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crazy little thing
a Serg Sergs it up at a pretty girl
Permalink Mark Unread

Lyrame loves going to work in the mornings.

Not because her job is anything special; it's not. She waits tables at a pretty little teahouse on the northern edge of the island. But she lives near the southern edge, which means she can justify getting up early and walking through the East gardens on the way to work, and there is nothing more spectacular in all the world. Or at least the capital city, but close enough, it's not like she's ever been anywhere else.

She has plenty of time to wander slowly through, enjoying the breathtaking sight.

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Not many people are willing to get up before dawn just to see this amazing sight; some days she has the place all to herself. But this morning there is someone else there.

The clothes he's wearing say 'rich'; the careless way he's lounging on the grass in them says 'very rich'. That delicate silver-blue silk is going to take magic to clean, if it can be cleaned at all. He is sprawled comfortably on the grassy slope that separates the outermost path from the rest of the garden, hands tucked behind his head, watching the dawn with a lazy smile.

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Ooh probably the smart thing to do would be to leave him alone.

On the other hand, she doesn't recognize him, so he certainly won't have any idea who she is...

She is careful to be silent as she spends a few minutes gathering fallen flower petals in her outer skirt.

And then she creeps up behind him and throws them into the air right above him.

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He makes a startled noise, and then giggles delightedly amid the rain of petals.

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She giggles too. "Hi!"

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He beams up at her, picking flower petals from his hair. "Good morning."

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"Good morning! I've never seen you here before."

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"I felt like watching the sunrise today."

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"It's glorious. Most people don't know what they're missing, I think. I come here every morning and I often have the place to myself."

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"I'm definitely glad I followed this particular whim!"

He is not at all looking at the sunrise when he says that.

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"Whimsy is so rewarding," she giggles, brushing a few clinging flower petals from her skirt.

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There's that grin of his again. He has a pretty good grin.

He reaches up and picks a stray petal off her hemline.

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He does have a pretty good grin. "Any reason this whim struck today in particular, or is it true random whimsy?"

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He shrugs. "Today happened to be the day I remembered that it's been a while since I came here."

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"Fair enough!"

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"And you? What random whim led you to dump a skirtful of petals on some poor stranger's head?"

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"You were lying right there! And rich people rarely notice the help, so if I don't know who you are--and I don't--then the odds that you know who I am are slim to none, so I could get away with it."

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"I know some people who'd have leapt up and thrown you over the edge," he says, gesturing down at the railing and past it at the long, long drop to the ocean below. "But, luckily for you, I thought it was great fun."

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"I'm faster than I look! If you'd started to leap up I would have bolted."

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"I guess we'll never know how that would've turned out."

He's still holding the petal he picked off her skirt. He holds it in front of his face and turns it over, looking at it thoughtfully; then he rolls onto his side (ruining his expensive clothing a little further), pokes the petal into the ground, and cups his hands over it. A few seconds pass before a little green shoot pokes out between his fingers; it goes much faster after that, and in hardly another handful of seconds he's picking a full-grown flower and holding it up to her.

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She beams delightedly and accepts it.

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Awwwww. He beams right back.

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She pulls a hair-ribbon out of a pocket and starts braiding the flower into her hair.

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He giggles.

"Well, you've made my morning much happier than I was expecting."

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"I'm glad!"

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He smiles up at her with much the same look he was giving the sunrise.

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She smiles back and sits down beside him.

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He considers, and then scoots closer and rests his head in her lap. Another petal gets caught in his hair.

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Aww. She pets his hair.

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He sighs contentedly and closes his eyes.

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"You're ridiculously adorable," she informs him.

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He giggles. "Thank you! What can I say, you bring it out in me."

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Aww. Pet pet.

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He rubs his cheek on her thigh like an affectionate cat.

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Oh no it's too cute.

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Mmmmmmm, cozy.

He doesn't have anywhere to be.

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Sadly, she does.

Eventually she says, "Alas, I need to leave now if I want to avoid being late for work."

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"Can't have that."

He pats her knee, stands up, and offers her a hand to help her to her feet.

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She accepts it. "Thank you for a lovely morning."

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He helps her up.

"It was a pleasure," he says, and kisses her hand before letting go.

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And she goes off to work and is lightly and goodheartedly teased for the flower and does the shopping on the way home and makes dinner and listens to her sister's chattering about music school.

She continues walking through the gardens to work in the mornings.

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Not the next day, but three days later, the rich stranger is back. This time he's wearing mostly white, with a long sage-green coat drawn close against the chilly nibbles of the early spring breeze. And lying on the grass in the same spot as before, much to the dismay of that poor coat.

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This time the first sign of her is her voice. "I really hope you can magic those clothes clean."

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He laughs. "Eh, they're just clothes."

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"Spoken like a true rich guy. Someone put time and effort into those, you know."

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"I know, I know. And they're lovely. I promise you, I never take beauty for granted."

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"Good." She sits down beside him.

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He puts his head in her lap again and smiles dreamily up at her.

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"You are very very cute," she says, petting his hair and watching the sunrise.

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"So're you." Nuzzle.

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"I'm glad you think so!" Pet pet. "I must really be something special if I can drag you out of bed at this hour when this sunrise can't."

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"I've seen a lot of sunrises. None of them has ever flung flower petals over me."

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She giggles. "How negligent of them."

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He closes his eyes and resettles slightly and pets her knee.

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Pet pet. "You are delightfully charmed by the whole flower petal business."

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"It was delightfully charming!"

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"Perhaps I will have to arrange a repeat performance."

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"I'm definitely going to end up coming back here again."

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"Good." Pet pet.

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Snuggle snuggle.

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Contented sunrise-watching.

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Contented lap-snuggles. He watches the sunrise through half-open eyes, but he is definitely here for the lap and the petting, not the view.

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She continues petting him until she needs to leave for work and then bends down and gives him a brief peck on the forehead before nudging his head out of her lap so she can stand up and go.

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Awwwwww. He sprawls on the grass and beams up at her.

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"See you later!" she calls, and walks off.

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She's so cute!!!!

Anonymous positive interactions with strangers always end in the same terrified realization, unless he stops trying before then; but he thinks he can keep this one going for a while before the inevitable collapse. He shows up again a few days later.

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She flops down on the grass beside him and hugs him with no preamble.

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...he hugs back, gently. "What's wrong?"

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"I wish I knew. Dad's been really stressed out, the past few days--he says it's nothing, but none of us believe him.'

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He pets her hair. "I hope it's nothing serious."

(Whatever the problem is, he can almost certainly fix it - but if he reveals that, he loses her. She might not even want his help, if she knew who it was coming from.)

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Snuggle. "So do I."

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Snuggle. Pet pet.

('If you need anything' - no, he can't even offer. She'd regret it as soon as she accepted, and there would go these lovely sunrises.)

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She snuggles in closer than is entirely reputable, the need for comfort overriding propriety.

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He holds her and pets her and does not seem to care one bit about how improper it is to be cuddling a poor girl whose name he doesn't know on the ground in a public park with grass stains all over his lovely clothes.

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Eventually she sighs. "I should go."

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He hugs her and kisses her on the cheek and then lets go. "Yeah. Good luck."

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She sighs and gets up and leaves.

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He watches her leave.

(If he could just - but it never ends well, when someone finds out they've been talking to the Emperor.)

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She isn't there the next time he shows up.

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It - could be nothing...


Yeah no it's going to bother him until he knows for sure.

He goes to the spot where they first met, and touches the flower he grew for her, and closes his eyes and looks for where the rest of it has gotten to. The simplest thing to try, although it'll only work if she kept the flower.

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The flower is braided into her hair again.

The rest of the scene is...not nothing.

She's sitting in the back room of an auction facility, wearing manacles.

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...ah, fuck.

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He widens his view until he can see which part of the city she's in.

...he could just - not interfere. Let her go on with her life never knowing who she was cuddling in the eastern gardens.

But, as he well knows, legal protections for slaves in his empire are shit. She might genuinely be better off with him at this point, though she's very unlikely to see it that way.

He spies on the auction house's schedule. He considers sending a servant to buy her, or just showing up and confiscating her, but - he wants to be able to look her in the eye one more time before she finds out.

So when she goes up for auction, he's there, in his (pristine) sage-green coat.

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She comes out looking scared but determined. She looks out over the crowd--

and her eyes land on him, and widen, and she meets his eyes with an expression of bare pleading.

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...oh, that hurts. He winces slightly, breaking eye contact, but then looks at her again and nods.

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She relaxes slightly and gives him a small, grateful smile.

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One of the other bidders - he recognizes him by sight but can't place the name - is a known collector of redheads. He makes the opening bid for the girl with the flower in her hair. It's high but not outrageous.

Solekaran doubles it.

The collector makes a startled choking noise.

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...It would be so inappropriate to giggle right now. She does not. Even if she's really tempted.

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The collector, hesitantly, raises by half his original price.

Solekaran doubles him again.

No one else in the room wants this girl badly enough to part with the price of a modestly sized house in a good part of town. The auctioneer calls perfunctorily for further bids, is unsurprised not to get any, and sends her over to the scribe with his enchanted brush.

Solekaran gets up and comes down to collect her, looking... well, sad and withdrawn.

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"...Are you okay?" she asks quietly.

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He can't seem to meet her eyes.

"Ah, begging your pardon, sir, but whose mark...?" asks the scribe, picking up his brush and reaching for Lyrame's arm.

"Imperial," he says.

The scribe flinches.

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Well, that.


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The Emperor waits patiently for the scribe to recover. It's only a few seconds, and then he holds the brush firmly and draws the Imperial seal on Lyrame's forearms, one and then the other, right above where the manacles circle her wrists. The ink glistens as it sinks into her skin, anchored indelibly there by magic.

"There you are, majesty," he says, ducking his head nervously.

"Thank you," says Solekaran. He flicks his fingers at her chains, and they unlock themselves and fall away.

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She looks at his face again.

She thinks.

"...Thank you.'

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...he smiles slightly, the smile of someone who doesn't quite feel secure enough to be relieved, and gestures for her to follow him.

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She follows him.

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As soon as they step into the empty corridor outside the auction hall, he makes a gesture like he's brushing away cobwebs and the air in front of them opens up into a shimmering portal. He steps through.

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She hesitates before stepping through after him.

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The room on the other side is... Imperial.

Emperor Solekaran created this island from scratch with magic, palace and all. The walls and floor and ceiling are all of a piece, and it's a beautiful piece, a pale glimmering cloud-white stone with faint grey patterns not quite exactly like marble. The lights are magical, of the highest quality; he probably made them himself. Likewise the furniture - it's some sort of sitting room, and everything is sleek and plush and gorgeous and obviously exquisitely comfortable.

