̰̟̪͆̿̔,̸̡̉́̂̒͠ ̶̮͑̾̚͜͝

 ̸̡̥̠̖͌Ḯ̴̮̓͠ ̵̤̫̦̱͐̆͌͆͂C̴̨͙͇̙̽̎́̚A̶̳͇͑̐N̶̹̋ ̵̨̨̧̮͊K̵̯͇̍͜I̷̤͈̿̈́͑L̶̨̳͒̾̃́̂L̵̼̩̀ ̶͙̩̙̤̊́͒͛̆ͅȲ̴̠̆́͒O̷͓͘U̸̞̼̳̮͚̔̂̏͊

Okay, okay, jeez, calm down. You don't really want to kill me, do you, come on. 

... no. 

Great! Let's talk to Hob, then, maybe he'll know why the ceiling is doing that. Promise I won't touch him until we figure out how to manifest two bodies or something. 

h̶̫̞̺̗͙͂̀̃͐̽͑͘͝r̶̹͛̇ŗ̶̢̜̬̘͓͗̉̽͋͜r̵̛̲͓͙̬̤̥̲͊̍̑̿͋͒̊ǵ̸̼̲͒̀͊̀̓͋͂h̴̡̺̐͂́̍͝r̶͚̺̐̈́͒́̍͂͂̊g̵m̸m̸r̶p̸h̴f̸. all right. this is a very stupid plan, you know. 

Mama always said it ain't stupid if it works! :) 


ow ow ow ow ow ow headache from eldritch hell ow ow ow ow ow


Oh no, friend :( 


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