He plops himself down onto a lovely soft couch and looks up at her with a... somewhat mixed expression. Hesitant, regretful, affectionate, wry...

...maybe a little appreciative.

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She considers this, and then sits down beside him and hugs him.

"So. The thing my father was worried about. Kind of turned out to be a big deal."

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He goes briefly still with surprise, and then wraps his arms around her and scoops her into his lap for a proper cuddle.

"I noticed," he says wryly. "I went to the garden and you weren't there, so I followed the flower." He kisses her hair, just behind the fading blossom; it perks up at the touch of his breath.

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"I'm glad I decided to wear it, then."

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Hug. "I'm—"


"—you're taking this very well."

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"...If...if I'm screwed, I'm screwed either way. If I'm not screwed, acting like I am could conceivably hurt."

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...he laughs softly. "Can't fault your logic, I guess."

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"And you could have hurt me at any time and you didn't. I mean, you're--you're the Emperor--you could hurt anyone at any time. But anyone could have hurt me in the situation we were in, all alone in those gardens. And you didn't. You were so nice."

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"I like... going out alone sometimes and just - not being the Emperor for a while. It's why my face isn't widely known, I don't put it on the coins anymore, everything's the Imperial starburst - because that way it's easier, I don't have to mess around with illusions or any nonsense like that, as long as I'm not around people who know me I'm just... some rich guy. This isn't the first time I've talked to somebody that way - isn't the first time I've flirted with somebody, either - and when they find out it always ruins it. And they do always find out, if I keep coming back."

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"Yesterday morning I was hoping very badly that--that you would show up, so I--I could say goodbye. I thought--whoever bought me, wouldn't let me--that you'd never know what happened to me, that I'd never see the sunrise from those gardens again--"

Her voice cracks. Tears start running down her cheeks.

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He holds her and kisses the top of her head.

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"Please be real," she whispers, crying more freely now. "Please, please, let this not be a stupid fantasy about a stranger I met three times, please, I, I--"

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He gently pets her hair.

"I'm - the same person you met in the gardens," he murmurs. "Everything I did there was real. I really do like you. That morning with the flower petals was the purest joy I've felt in a long time."

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She cries harder, wordlessly, clinging to him.

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He holds her. He pets her. He does not hurt her.

—the crying is having... effects, which she is in a position to notice.

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She sobs herself out on him.

Then she notices.


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...he loosens his hold on her, enough that she would not be impeded in moving away if she wanted to do that.

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...She scoots a little farther away but does not stop hugging him. She raises an eyebrow.

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"...I enjoy having a beautiful woman weeping helplessly in my lap."

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"I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

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"I'm the same person you met in the garden but I am also the same person you've heard all those horrifying rumours about. I don't actually know what horrifying rumours are circulating about me these days. I think the last thing I did that made me wish for better impulse control was throw a member of my administrative staff off the roof of the palace a couple of years ago, do they still talk about that one?"

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"Yyyyyes. Um. Speaking of horrifying rumors. I. Um. Please pretend I found a more diplomatic way of saying this than 'please don't torture me'?"

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"I don't think I'm going to torture you."

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"Okay I was honestly expecting a slightly less ominous answer than that."

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...he half-smiles. "One complaint you'll never hear about me is 'misleading, treacherous, dishonest'. I like you and I care about you and I don't want you hurt, but - I'd need to be surer than that before I started making promises."

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"Okay." Snuggle. "This is still better than--I can reasonably expect to be able to, to ask you for things like going to see the sunrise in the east gardens or visiting my family..."

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He hugs her, careful not to pull her close enough that she has to interact with the effects of her crying fit. "Yeah. I - if I hadn't expected you to be better off with me, I would've left you alone."

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Nod. Snuggle. "Thank you," she repeats. "I was--prepared to go through with it, but..." She shakes her head. "Better me than them. But. This is better."

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Snuggle. Pet pet pet.

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"I have a brother and a sister," she explains. "It had to be one of us, and--my sister has a scholarship to study music, she's brilliant, I couldn't let her give that up. And my brother--he's stronger than he is smart or handsome, he'd end up being used for hard labor. I couldn't let that happen to him."

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He nods.

"I know the man I outbid for you," he mentions. "I'm not sure if you want to know - what your alternative was."

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"Oh, now you've got me morbidly curious, go on."

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"He has a type. Pretty girls with red hair. He buys them up and - I'd almost say 'decorates with them' - dresses them in pretty clothes that show their slave-marks and just sort of has them around his house. And rapes them, obviously, and has them beaten if they annoy him, but he pays the best healers so they'll stay pretty afterward. I imagine their main complaints are mostly the rape and the beatings, but the thing that struck me the first time I went to one of his parties was how boring their lives must be - some of them dance or sing or play instruments, but the ones without a suitably decorative skill just have to stand around looking attractive whenever he's not using them."

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"From the way you asked if I wanted to know I was expecting worse!"

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"There's no household in the empire that's a worse place to be a pleasure-slave than mine. But I didn't buy you for that. I bought you because I don't want you getting hurt the way you would out there, and because you asked me to even if you didn't exactly know what you were asking for, and - because I don't want anyone else to own you."

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Snuggle. "That's really sweet! In a slightly creepy way!"

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...he laughs. He pets her hair.

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"I really really do appreciate it though," she says. "I mean, there is still a part of my brain that's gibbering in terror over the bit where you're the Emperor, but it doesn't have much in the way of credibility with the rest of me."

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"Aww," he says. "Seems like a waste, you being terrified where I can't even see it."

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"Sorry." Snuggle.

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Snuggle. More hairpets. Maybe a nuzzle or two.


"You know, I don't even know your name."

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"It's Lyrame."

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Snuggle. "I know. I'm the pretty one."

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"You're lovely."

...he's thinking about her crying on him again.

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She catches the look on his face and ducks her head and blushes.

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...aww. He kisses her on the cheek.

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She beams at him.

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"...I really want to fuck you right now."

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She swallows.

She starts unbuttoning her blouse. Her hands are trembling slightly.

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...he catches one of her hands and squeezes it gently. "I don't - that wasn't an order."

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She hugs him again. A little more tightly this time.

"I--thank you."

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He wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead.

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She snuggles him and looks sort of like she wants to start crying again but doesn't want to turn him on some more.

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Snuggles. Hairpetting.

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"It's what I thought I was signing up for."

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"I... don't want you hurt. I don't want..." He sighs. He hugs her. "I want to be able to lie in the grass with my head in your lap and watch the sunrise together. Without - without you being afraid of me. This is the closest I've ever come to... not immediately losing something like that, when the person involved finds out who I am."

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"I want that too," she murmurs. "It was--one of the things I was thinking, when I--asked you not to be a fantasy. That if I never got to sit petting your hair with your head in my lap again that would be--something to grieve."

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He nudges her toward the end of the couch and curls up and puts his head in her lap.

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...She smiles down at him and pets his hair.

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He sighs softly.

It's... not really the same, but... it's still nice. This is a good thing to have.

(and she's so pretty when she cries, he wants her, but - sex slaves and sunrises are plentiful; this is rare.)

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Right now she's not really looking at him differently than she did before she found out. Same soft contented smile.

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Aw. He smiles back up at her.

(his his his - he can have whatever he wants and he wants her crying in his lap again, wants to fuck her while she falls apart - but he also wants what they're doing right now, and he cannot have both these things.)

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She continues to pet his hair happily, oblivious to his internal conflict.

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He closes his eyes and hugs her knee and does not do anything regrettable.

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Eventually her stomach growls. Rather loudly.

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He waves a hand vaguely without even opening his eyes, and a little round table sprouts out of the floor, growing like a highly motivated and unusually shaped tree; when it reaches the right height and flattens out, little green twigs sprout up from the pale wood of the tabletop and bloom into enormous flowers, and each of those when it opens contains a plate of delicious-looking food.

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She is startled into stopping petting his hair for a moment, then giggles and beams and resumes while eating one-handed.

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He nuzzles her leg, cozily.

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"They did not feed me this morning," she sniffs disdainfully. "Unprofessional."

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She finishes eating. She continues petting his hair for a while, then pauses, makes a thoughtful noise, and gently extracts herself, only to lie down beside him and snuggle up.

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The couch is more than roomy enough to support this ambition. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek. (The table, dishes and leftovers and all, withers and crumbles away to nothing; the place where its roots sank into the floor ripples and smooths over.)

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"I don't want--losing all your friends when they find out who you really are sounds awful. I don't want to do that to you."

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...he cuddles her.

"Well. Thank you for that. It's - I can't really argue that it's not my fault, though, you know?"

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"I know. But if you hadn't rescued me I would never have found out, and--penalizing my finding out seems like bad incentive."


"I was so scared."

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He pets her hair and kisses her forehead.

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She gives a contented sigh and a snuggly little wriggle and kisses him on the cheek and closes her eyes and takes a nap. She didn't get a lot of sleep, the night previous.

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He holds her while she sleeps.

He has long since stopped picking random people off the street and taking them home to play with. It terrifies everyone to a degree that's just not worth it in the long run. If he wants a new toy he can buy one like anybody else. But he owns her now, and he wants her, and - holding back is starting to feel uncomfortably like mercy.

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A few hours later she yawns adorably and snuggles closer and opens her eyes and has a moment of startled stillness before her expression melts into one of sleepy affection.

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...he hugs her, smiling softly.

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"Thought you were my brother for a moment," she mumbles. "Don't think I've ever fallen asleep cuddling someone I wasn't related to before."

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"--Shit. Speaking of my family--when do the public records of these things become available?"

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"After a few days, usually. Sooner if you know where to look."

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"Okay. Good. My family won't know where to look. I would really appreciate it if I could visit them before then and reassure them I'm okay and can visit them sometimes and ask them to please not look up who bought me. Probably I will have to make up an excuse as to why. But it would be very useful in preventing my brother from doing something stupid if none of them knew until I had a track record of being not traumatized."

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"Thank you." Happy cuddles!

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"I don't think he'd be reckless enough to try to do anything stupid at you, but hunting down and assaulting father's ex-business partner who ran off with the money and left Dad holding the debts? Yeah."

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...snort. "So that's what happened, mm?"

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He pets her hair.

"—I—when you said your father seemed stressed, I thought - 'I can almost certainly fix it, whatever it is, but I can't say that'..."

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Snort. "Well, that would have been more convenient in every way possible. But I can see why you'd be reluctant." Snuggle.

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"...if you want - more money for your family, or something... there's nothing stopping me from offering you Imperial help now."

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Snuggle. "That would...probably be good."

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"Though there's not a lot I can do without being, well, Imperially worrying - I assume they'd figure out something funny was going on if I threw your dad's ex-partner off a roof."

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She laughs.

"Please don't do that. If he dies the money goes to his next of kin and we have no chance of getting it back."

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He chuckles. "Okay, I won't."

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"--Do you want to meet them? Without telling them who you are, at least to start, or ideally that you're the one who bought me--but I told them about flirting with a rich guy in the garden, I could say you--made sure I'd been placed somewhere tolerable, or something."

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"Why not tell them I'm the one who bought you, if they know you were flirting with me already?"

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"Because if we do my brother will draw the correct conclusion that you bought me because you'd been flirting with me and the incorrect conclusion that this meant you were taking advantage of me, and if he believed this without knowing who you really are he might punch you in the face."

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He laughs. "And would they find it reassuring if he did that and didn't suffer for it?"

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"Well then."

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Giggle. Snuggle. "Well, if you're okay with getting punched!"

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"It's not like he's going to hurt me. Takes a lot more than a punch to even get annoying."

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"Fair enough."

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Snuggle. "When's a good time to visit your family?"

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"After my brother gets off work and my sister gets home from school, I guess--what time is it?"

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"Nearing sunset."

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"Oh, gosh, I did sleep a while, didn't I--but everyone's probably home by now."

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He pets her hair. "Let me get you some clothes that hide your slave-marks," he says, and another magical plant grows out of the floor, this time spilling a gorgeous glittering silk dress from its single huge blossom.

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"Holy crap."

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"Now you see why I don't care about grass stains!"

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"Yes, yes I do. Wow." She picks up the dress carefully and examines it like she's not quite sure it's safe to touch something this nice.

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The ends of the sleeves and the hem of the long flowing skirt are a deep forest green, the collar and shoulders a pale sage like his coat, and it fades out in between in a long slow gradient. Tiny emeralds dot the silk, denser in the darker places, running in long curves and graceful swirls up to the paler parts, where they grow sparser and are eventually intermingled with diamonds. The design is - organic; it looks like the sort of dress that might grow on a tree. Flowing curving patterns with subtle well-balanced asymmetries.

He giggles delightedly at the look she's giving it.

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"I'm not sure I can convince my brother you're not fucking me if I walk in wearing this dress."

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"Really? It's hardly a very fuckable dress!"

This is true; it's beautiful without being overtly sexual, modest without being stifling.

"But all right, I'll make you a less ostentatious version—" and the first flower gives up its prize and withers away, and another one grows in its place. The second dress is made in the image of the first, but blue-and-blue instead of green-and-green, with the gems replaced by little glass beads.

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"It's not that it's an eminently fuckable dress, it's that why would you give me something this nice off four days' acquaintance if you weren't."

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"Because I have absolutely stupid amounts of money, and can spend two days a week ruining my best clothes in the east gardens for no reason other than that I felt like lying in the grass to watch the sunrise?"

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"In our experience, rich people are a lot more willing to waste money than to give it to poor people."

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Snort. "Well, fair. Does the second one work or do I need to tone it down even further?"

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"The second one probably works," she says, and kisses him on the cheek.

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"Oh good."

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...She glances around to see if there is anywhere obvious to change in relative privacy.

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There's a half-open door to a bedroom over there, she could try that.

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"...There isn't anyone in there, is there?" she asks, nodding to the door.

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He laughs. "No, go on."

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She ducks inside and changes and comes out and twirls.

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"You look stunning," he says, getting up off the couch to pick her up and spin her around and kiss her forehead and put her down again.

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She giggles and kisses him on the cheek.

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"Let's go meet your family."

He opens a portal in the air, and they step through into the east gardens.

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She grins and steps through. These gardens aren't nearly as wonderful when the sun is setting as when it's rising--but still.

She leads him cheerfully to a part of town that's not particularly nice, but not generally unsafe.

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They look kind of out of place there, in their gorgeous clothes.

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They really do. Oh well.

She leads him to a cute little two-story house and knocks on the door.

There is a slightly lengthy pause, and then the sound of footsteps, and a young female voice asks, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Sissy."

There is a pause, and then the door flies open and she is tackled by a gangly fifteen-year old with black hair who seems intent on hugging her as hard as physically possible.

Lyrame hugs her back and smoothes her hair down gently. "It's okay, I'm okay," she says soothingly, and then to her companion--"This is my sister Elcisse."

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"Nice to meet you," he says, cheerfully.

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"...Hi," Elcisse says hesitantly. And to her sister: "Who's this?"

"This is--my friend from the garden. The one who gave me the flower. ...Also the one who bought me. I asked to visit and he said yes."

"...Oh. Is it--"

"It's not just a one-time thing, I can't come home but I'm fine and you haven't lost me, it's going to be a change and I need you to be brave about it but we're okay, Sissy."

Elcisse gives another quiet sob, this time out of relief.

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There is a sound of boot-shod feet coming down the stairs.

"Who's at the door?" a voice from the stairward direction asks. It sounds young, masculine, and angry, although more as a general undercurrent than in a way suggesting he's angry at Elcisse.

"Liri's here!" Elcisse calls.

There is another pause, and then the clattering of a hasty descent down the remaining steps, and then a young man, black-haired like Elcisse, comes into view.

He looks at Lyrame, looks at the mans she's with, puts two and two together and punches him in the jaw. He's very strong. The Emperor being the Emperor, he's not going to be hurt by it, but unless he's specifically doing something to prevent it, he's probably going to go sprawling backwards.

"ALEMAR!" Lyrame exclaims.

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And now the Emperor is sitting on the ground, holding his face and giggling.

"Is that how you normally say hello?" he inquires.

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"Alemar. No. Apologize."


"Fuck's sake, this is my friend from the garden, he bought me because I all but begged him to with my eyes, he hasn't fucking raped me, I've spent most of the day so far either crying on him or asleep because I sure as hell couldn't sleep much last night!"


"Alemar. This is the best thing that could have possibly happened, once that sonuva bitch ran off. I am fine, and you will apologize."

"...Sorry," he says. He does not sound as sincere as he possibly could. Lyrame sighs and accepts it.

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He gets to his feet and brushes dirt from his coat. It doesn't all come off. He laughs again.

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"How long can you stay?" Alemar asks.

...She glances at Solekaran.

(Alemar's eyes narrow slightly.)

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"How long would you like to?"

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She hesitates, and meets Alemar's eyes. The two of them have a moment of wordless sibling communication and she says, "Well, I think we should at least stay for dinner."

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"Oh--I cooked, it's still in the oven--it won't be as good as yours, but--" Elcisse says.

"I'm sure it'll be great. I'm proud of you," Lyrame says.

"Yeah--I should get Dad. Dad! Dad!" she calls, dashing back into the house.

"You two might as well come in," Alemar says.

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"Thank you."

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Lyrame leads the way in and sits down on one end of a squashy couch.

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- he glances at Alemar, in case Alemar would like to claim the spot next to his sister.

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Alemar watches him thoughtfully and does not move to sit down anywhere.

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"Something to say?"

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"Not really. Not that would be wise, anyway."

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"Eh, fair enough."

He sits on the couch, next to Lyrame but with enough space between them that she would have to move closer if she wanted a hug.

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And Elcisse comes back, helping a middle-aged man who looks like the past few days really took a toll on his health. It may, at first glance, be difficult to tell that he still is only middle aged. His face sags in relief when he sees Lyrame. She gets up to hug him and help Elcisse get him to his chair.

"I'm so glad you're alright," he breathes.

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"I'm fine, Dad," she says. Her father hugs her very tightly before releasing her, and she goes back to take her seat on the couch.


"Thank you," he says to Solekaran, after a long moment of just studying his daughter's face as though he needed proof that she was really alright and there.

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He smiles wryly.

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"I failed her. Utterly. It's a parent's job to take care of their children, and--" he shakes his head. "Thank you."

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"Sounds like somebody failed you, more like."

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"It still should have been me who suffered for it, not her."

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"I think I prefer the outcome where neither of you suffers," he says, with a fond glance at Lyrame.

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Okay now she will scoot over and hug him.

"Still," her father says, shaking his head.

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"Are you all right?" he asks her father. "You look..." He can't seem to think of a word.

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"I'm alright," he says.

"No you're not!" Elcisse scolds.

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"We're not sure exactly what's wrong with him, but his health's been deteriorating badly since we found out," Lyrame murmurs.

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"Sorry to hear that," he says, hugging her some more and resting his cheek against her hair.

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"I'll be fine," the man insists. His children all give him exasperated looks.

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He laughs softly.

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"I should go check on dinner," Elcisse says. She gets up and does that.

"So, ah..." the father seems to be casting about for a conversational topic. "What was his name again, Lyrame?"

"...I didn't say. He, um. Never mentioned it to me either."

Alemar snorts.

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...he giggles.


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"It just didn't come up!" Lyrame says defensively.

"Sure, sure," Alemar says.


"I didn't say anything."


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Awwwwwwwwww. He laughs some more.

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"Only child?" her father guesses.

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"I can't even imagine what that must be like. I mean, technically I used to be, but I was, like, one, when Alemar was born, I super don't remember it."

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"And I'm sure I have no idea what it's like to have siblings."

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"They drive you up the wall but it's so worth it."

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"And Mom died a little more than ten years ago."

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"I'm sorry," he murmurs.

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Snuggly hug. "Sissy was four. I was nine. Alemar was eight. The two of us remember her. Sissy--mostly doesn't."

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So much hug.

(he could fix that - but that's not an offer he can make in her family's living room; not many people even know that he can do resurrection, and it's certainly not within the reach of any lesser power.)

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"So what's your family like, besides no siblings?" Alemar asks after a moment.

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"My mother died when I was a kid, young enough I never knew her to miss her. Caught the wrong side of somebody's ambition. My father when I was a teenager, same cause. We didn't get along well when he was alive, but - I wish I'd had the time to understand him better."

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"I'm sorry to hear that," the father says sympathetically. "My father and I were similar--well, he died in an accident on the docks, but in the sense that we never saw eye-to-eye when he was alive." He sighs. "And now it's too late."

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She hugs him harder, closing her eyes and turning her face into him so Alemar won't see the look on her face.

After all, she's the only person in the room besides "Sekar" who knows whose ambition his father caught the wrong side of.

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Elcisse comes back in. "...Uh, what'd I miss?"

"Talking about everyone's dead relatives," Alemar supplies. "Oh, and he," he jerks his head at the relevant individual, "apparently has a name: It's Sekar."

"What dead relatives does he have?" she asks.

"Both parents, apparently."

"...That sucks. I'm sorry."

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"I wish I could remember Mom better," she sighs, flopping down on the couch on the opposite side of him from her sister.

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He nods. He squeezes Lyrame.

(He's going to offer as soon as they're not right in front of her family.)

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She squeezes back.

"Anyway, dinner's not ready yet but it won't be long. Sekar, you're a guest, Dad, you're not well, and Liri--anyway. Alle, I cooked, you set the table," Elcisse declares.

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Aww. Lyrame's family is cute.

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"My anyway doesn't mean I'm not allowed to cook, if I visit early enough in the day, right?"

"No, of course not, do you think I have the strength of will to deny myself your cooking?" Elcisse asks, and then she half-flops across Sekar's lap to hug her sister.

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Sekar giggles, and tries to get out of her way as much as possible given the absence of any escape routes whatsoever.

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Alemar laughs and ruffles Elcisse's hair as he passes by to go set the table.

"You know, Sekar hasn't heard you play yet," Lyrame muses.

"That is true," Elcisse says, looking up speculatively at him from her somewhat sprawled hugging position.

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"Lyrame mentioned you're musical but I don't think I know what you play."

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"I play the flute," she says.

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"Oh, pretty."

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"I could play something after dinner," she says.

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"That'd be nice."

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"Okay." She snuggles her sister some more. Her sister snuggles back, then hoists her a bit so she's not sprawled across Sekar's lap anymore.

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He pets Lyrame's hair once and then scoots away a little to give them room.

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Lyrame rearranges the two of them so Sekar can hug her from one side and Elcisse from the other.

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This is good. Sekar approves.

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Their father chuckles.

"Wait, has anyone mentioned Dad's name yet," wonders Elcisse.

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He laughs. "They have not!"

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"It's Endevar."

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"And now everybody knows everybody." He pets Lyrame again.

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She giggles.

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He smiles adoringly at her.

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Alemar comes back from setting the table and raises an eyebrow at the two of them.

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Sekar catches the look and laughs.

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He shakes his head. "Table's set."

"Oh, then I should check on the food again," Elcisse says, and gets up to do that.

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Sekar smiles adoringly at Lyrame again.

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She snuggles a little closer, now that there is no lapsister to worry about.

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Awwww. He tucks his arm around her shoulders and rests his cheek on top of her head again.

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"...I'm really glad you're okay," Alemar says quietly.

"Me too, trust me," Lyrame says.

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Elcisse comes back in and announces that food's ready. Lyrame pecks Sekar on the cheek and stands up.

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—aw. He stands up too, smiling his adoring smile.

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Here is table! Here is food! It is reasonably tasty food.

"So," Alemar says, "we return to the question of what to do with the abhorred one."

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—Sekar giggles.

"Well, Lyrame already made me promise not to murder him."

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"Well, duh, then his relatives get to keep our money."

"That was my rationale also," she nods.

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"Yeah, taking all his money and then murdering him would require some finesse."

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Solemn nodding.

"Most of the problem is that we can't afford a lawyer right now," Alemar says.

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"How much does he even owe you, I probably spend more on laundry in a month," he says. "Would it simplify your lives any if I just gave you a lot of money."

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There is a slightly stunned pause. "Well. Yes," Endevar says.

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"I'll do that then."

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"...Thank you," he says, a little stunned. Alemar studies him and Lyrame thoughtfully.

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He smiles at Lyrame.

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She smiles back at him.

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"Are we still going to try to Do A Vengeance?" Elcisse asks.

"Well, it's probably not a good idea to let people see him getting away with it," Alemar says.

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"Generally isn't," Sekar agrees.

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"Well, extralegal revenge won't do anything there, 'man makes off with money and dies of unrelated accident a few days later' is...not necessarily a deterrent," Endevar points out.

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"Depends on the accident. But I take your point."

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"And getting arrested for murder just adds to our problems," he tells Alemar firmly.

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"If anyone's going to commit murder here, it should be me, I'm much likelier to get away with it."

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"And if you don't get away with it, what happens to Lyrame?" Alemar asks.

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"...mm," he says, acknowledgingly.

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"Yeah, that's what I thought," he says.

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"All I'm saying is, as long as he's got you he'd better be a damn sight more careful with himself."

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No purpose will be served by getting into this - but - it itches not to -


"I'd free her before I'd see her in anyone else's hands," he says quietly.

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"...Well, better than not."

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She reaches over to squeeze his hand.

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"--Anyway. I feel like it might--attract the wrong kind of attention. If someone like you was willing to kill on my family's behalf."

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"Fair enough."

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"So. If there's money we can hire a lawyer, and then we'll see where we get from there."

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Shoulderpat. Returning to food. She compliments her sister on the food.

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"It's good," Sekar agrees.

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"If you like her food, wait 'till you hear her play."

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"I am prepared to be amazed!"

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"You will."

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He smiles.

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Elcisse starts talking about her day at school.

Lyrame relaxes and listens.

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And then dinner finishes and Elcisse runs off to grab her flute.

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Sekar is prepared to be amazed.

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Elcisse delivers.

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When she plays, it's like there's nothing in the world to her but the flute and the music. And it pays.

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He is impressed.

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She finally finishes the piece and holds her flute in both hands and bows.

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"All right, I'm amazed," he says.

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She smiles. "Thank you."

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"I like your family," he says to Lyrame. "Even when they punch me in the face."

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"I'm glad."

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Elcisse comes over and hugs her sister. Lyrame hugs back.

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"...It's getting late," she sighs. "And I do want to get up in time to see the sunrise in the morning."

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"Time to go?"

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"Yeah, I think so."

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He hugs her.

"It was nice meeting you," he says to everyone else.

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Elcisse gives her one last hug good-bye.

"I love you, Liri."

"I love you too, Sissy, so much."

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She has similar exchanges with her brother and father. Then she sighs and steps away.

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He takes her hand and walks with her back to the east gardens.

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She hugs his arm.

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When they get there, he hugs her and makes a portal and steps through, back to the comfy sitting room. The dirt on his coat shimmers and vanishes.

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"Thank you."

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He pets her hair. "Where do you want to sleep? —by which I mean: I can make you a bedroom, do you care what goes in it?"

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"Um, a bed? Clothes for tomorrow, I suppose..."

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The next door over from the one that leads to his bedroom is a balcony. Solekaran walks over to it. Stone ripples and shifts, stretching outward; plants root in the expanding floor and grow. When he's finished, a couple of minutes later, she has her own fully furnished bedroom, with a balcony and a wardrobe and a (gorgeous, cozy) bed.

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"Thank you!'

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He smiles. "You're welcome. Goodnight."

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"Goodnight." And she goes into her bedroom and changes into nightwear and snuggles down into her cozy bed and sleeps.

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If he was a very different person, he'd have freed her.

But - he's not. He is Emperor Solekaran, rapist, torturer, force of nature. He killed his own father when he was sixteen years old. And he will not give up what's his.

He goes to sleep. He doesn't actually need to sleep all that much; he wakes up after four hours, and makes the arrangements for her family to receive an obnoxious amount of money and a visit from the most powerful healer in Skygarden. Then he curls up on the comfy couch in his sitting room and waits for Lyrame to wake up.

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When she wakes it's still dark out. Good, she hasn't missed any sunrise. She dresses in the something from the not-crazy-fancy dress section of the wardrobe and goes out into the sitting room.

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The Emperor is curled up on the couch. He smiles at her.

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"Good morning."

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"Good morning. Want to go to the east gardens?"

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He stands up and hugs her and kisses her forehead and makes a portal.

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She steps through into the gardens and looks around and twirls.

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He follows, and gazes adoringly at her.

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She hugs him.

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"—I think I'm in love with you," he says. "And I want to resurrect your mother."

He doesn't quite mean those thoughts to come out in such close succession, but - he was put so far off-balance by that talk of freeing her that he didn't even remember until right now, and he doesn't want to risk forgetting again.

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"You--you want to what?"

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"Bring your mother back to life. I can do that. It's not trivial but it's possible."

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She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him.

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—he goes still for a moment, and then beams and kisses back.

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She breaks away, gasping for air, and then kisses him again.

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The next time she breaks away she doesn't kiss him again immediately, lets go of his neck and places her palms against his chest.

"If you could--that would be--yes, please--"

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He hugs her and kisses her forehead.

"It'll take a while - half a day's work, maybe - and I really don't know how to manage not letting your family find out I'm the Emperor afterward, but if anything would make them favourably disposed to the idea..."

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"No kidding."

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Hug. Kiss. "I can start on it - well, right now, if you want to skip the sunrise for it."

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"No. She's waited a decade already. Let's watch the sunrise."

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He sits down in the grass.

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She sits down beside him. "I missed it yesterday morning, after all; I don't want to make a habit of it."

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...he wraps his arms around her and kisses her on the cheek. "I love you."

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She hugs him back.

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And he flops down with his head in her lap and cuddles her and watches the sunrise.

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She pets his hair and watches the sunrise.

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It's really pretty.

"I want you to be happy," he murmurs, when the sun is well above the horizon.

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Pet pet. "I can think of nothing that would make me happier than the return of my mother."

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He smiles adoringly up at her.

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She smiles affectionately down at him.

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He stands up and stretches.

"You can do what you like with the next twelve hours; I'm going to spend them flying," he says. "I'll meet you back here at sundown."

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"Okay. Um, are there any books or anything in my room, I haven't looked at it very much yet."

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"Yeah. Do you want a portal back to it?"

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"Yes please."

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Portal. Forehead-kiss.

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She beams at him and twirls off to her room to investigate the books.

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And he shrugs out of his coat and pulls off his shirt and tosses them through the portal and lets it fade and climbs the railing and steps off the edge of the island. His wings shimmer into being as he falls, an owl's wings, huge and grey and soft and silent. He skims the waves and hauls himself back up into the sky and glides under the island, flipping upside down to look at the cracks and swirls in the rock. A chunk of the western edge has come loose and fallen off. He calls the wind to lift him up and touches the broken place and makes more stone to fill it, then falls away again, glides, soars, has the wind pull him up into the sky until the island is a distant speck beneath him and his lungs can no longer draw breath.


Lyrame's mother.

He owns her now, he can find her as easily as breathing. And her family, there's a connection there that he can follow. He doesn't spy on any of them, but he reaches out to feel their presence, to trace the bonds of heart and blood that link them together; and, spiraling down in a long glide, he maps the shape of the missing piece...


Half an hour before sunset, exhilarated and satisfied, he lands on the southwestern edge and lets his wings dissolve on the breeze. A billow of smoke and a couple of stray feathers blow away, off the edge of the island and out over the ocean far below. He stretches, then climbs down off the rocky outcropping where he landed. It'd take an hour to cross the whole island to the east gardens from here, but he wants to walk for a few minutes before he portals into his rooms to collect his Lyrame.

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There is someone there, leaning against a wall and watching him darkly.

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—he stops.

He looks at Alemar.

"Evening," he says, not quite casually. (There's no way he didn't see that landing, and people may not know the Emperor's face very well but the wings are a big hint. It is just barely possible that Alemar has failed to connect the two tall shirtless men he's seen in the last minute; it's far likelier that somebody's been looking at purchase records, and is pretending not to know which of course entails pretending not to have just found out.)

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"Evening," he says coolly.

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He smiles wryly and shakes his head. "You know, I'm really starting to like you. It's a pity you've got such a good reason to hate me."

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"It would be really easy to fix that," he points out.

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"Would it really?" he wonders. "If I said 'oh, sorry, never mind, guess I'll free her after all'? I'm not going to, but if I did, would that be it, no hard feelings?"

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"I can't promise that it would all be instantly better, but it would be better, and it's not ever going to be all better if you don't."

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He shrugs. "Yeah, that's fair."

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He studies him. "I think I understand it even less than I did this morning, though."

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"You could tell her--or anyone--to do anything you wanted anyway."

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...he laughs. "True. It's - not really about that, though."

There is really no point in - oh, who is he kidding, of course he's going to say it -

"I fell in love with her this morning. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say I noticed I already had."

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"She's never going to love you back."

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"I thought that anything good between us would be shattered the moment I told the scribe to mark her with the Imperial sun. The fact that she's ever going to willingly look at me again means I'm already well ahead of what I could reasonably have expected."

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"She does like you," he allows. "It's just that as long as she has no choice about whether you can claim any other part of her, she will never, ever give you her heart. That's the one thing that doesn't belong to you, and for as long as that's true it cannot be otherwise. I admit that I take some small satisfaction in the fact that for all your power, there is one thing you would like to have that your magic cannot get you."

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He shrugs again. "Yeah, fair."

A thoughtful pause.

"...I suppose if you already know who I am there's no more benefit to keeping it from you - I've spent the rest of the day doing the groundwork for resurrecting your mother."

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"Fine, I stand corrected."

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...he laughs.

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"...I...I didn't know you could do that."

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"It would get really annoying if people started to think that was something they could get from me - most things I can do, the average person doesn't think it's worth getting my attention to ask for, but for that I'd have a flood of bereaved citizens hurling themselves over the palace walls. But - it's not even that I'm trying to win her over - I want Lyrame to be happy. And this will make her happy."

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"Yeah, it will."

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He smiles.

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"Right now. I was going to take Lyrame to the east gardens and do it there. You can come along if you like."

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He opens a portal to his sitting room and steps through. The shirt he was wearing this morning flies into his hand; he puts it on.

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Alemar looks around with the vague curiosity of someone who half-expected the place to be more visually evil but does not want to admit this.

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It is really pretty and not discernibly evil in any way!

He knocks on Lyrame's door.

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"Coming!" A flurry of footsteps, and then she throws open the door and beams at him.

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He beams back. "Hi. —your brother caught me landing but I think he already knew, he didn't even flinch."

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"I know a guy who knows a guy, and I had nothing more to go on for this guy than a personal name, and that needed fixed."

"I see. Well. I'm glad you're here." Sororal hugs.

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He opens a portal to the east gardens.

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She all but bounds through it. Alemar follows at a slightly more dignified pace. Slightly.

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"This might get a little gross, sorry about that," he says, and he stands on the slope facing out over the edge and holds out his hands in front of him.

Blood pours from his palms, arcing through the air in bright red streams that curve and swirl and twine together and loop back up without touching the ground. The spiraling pattern tightens and condenses and settles into the shape of a woman. When the shape is completely filled, the flow slows to a trickle. He closes his eyes and steps closer, taking deep breaths. The air ripples. The blood shimmers. He exhales and doesn't breathe in again, balancing the magic ever so carefully, fitting all the pieces together. Life and Death, unified, opposing forces coming together into a single seamless whole—

The floating person-shape of blood is abruptly displaced by the real and solid form of an actual living person. Some of it is absorbed and transformed, making the seed from which her body grows; the rest - kind of gets everywhere. Naked and covered in blood and standing in front of the Emperor is probably not a very comforting way to wake up; he frowns slightly and takes an extra half-second to turn most of the blood to water and grow a vine from the ground that climbs up and wraps itself around her and transmutes into a plain cotton dress.

Then he inhales and opens his eyes, and so does she.

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Mirelle is very confused.

The last thing she remembers is her husband tightly clutching her hand as she falls asleep, and now she's outdoors and there is a man she does not recognize and another man and woman who look oddly familiar and--she feels healthy, what?

And then there are two pairs of arms wrapped around her, and she is briefly alarmed, but then--

"Mom," the woman breathes, and the voice is different, the voice is older, but she would recognize it anywhere, and it's immediately obvious why the two of them look familiar--

"Lyrame? Alemar? What--what's going on, where am I, why are you--where's your father--"

Lyrame just shakes her head and hugs her harder. Alemar--

Alemar looks just like his father when Endevar doesn't want to admit something to her.

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"You died," the stranger says helpfully. "Nobody told me what of."

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"I was sick--we couldn't afford a decent healer--what do you mean I died, I'm standing right here--"

She stops, her blood running cold. Is that why only two of her children are here, did they die too?

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"I brought you back to life."

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She opens her mouth.

She closes her mouth.

There is really only one explanation for this, and she can certainly imagine why Alemar wouldn't want to admit it.

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He smiles wryly. "Yeah, sorry."

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"Please don't hurt my children."

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"I'm really not planning on it," he says. And - looking at Lyrame - "Should I leave you all alone to catch up?"

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"Yes please."

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"Okay. See you."

He opens a portal in the air and steps through it.

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"Mom," Lyrame says again, hugging her mother more tightly. "Mom, mom--mommy--"

And this was important too, that she had apparently been gone for--how long? Far, far too long. Her little girl was a woman now, and it hurt, badly, that she hadn't gotten to see it happen.

Still. What's important is--

"I'm here," she murmurs. "Sh, sh, I'm here, it's okay..."

"We missed you so much," Alemar says, voice cracking. Mirelle hugs both of them, wishing that she could just make it better as she had wished for the magic to heal their scrapes and bruises when they had come begging her to kiss it better as small children.

"I love you so much," Lyrame says, and Mirelle gives her a little extra squeeze.

"I know. I love you too, so much. What happened?"

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"It's been a little more than ten years. I'm twenty, Alle's nineteen, and Sissy's fifteen."

Mirelle bows her head. That's really not unexpected, considering. But--

"That's not what I meant."

"Let me fill you in on the background first?" her firstborn pleads.


So Lyrame tells her a decade plus of happenings, including Elcisse's talent and scholarship.

"And now?" her mother asks.

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...She sighs.

"So. I started going to work really early in the mornings because the east gardens at sunrise are glorious. And then one day I saw a super rich guy lounging on the grass, and I dumped a bunch of flower petals on him, and he thought that was great, and we talked, and we got along...

And then Dad's business partner ran off with all the money and left him holding all the debts. And. Some of the creditors were...urgently demanding.

We. We didn't have a choice." Her hand goes to the spot on her sleeve under which her mark rests. Her mother realizes what the meaning of the gesture, combined with her words must be, and hisses angrily.

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"When I--went up--I saw him there. I gave him a pleading look, and he nodded, and he bought me. And--when the scribe asked whose mark to put--"

"The Imperial star," her mother whispers, horrified.

"Mom, I'm okay."

"Like hell. This is the Emperor we're talking about."

"I know but he likes me--he said this morning he's in love with me--he brought you back, Mom, to make me happy."

"He said he loves you."

"In, you know, a the-Emperorish way--he hasn't hurt me and I don't think he's likely to--but he hasn't freed me, either. And I don't think he's likely to."

Her mother purses her lips disapprovingly.

"But he brought you back, Mom. More than ten years you were dead. Dead, Mom. We grieved. And now you're back."

"I punched him," Alemar offers, "When Liri brought him 'round without telling us who he was, and he didn't hurt me over it."

"You did what?" Mirelle asks Lyrame.

"...In my defense, it's not like I could meaningfully have introduced him with the whole truth."

"I suppose," Mirelle sighs. "Still."

The three of them cuddle and catch up on more trivial things for a long time.

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(After a few hours, they might see a winged figure in the distance, out over the ocean, flying.)

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Yeah, they definitely see that.

"...So the next question is how do we break this to Dad and Sissy," Lyrame sighs.

"And, to some extent, all the neighbors--anyone who knew Mom was dead--" Alemar points out.

"Yeah," Lyrame sighs. "...Dad and Sissy don't know who--he brought me to visit, yesterday, they know he's the guy I met in the gardens, but--I was careful to keep the mark hidden."

Mirelle nods. "I have to admit, this isn't the kind of problem I've ever given thought to solving before."

"No kidding," Alemar snorts.

"I don't know, between the fact that I was hugging him a lot and you didn't suffer horribly for punching him, maybe that's--enough to be going on. Given the givens. We can worry about the neighbors later," Lyrame says.

"...Maybe," Mirelle says.

"This is kind of a mess. A glorious, absolutely-worth-it mess, but still a mess," Lyrame sighs.

"No kidding," Alemar snorts. "Do you know if he's coming back anytime soon to talk about this with, or should we just start heading home?"

"I dunno. We could probably wait at least a little while longer."

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The distant figure circles closer.

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"He'll probably be here soonish," she judges, noting the rate of approach.

"Might as well wait, then," Alemar agrees.

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He sees how they're looking at him and glides in for a landing, letting his wings fade as soon as his feet touch the ground.


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"Hi! We were wondering if you had any suggestions for not letting the neighbors know our family has the Emperor's attention. Or, you know, ending up with hundreds of bereaved citizens throwing themselves over the palace walls."

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"I would really prefer not to have hundreds of bereaved citizens throwing themselves over the palace walls," he agrees. "Unfortunately I'm not sure I have any clever ideas for preventing that."

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"Maybe we could move somewhere people don't know she used to be dead," Alemar suggests.

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"Sure, if that works for you."

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"Well. It did suddenly get a lot more convenient to do things that require money."

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He laughs.

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"Maybe that'll work. Moving takes time, though..."

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"Is this a problem I can solve by being the Emperor at it?"

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"I'm honestly not sure."

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"Been a while since I extended the island," he suggests, smiling.

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She beams and gets up from the Momhug to throw her arms around him.

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He giggles and scoops her up and spins her around and puts her down again and kisses her forehead.

"Eastern edge, maybe? North of the gardens? Right over there—" he points to the north end of the garden, where the edge of the island starts to curve inward but could perhaps be made to curve outward instead. "Anything in particular you want in a house?"

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"That is probably a conversation Dad and Sissy should be in on."

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"Guess it's time to go admit I'm the Emperor, then."

A tall flower grows from the ground next to him, depositing a shirt in his outstretched hand before withering and crumbling away like it was never there. He puts on the shirt.

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"I guess. Maybe I should say it."

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"So there's bad news and good news: Sekar is secretly the Emperor, and he brought Mom back to life."

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He laughs.

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"It would be slightly less brief than that."

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He kisses her forehead and hugs her. "Should I wait here while you go do that, then?"

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"It's enough of a walk from here to the house that somewhere nearer there might be better to wait."

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"All right."

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She beams and kisses him on the cheek and helps her mother and brother stand up and takes Sekar's hand and leads him houseward. 

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Ee, handholding.

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They reach the house. Lyrame motions for her mother and Sekar to stay outside, and Alemar opens the door. 

There follows some short conversation, of which the only part that can be made out clearly is a half-shouted, half-shrieked "WHAT!?" from Endevar, and then the door opens and Lyrame gestures for the two of them to come in.

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Sekar is still giggling a little.

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The healer did good work, that's apparent as soon as he steps in the door.

Endevar looks at him like he's not sure whether he'd rather hug him or shove him off the side of the island. Then his eyes slide to his wife, and his gaze softens to something deeply pained and tender. The two of them step towards each other at the same moment and embrace wordlessly.

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Lyrame hugs him.

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Elcisse hesitantly steps toward her mother. Mirelle immediately lets go of her husband to hug her youngest daughter fiercely.

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"This is going to take a while," Lyrame murmurs, tugging him over to the couch.

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He can totally sit on the couch and cuddle her, then.

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She leans into him and watches her family and cuddles him and smiles a smile of perfect happiness.

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Awwwwwwwww. He gazes adoringly at her.

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"Thank you so much."

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He kisses her forehead. "I'm glad I could do this for you."

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She kisses him on the cheek. "This is the best thing that's happened to me in ten years."

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Hug. "I love you. I love seeing you this happy."

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"I'm so glad."

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Tearful reunions! 

Eventually Alemar brings up the house thing. They start discussing that. Elcisse is of the opinion that good acoustics are important.

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"Of course," he says.

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She gives him a tentative smile.

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"Hmm, how about..."

He grows a twig from the edge of a table, pulls it away and smooths over the spot where it grew, and then starts reshaping it into a wooden model of a house. His design sense is exquisite. Pleasingly balanced without being rigidly symmetrical, elegant without being severe.

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"Wow," Elcisse breathes. Lyrame beams at him. Mirelle and Endevar look impressed. Even Alemar gives a small nod of approval.

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He beams at all of them, eyes sparkling with obvious delight.

"I like designing houses."

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"Why don't you do it more often?" Elcisse asks, curiosity overcoming intimidation.

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He smiles.

"I can't keep adding to the city forever," he explains, "and I'm in no hurry to get to the point where I have to raise a whole new island if I want to keep playing with architecture."

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"I guess that makes sense. You could redesign more of the existing city, though, most houses are not that nice."

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"I can, but it's so hard to get people to tell me what they want," he says. "And I don't find it all that fulfilling to play dollhouse with people's homes when I can't even tell if they want a new one or are just agreeing in the hope that I won't murder them, let alone get any meaningful design input. I recognize that everything about this problem is thoroughly my own fault, but here we are."

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"Are we part of some secret plot to make people less scared of you so you can architecture."

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He bursts into helpless giggles.

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"Because, like, I would be okay with this."

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"I'm afraid," giggle, "you're, ah, crediting me with somewhat more advance planning than I actually did."

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"I asked, I didn't say you definitely were."

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"Well, fair." Giggle.

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"If you weren't planning to use us in some secret plan to make people less scared of you, are you now, and if so can I help?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Elcisse," her mother says a little wanly.

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"Secret plans are not really my area of strength," he says. "Maybe I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and see if it helps."

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"It's getting late, Elcisse, maybe you should go to bed," Mirelle says.

"I'm not four anymore," she says. Mirelle winces. Elcisse looks sort of mutinously regretful.

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—well, that's. Not something he has the first idea how to deal with.

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"It's still very late," her father tells her. "Bed."

She rolls her eyes and stalks upstairs.

Lyrame breathes a quiet sigh of relief.

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He's not sure he's ever had this close a look at a - a real family before. All of a sudden it's unsettling how foreign the concept is.

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"Is it okay if I stay here tonight? It'll make my mom a lot happier if I don't just take off."

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"Yes, of course."

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"Thanks." And she kisses him on the cheek and squeezes him and peels off to go to bed.

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He watches her walk away, smiling fondly, and then looks at the rest of them.

"Suppose I should go, then."

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"I think that would be for the best," Mirelle says.

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He nods.

He leaves.

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Lyrame sleeps well in her own bed and goes to the eastern garden at sunrise in the morning.

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And there is the Emperor, flopped in the grass like always.

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She flops down beside him and snuggles up.

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"—I like your family. I wish I could - somehow manage to intimidate them less."

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Snuggle. "Sissy seemed to like you okay. And I don't think I would characterize Alle's problem with you as being intimidated."

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"Yes, I really appreciate that about him."

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"Mom and Dad'll come around." Her mother is alive to come around, it's the best thing!!!

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Awwwww. He cuddles her some more.

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She kisses him.

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He kisses back, slow and soft and deeply affectionate.

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She breaks the kiss and settles in against his side to watch the sunrise with a sigh of deep contentment.

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He cuddles her and pets her hair. But it's awkward to reach up that far without obstructing her view, so his arm ends up tucked around her waist instead.

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Mmmmm she's so cozy.

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Eventually the sunrise ends, and she half rolls onto him and kisses him some more.

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This is a positive development. Kisses! Lovely soft warm cozy kisses!

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Available signs indicate she is also very much enjoying the kisses.

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Oh good.

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She breaks away for a moment, studying him with an inscrutable look in her eye, and then she goes back to kissing him. A little harder this time.

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Yes. Those.

"I love you," he murmurs.

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She shivers happily. "I know. I really really appreciate it."

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He smiles up at her.

"I'm so glad I can make you happy."

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She laughs softly. "You never did stop at half-measures for anything, did you? Not dedicating yourself, and certainly not this."

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...he laughs. "I'm not the half-measures type," he agrees.

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"And I," kiss, "appreciate it," kiss, "very much."

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One of his hands tangles in her hair; the other ends up on her wrist, his thumb brushing over the spot where the Imperial sun hides under her sleeve.

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She shivers and makes a soft appreciative noise.

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"Mine," he breathes against her lips. He doesn't quite mean to. It is probably not conducive to her happiness or her positive regard for him. He just - feels it so strongly he can't not say it.

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"I know," she murmurs, and--well. She doesn't slow down on the kissing, at least.

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He squeezes her wrist and kisses her hungrily, with intense focus.

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"I want you," he says, a little breathlessly, "but I don't—want you hurt—"

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She looks at him thoughtfully again, then kisses him deeply and wriggles so she is no longer only half on top of him.

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...well. All right then.

Kisses. Very kisses.

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Oh, yes.

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He squeezes her wrist again, putting enough pressure on the slave-mark that it starts to tingle warningly before he lets go to take her face in both hands for more very kisses.

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She makes a startled squeaking noise when the tattoo starts to tingle but this does not prevent her from being entirely present for Very Kisses.

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"I," kiss, "would like," kiss, "to tear your clothes off and fuck you right here in the park. Please tell me if you object to any part of this plan."

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"Can you fix the clothes after?"

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"Then no objections," she says, a little breathlessly.

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"Oh good."

He kisses her.

He rips her clothes apart like they're made of tissue paper.

His own clothes wither and crumble to dust and nothingness, much the way his conjuration-plants do when he's done with them.

He pulls her down onto him and kisses her again.

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"I love you," he murmurs. "You're—beautiful and precious and I love you—"

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Are pleased whimpering noises a satisfactory response?

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Yes they really really are.

He would like to make her happy. He would like to make her very, very happy. He is pretty sure he can manage that.

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He can. So. Manage that.

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Afterward, he wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead and closes his eyes and sighs contentedly.

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"Love you," he murmurs, stroking a hand down her back.

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"Mhm." Snuggle.

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Snuggle. Pet pet pet.

He starts picking up the shreds of her clothing and piecing them back together. Tragically, this activity requires both hands, leaving him none to cuddle her with.

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She does not require hands! She can keep snuggling him the whole time.

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Mmmm. There, all fixed, back to snuggles. (His fingertips trace the lines of the Imperial sun, now visible on her wrist.)

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--She giggles when his fingers touch her wrist.

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He brings the mark to his lips and kisses it gently.

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He laughs and lets go and hugs her.

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She sighs happily and cuddles him. "That was amazing."

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"Mmmm. I'm glad." Snuggle.

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Snuggle. "Let's...not spend too much more time naked in public, though, alright?"

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He laughs. "Sure." He picks up each of her hands in turn and kisses the marks on her wrists, then lets go so she can put her clothes back on.

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She dresses, slowly and languidly, and then cuddles him some more.

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He does not, himself, bother putting any clothes on. He does have a soft cozy blanket emerge from the ground and wrap around them to shield them from the rather un-cozy grass.

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The grass is rather uncozy. Blanket snuggles, on the other hand, are super cozy.

...Sudden frightened tensing up is not very cozy, though.

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"...hm?" he says, loosening his arms around her and bringing a hand up to gently squeeze her shoulder.

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"...I just remembered the, uh, rumors about what you do when someone gets pregnant."

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"—oh. I'm not going to kill you," he says. "I do, uh, do that. But not to you." He kisses her forehead. "I want you to be safe and happy and mine forever."

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"...Yeah, but..."  she struggles for words. "It suggests--can you just make sure I don't, I would--not react well to having a child I was carrying killed. At all."

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"Of course." He hugs her, gently.

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"Thanks." Slightly pensive snuggle.

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Forehead-kiss. "There, done."

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"Thanks," she repeats. Snuggle. Sigh.

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"You okay?"

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Wryly: "Who, me?"

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"I don't see anyone else cuddling me with an ambiguously okay look on their face."

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He laughs. He kisses her.

"I'm the emperor of the world," he says lightly, "why wouldn't I be fine?"

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She looks skeptical but kisses him instead of pursuing it.

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Snuggle. Kiss.

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Kiss. "...Okay, if we're going to keep doing nothing but cuddle, let's at least do it somewhere comfier."

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He laughs. "Okay," he says, and gets up and pulls her to her feet and takes her through a portal directly to the side of his bed, which may very literally be the comfiest place in the world.

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It is enormous and covered in cozy blankets. The pillows are as soft as clouds. He flomps into a nest of blankets and holds out his arms.

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She flomps snugglesomely into his arms.

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He pulls her close and kisses her.

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She kisses back happily.

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Mmmmm, kisses.

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Happy wriggly snugglesome kisses!

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Ooh. What an excellent variety of kisses.

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He beams adoringly at her.

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She giggles and kisses him on the cheek.

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He smiles fondly and hugs her and kisses the end of her nose.

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Mmm cozy snuggle. ...Maybe cozy nap.

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Aww. It is so good to just hold her while she sleeps.

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When she wakes she doesn't say anything, just snuggles closer.

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He kisses her forehead and pets her hair.

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Her stomach growls at them.

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He giggles, and grows a table out of the floor with food on it.

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Mmm delicious food.

...She gets a thoughtful look on her face.

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He eats some food, but mostly snuggles her.


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"What would you have done if, the morning I hadn't shown up, it was because Alle had won the argument over who ought to sacrifice themself and I was home crying over him?"

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"...Because that was a thing that could have happened?"

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"Well. I don't know."

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She finishes eating and goes back to cuddling him.

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"Mm. It's - a reasonable thing to ask. I just... don't have an answer."

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"Fair enough." Snuggle.

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She uncuddles, sits up, slides his head into her lap and starts petting his hair.

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...he smiles up at her. "I love you," he sighs.

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"I know."

Pet pet.

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Mmmmm. He closes his eyes and settles his head comfortably in her lap and pets her knee.

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"I think you might have the comfiest bed in existence."

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"I probably do."

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"And so big? What could you possibly do with all this space?"

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He snickers.

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"And I can't even tweak you about being rich because you probably made it yourself!"

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"I certainly did!"

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"I'm impressed."

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Sunny smile.

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"--Oooh. You could repair any damage trivially by magic, right?"

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"Yes, why?"

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She grins and slides out from under him and stands up and starts jumping on the bed like a little kid.

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...he giggles.

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She laughs and keeps bouncing, thoroughly enjoying herself.

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He stretches out and grins up at her, enjoying her enjoyment.

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Eventually she lets herself fall over, laughing, and then hauls herself up enough to crawl over to him and kisses him, still breathless from exertion.

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He scoops her closer and hugs her and kisses her and nuzzles her cheek affectionately.

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Mmmm, kisses.

What did she have to go and put on all those clothes for earlier. It has resulted in her wearing clothes and that's silly.

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Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that they were in public. Or perhaps she just wanted the flounciness of skirts for when she jumped on the bed. Who knows.

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Flouncy skirts are adorable.


His hand ends up wrapped around her wrist again, stroking the seal through her sleeve.

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She has mixed feelings about that!

She does not have mixed feelings about kisses, though. Mm, kisses.

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Kisses are good.

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Yesss. Wriggly kisses.

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Even better.

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She presses against him and makes a small noise.

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He buries his hands in her hair and kisses her deeply.

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"You're so beautiful," he murmurs. "You're amazing. I love you."

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"It feels nice when you say that."

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"I'm glad." Kiss. "I love you. You make me so happy."

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Kiss. "I'm glad I make you happy."

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"Good." He pets her hair and kisses her some more.

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Hairpets: yes.

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Hairpets and kisses and snuggles and running his hands down her back and picking up her hand to kiss the seal on her wrist.

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She gives a tiny shriek at the ticklishness when he kisses her wrist.

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He laughs and lets go and kisses her.

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Yes good.

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Mmmmmm yes.

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Kisses! Delighted wriggling!

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He rolls on top of her; his weight presses her into the bed. He kisses her some more.

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She makes a brief noise of startlement at this but does not seem to otherwise be negatively affected.

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"I love you."


"I want you."

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Kiss. "I can kind of tell." Kiss.

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He laughs. He kisses her again, warm and affectionate.

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"It was so good, this morning."

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Kiss. "Good, I'm glad. Want to do it again?"

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He rolls off of her to sprawl on the bed by her side. "Why don't you take off your clothes this time. Unless you prefer having them torn off you, I suppose."

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"I'm good." She wriggles out of her clothes and tosses them off the bed.

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He pulls her close and kisses her, running his hands through her hair and over her shoulders and down her back. Touching her is good and important. And they are not in public or a hurry, so this seems like a good opportunity to explore all the ways she likes to be touched.

(There's a part of him that's saying - and has been for a while now - she's yours, just take her. But - he wants her safe and happy. She would not be safe and happy if he sank his teeth into her slave-marks until she lost her voice screaming.)

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There are, it turns out, rather a lot of ways she likes to be touched.

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Oh good.

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"Oh, oh yes--please--"

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What a delicious creature she is.

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Any inspection for literal deliciousness he may care to pursue will result in a fresh wave of begging whimpers.

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There is definitely some of that. And at the moment he feels very strongly that the best response to begging whimpers is to give her what she wants.

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This will result in more intense whimpering!

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That's a start.

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What about eventual shuddering and then boneless melting?

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Yes, good, perfect.

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"Ohhhhhh," she breathes dreamily. "That was--oh."

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"I love you." He snuggles up and pets her hair.

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Mmm, lovely afterglowy cuddles.

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They're such a good variety of cuddles! So cozy and warm!

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Cozy and warm and blissful and nuzzly.

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A blissful nuzzly Lyrame is an excellent variety of Lyrame. He will snuggle her and pet her and treasure and cherish her.

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She is definitely feeling cherished right now.

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Eventually she murmurs, "Weren't you going to...?"

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Nuzzle. "I got distracted."

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"Well, I'm not complaining."

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He giggles. "Mmmmm. I really like it when you enjoy things."

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"I know. I'm so, so glad I'm not with someone who doesn't."

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"Yeah," he says, hugging her. "Me too."

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"What would have happened if you hadn't happened to come to the gardens that day and notice me missing?"

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"You would've gone to the collector, I suppose."

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 "Would you have done anything about it, after the fact?"

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"I'm glad. Are you okay?"

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...he hugs her.

"...I really don't like thinking about you with him. I don't - I recognize that most people would still probably rather him than me, but I don't specifically punish my slaves for acting like people, it's... I don't like it."

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"Maybe something should be done about him."

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Sigh. "Maybe."

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"Maybe I'll talk to Alemar, see if he has any bright ideas." Snuggle.

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"What sorts of ideas is Alemar likely to have?"

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"Ways to ruin him where the takeaway isn't just 'the Emperor sometimes decides to murder a bitch.'"

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"What did the last one do, anyway?"

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"The one I threw off a roof? He was one of those people - I thankfully don't get this type worming their way into the palace very often, but it happens - who thinks that because I don't like to do the actual work of ruling and would rather wallow in luxury all day, I must be stupid and easy to manipulate. I told him a couple of times to either stop being so condescending or get the fuck out of my life, but he kept coming back, so eventually I lost my temper."

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"Man, why can't more of the people who are sufficiently unscared of you be people you befriend instead of slimeballs."

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"He was scared of me, he was just - very very driven by his vision of the Emperor-shaped pry bar he could use to rearrange the world into a more convenient shape."

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"I promise if I try to use my connection to you for my own advantage I'll be upfront about it."

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"Thank you!" Kiss.

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Kiss. "Although you've rather been rearranging the world into a shape more convenient for me of your own accord."

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"I love you and I want you to be happy." Kiss.

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"You have made me so, so happy." Kiss.

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"Good!" Kiss. Snuggle.

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Snuggle. Deeper kiss.

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Mmm indeed.

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Kiss. Wriggle.

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Maybe now is the time to get back to that thing they were distracted from.

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Perhaps it is. Would he like to make a more detailed proposal to that effect?

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He pulls her close and kisses her deeply and finds pleasing ways to touch her and murmurs, "Want?"

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"Yes," she hisses through teeth gritted with pleasure.

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As previously established, he really likes giving her things she wants.

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And she really likes being reduced to incoherent whines of pleasure! What a mutually beneficial arrangement.

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There is so much mutual benefit going on here!

Mutual benefit followed by cuddles.

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So. Much. Cuddles.

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Mm. Cozy.

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She thinks back to this morning. "I guess it's not true what they say."

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"About virgins bleeding the first time."

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"Some, not all."

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"I'm not going to ask how you know that. Only partly because I think I can guess." Cuddle.

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Cuddle. Kiss.

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Kiss. "Actually, how do you know? Does the question of whether one is a virgin or not actually come up much?"

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"It's usually advertised when they sell them. I don't tend to care much about it one way or the other. If I want a girl to bleed without my having to put any effort in I can always wait a few weeks."

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...She snorts. "Seriously? That gets you off?"

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He laughs. "Yeah."

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"Huh. Well, for what it's worth, I'm probably due in the next few days."

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He makes a pleased noise and kisses her.


"—I could make it stop, if you wanted," he admits, somewhat reluctantly, when he eventually breaks away.

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"Ooh. Quite possibly. Maybe later, though, if you really like it that much, I don't get horrible cramps or anything."

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He laughs. "I really do like it that much."

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"Weirdo," she says affectionately.

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He kisses her cheek affectionately. "I like blood."

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"That stuff doesn't even smell like regular blood."

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"So: weirdo." She punctuates this with a kiss on the cheek.

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Giggle. "I love you."

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"I know." Kiss.

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"What time is it?"

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"Mm... afternoon... ish?"

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"Should probably go home for a while, update my family on the continued absence of rape and/or torture from my life."

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"...yeah." Kiss.

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Kiss. "Aww. I trust you not to torture me."

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...he smiles. He kisses her forehead. "I'm - glad of that."

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"You have been amazingly good to me so far."

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"I'm very glad to be!"

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"That is part of how good it is!"

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Kiss. "Mmm. Time to put clothes on and send you home? Maybe you can extract some architectural opinions from your family while I'm not there."

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"Sure. ...Although, uh, I have no idea if I look visibly well-fucked, so if you could fix that if I do..."

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He laughs.

He sits up and scoops her into his lap and cuddles her and pets her hair, incidentally detangling it somewhat.

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Mm snugglesome.

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Cozy cuddly pets.

"All right, you can put your clothes back on and you'll look slightly suspicious at worst."

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"Good." She gets out of bed and pulls her clothes on.

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"You look fine." He stands up and hugs her and makes a portal to a street near her house.

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She kisses him on the cheek, amused by his continued nudity in context, and goes through the portal and goes home.

She hugs everyone (including her mom!!!) and makes dinner and manages to get through the whole evening without anyone unambiguously indicating that they have any inkling she's had sex with the Emperor, although she suspects Alle suspects.

She's sound asleep when Elcisse sneaks out of the house in the middle of the night. Morning--or the dark hour right before proper morning, at any rate--finds her in the east gardens, having lost the battle against resumption of sleep.

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Well that's interesting.

The Emperor sits down in the grass, several feet away from the sleeping teenager. He decides not to wake her up on purpose.

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Her eyes blink open after a few minutes. She startles briefly when she sees him, but it's an "oh shit, I did not mean to fall asleep" startlement more than an "aah dangerous thing right in front of me!" startlement.


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"Good morning. Are your parents going to be terrified over this?"

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"Only if they find out."

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"Okay. So what are you here for?"

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"I want to do something stupid and reckless and I want your help."

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He grins.

"Sure. What is it?"

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"I want to be able to raise the dead. What elements did you need to do it and is there somewhere you can hide me where my family doesn't need to know about it until it's over and will you bring me back if I fail?"

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"Life and Death, there's plenty of empty ocean in the world but I don't think I can come up with a reasonable non-terrifying excuse for you to vanish for thirty-two hours so you'll have to figure that part out yourself, and yes, absolutely. A failed self-dedication is a nasty way to go, I hope you realize."

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"It would be worth it," she says firmly.

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"Okay. Good luck."

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"Thanks! I should probably sneak home sooner than later if I want to avoid getting caught."

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He laughs. "Yeah. —do you mind if I tell your sister about this, I'd kind of rather not keep it a secret but I can see how you might be reluctant to have her know."

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"...I would kind of rather she not know until it's over. Um. My birthday is only a little more than a month away?"

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"Okay. I won't bring it up. But if she asks me straight out if I know anything about any reckless birthday-related plans of yours, I won't lie to her, either."

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"Yeah that's fair."

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He smiles. "Nice talking to you."

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"You too!" she says, and dashes off for home.

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He flops in the grass and giggles to himself.

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Lyrame comes by a little later, still safely before sunrise starts.

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"Good morning! Did you manage to get anyone talking about architecture?"

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"No one in my family knows enough about architecture to have strong opinions about it, it turns out, but my mother had opinions about interior decorating!"

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"I would love to hear your mother's interior decorating opinions."

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"She likes pastels for the walls, and dark colors of easy-to-clean materials for floors."

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"I can do that!" Hug.

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Hug. "I'm not surprised but she'll be pleased."

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He grins. He kisses her forehead. "Mm. I love you. I might extend the island today, then."

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Snuggle. "Is it going to be interesting to watch?"

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"Depends how interested you are in lots of rock moving around, I guess."

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"Hm. Not sure."

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"I could go do it right after sunrise and if it's boring you could go home."

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"Sounds good to me!"

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Snuggle. Kiss.

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Mm yes those things definitely.

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And then he can curl up with his head in her lap and they can watch the sunrise together.

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Yes. Good. Perfect. She practically radiates happiness.

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It's so good. She's so good.

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And eventually the sunrise ends and she slides out from under him and bounces to her feet.

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He stands and scoops her up and kisses her and puts her down again and walks north to where the park ends in a short open stair that climbs up to a stone-paved path with just as good a view. He steps out onto the rough stone beside the stairs, and beneath his feet the ground begins to ripple and stretch; he walks forward, keeping pace with its slow expansion.

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Ooh, that is pretty impressive.

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He definitely seems to be having fun.

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She leans against the nearest convenient leanable object and watches.

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The stairs move aside to make room for a new path at their feet, leading out onto the shifting stone. Slowly, a new neighbourhood takes shape. It starts out with just the foundations, the space for houses and storefronts and fountains and parks without the things themselves; then grass starts to grow in places where grass goes, and after that shrubs, and subsequently trees. Solekaran, standing on the far edge of the new section, is hidden from view at that point.

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It's pretty, but it's slow. She eventually gets bored and goes home.

Apparently she mentioned what was going on, because Alemar shows up a while later.

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By this point he's started growing buildings. They rise up out of the ground, a handful at a time, solid stone flowing like water. Some sections he leaves empty, because there's always somebody who'd rather build their own; but even counting those out, there's still plenty of room to play.

It's a couple of minutes before he finishes the set he was working on and glances back at the island. "Hi."

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"Do you have an opinion either way about having a house right on the edge?"

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He tilts his head, considering this.

"I don't," he says finally, "but Elcisse would love it."

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"Edge it is, then."

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"Thanks," he says, still studying him.

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"You said it's not about being able to tell her what to do, so what is it about?"

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He sighs.

"It's about... having her. And you're not wrong that it's an empty kind of having, I know I'm doing myself no favours this way, but it's so close to perfect that I just," he opens his hands, closes them again, "...can't let go."

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"Huh," he says thoughtfully.

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"I apologize if that's not a satisfying answer."

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He laughs softly. "Is it really?"

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"Well, I understand the problem better now than I did five minutes ago, even if I'm not very much closer to finding a solution."

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"Let me know if you figure something out," he says wryly.

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"Will do," he says, turning to leave and giving a lazy wave. He stops, and says, "by the way--thank you. Very much. For bringing our mother back."

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He smiles. "You're welcome."

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He smiles and leaves.

Lyrame comes back a few hours later.

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By this point the new extension is almost done; he's working on their house, which is set into the southeastern edge of the new part, way out on the corner where there's enough edge available that the basement levels of the house can have windows in three directions. There are also balconies wrapping around the very bottom, and a medium-sized private garden tucked into the cliffside. It's not quite like the model he made for them; he seems to have taken that as a basis and then tweaked it to be less ostentatious but added things like the garden and balconies that are nice to have without being obvious to anyone looking at them from the street.

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"It's beautiful."

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"I'm glad you like it!"

He scoops her up and hugs her and puts her down again.

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She giggles and hugs him. "I like it when you pick me up like that."

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He beams, and scoops her up again, and kisses her nose, and opens the door of her new house to carry her inside.

It is, if anything, even more beautiful on the inside.

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"I had fun building it."

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"I can imagine! It's beautiful."

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He smiles adoringly at her.

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"Soooo is this set up with who gets which room in mind, or are we going to have to pick when we move in?"

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"I made some guesses about what you might like."

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"And do the rooms already have beds in them?"

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"Good." She kisses him.

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Kiss. "Want to see your new room?"

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"Yes, please."

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So he carries her there.

It has lovely east-facing windows, and its own balcony, and some well-stocked bookshelves and some empty ones, and an outrageously comfy bed. He sets her down on the outrageously comfy bed and kisses her.

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She is briefly distracted by how delightful the room is but she turns her attention to kissing quickly enough.

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Mmmmm, kisses.

"I love you."

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"I know." Kisses.

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Cozy warm snuggly kisses.

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Her hands come up between them to start unbuttoning her blouse.

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This seems like a positive development!

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She shucks her blouse off and winds her arms around his neck.

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Mm. Kisses. And maybe finding some pleasing ways to touch her.

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Ooh yes there sure are some of those available.

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Good! He likes it so very much when she is pleased by things he does!

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He is very good at achieving this result!

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She is such a delicious creature. And warm and soft and good.

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Soft is not the word she'd use to describe him right now but that's not a complaint.

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Oh good. He can think of some more pleasing things to do under these circumstances!

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She will appreciate these things very much!

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And then they can snuggle in the lovely new bed.

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Yes good.

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"You make me so happy."

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"I don't love you yet. But I think I could, with time."

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...aww. He smiles and kisses her on the cheek.

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"You're so sweet to me."

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"You're - cute and pretty and you make me so happy - I think I've been a little in love with you ever since you flung petals over me." Snuggle.

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He giggles and hugs her. "It was just so cute!"

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"It was just flower petals!"

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"It was... silly and whimsical and audacious and pretty."

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"Less audacious than if I'd known who you were."

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"If you need to calculate your escape routes before you do it, it's audacious."

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"Okay, granted."

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Snuggle. "This is--not the life I would have chosen, but so far the tradeoffs are entirely worth it."

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Snuggle. "It's--not actually the fact that I have your marks on my wrists, that's embarrassing but as far as I can tell you don't actually intend to curtail my behavior based on that."

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"...Even if you set me free, I feel like if I tried to follow my original life plan it wouldn't end well. I--was going to get married and have kids, at some point. And if you wanted kids I feel like you would have murdered slightly fewer pregnant women, and I can't imagine trying to marry someone else going well for my prospective spouse."

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—he can't help a giggle at 'murdered slightly fewer pregnant women'.

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"You're, uh, not wrong, about me wanting kids. I - don't think I have any business being a parent. And when I imagine what I'd feel like, growing up with an immortal all-powerful Emperor for a father..." He shakes his head. "I'm not gonna do that to my kid. And if they didn't turn out like me I'd have a whole different set of problems."

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"Yeah. I'll probably be an aunt someday, I can settle for that." Sigh.

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He pets her hair pensively.

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"Sorry. I--it is worth it."

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"Seems a little silly for you to be apologizing to me for," handwave, "this."

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Melty contented snuggles.

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"You are surprisingly cuddly!"

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He giggles.

"I like cuddles. Cuddles are nice." Nuzzle.

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"They are! And yet, before meeting you, I wouldn't have guessed that the Emperor appreciated that particular finer thing in life."

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"I'm full of surprises."

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"You have the best surprises."

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"You brought my mom back!'

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"It seemed like it would make you happy!"

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"It really really did. There is--just nothing better you could have done for me. Nothing."

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Hug. "I'm glad I could do that for you."

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"Me too. It's--it would make everything worth it, even if you weren't wonderful to me."

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"Well. I still want to keep being wonderful to you."

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"I'm glad."

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He smiles adoringly.

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She reaches out to cup his cheek in one palm and smiles affectionately back.

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Mmmmmmmmm she is so cozy and good.

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"It's a little surprising in retrospect that you're this good at this. I mean, at doing it--generously."

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"I mean...I guess I shouldn't be assuming things. But most of your sexual experience involves torturing people, right?"

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...he laughs. "Yeah. But - I've had a long time to learn a friendlier way of doing things."

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"Mm. I'd call friendly an understatement."

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She smiles and snuggles closer and indicates demonstratively that she would like him to touch her some more.

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He would love to touch her some more.

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She thought that might be the case.

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Touching her is a highly rewarding activity!

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She feels so rewarded.

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So does he.

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Yes good.

"Amazing," she pants, after.

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"Mmmmm. I love you."

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"I'm so glad."

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Nuzzle. "Good."

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Snuggle. Nuzzle. Thoughtful look.

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Cozy snuggles.

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She snuggles him and then props herself up on one elbow and drawls, "So. How happy would you be if I said I wanted to try sucking you off?"

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"I would be very happy!"

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"And how happy is very?" she asks, leaning down to kiss his neck.

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He makes a pleased sound and pets her hair.

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Mmm that is a good sound. Will kissing his collarbone elicit any sounds?

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Yes it will!

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Oh good. She can just gradually kiss her way down, then.

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She will discover so many sounds this way.

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They are good sounds and she appreciates them!

She pauses when she reaches her goal.

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He pets her hair and smiles adoringly at her.

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She lowers her head slowly, and--

she's pretty obviously completely inexperienced at this, but she is capable of responding to feedback.

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There will be feedback.

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Then her performance will improve!

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He is so happy.

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Good. Excellent.